
tear 4,1

“to begin with” curled up wrap around shoulders

wool blanket (soak) rain (dimension) dropping’t “as

with it” push toes shoe ends up rubb’t

sleeveless shirt “100 degrees, today, yes”

no rain inside corner stucco (with)


tear 4,2

window (protection) pull’d shade (s) finger print’d “who

assured you of this?” corner right center

top (smudge) “don’t know” now (,) rug hands

around slap down/up (phone book) floor on

the “you” door swing (just) inches


tear 4,3

head down (twist’d) eye left (lashes) up brow

“think this?” corner desk scraped (against) “no,

not one” wound’d (quiet) over arm chest “this

isn’t” leave (go) sleep (ing) trash around

can (s) drops water (occasion’d) “will


tear 4,4

you describe” ('t) sill window duet gray (hair)

cat (dust'd) (a hole) “means nothing” affect'd

(maybe) inch above once (invasion) less a balance’d

“except a poison” concept “ok, one bullet”

trade'd wool trade blanket’d “to this”


tear 3,1

leg blanket out “another scribble” socks roll up

out (pencil) swing branch (wind) “key term

there” legs straight (up) feet nails toes up

“rather, except ways” object paint’d (wiggle) wind

swep’t brush (ing) spread sock down


tear 3,2

“that design’d” (Scottish) weave’d fire (ing) inner “ah!”

sole won’t foot tripping right (stuck) coat

green crossed yellow/orange “an ad for penis enlargement”

(why it) eye roll “thought” board check

(s) obstacle (dripping ) “look, it’s calm”


tear 3,3

handle (turn) close effort feet forward (wave/particle) one

ahead another ahead struggling “it fails, if…

one does” shuffle (ing) head down (6th Street)

knife (bullet) describing (screaming) “same idea, all”

wiggle (ing) foot hand scratching (it)


tear 3,4

Union street (part one) scratching ankle’s (over) brick

over head (dodge’t) one knife one gun raised

bike cops pull’t knife (once a point) out

“but ‘em” hammering (one nail) “STOP!” (out!)

down floor legs arms spread where’t


tear 2,1

“self or consciousness” picture’d rattle wheel (out) side

hole elbow suit coat “not urgent” bench

rest cold elbow up (face) face’d (look) back

up (siren) rolling (stop) leg arm head

still wheel’d out rip (polyester) where’d


tear 2,2

where “went along the street” roll slowly

bench (off) bus pass (a) left hand

raised walk Hill St. up “it’s a slow

way” (and) sweat round drop (s) along

alone 6th street (LAPD) cruise pass’d