

fat and sitting slow "ah, eh, reh, ahe..." forced once turned tried 'sist 'appear "wearing a gun and smiling, yes" a roar of LA river "eh, ah, ahe, a"

corner to doorway "green light" a room fix 'ed 'em 'per "low, don't know, yet" bad almond taste'd "gonna go into 'tinity "as through'd it it's 'psism "ranging the

window doll right [angle't] "brushed up to it" turning against station wagon {feet to 25 foot} rate 't "want to know, it, things" 'solution ending same gone

ending butted up 'agona gain" 'lusional phenom' no trouble shift't mechanic hands continent molds (t) slowly 'ing fatten sparked fire to arm burn't


cr ossst't't't


cr oosssst'tt


cro  sssst't


"the screen is opened out" 24 x 24 (from sleep to) bright yellow past one car within one person "told, narra tive" ly R's (Hand in Hair) back [look: crying by a car]

waiting moment between (ads) "attend ing't stands out" with thinking shaking twisting to't move "it's over there" yes 'lize'd under 'fir mation connect't "no then"

now then it covers the inter section pants coat shoes hair "me, this" lay arms down 'possible (re) growing up surround ing "let's dance, tapping dance" feet huge stomp "this, and you"

(don't bother] head risen stair way over pass "seeing in the morn ing" smells word/trash smoking deathup "into a third floor room" eye point "me, this... seeing morning in"

"a screen is opened for form" 24 x 24 (sleep) yellow brilliant(s) after car inside a "did't person, re ly had narra" (hand in the hair) it stops backwards [look

ing at: to cry out a car] mo ment wait between (ads) "attend the stands ing't are done" with body(s) movement agi tate thinking to't "what is lize'd 'excess the" yes

under connect't f'mation "new dance" now then "covered hair shoes covering pants section, here" arms low config uration for (re) pos sible growth above it sur

rounds the "deuce us to dance, beating stomp" enormous "two/three feet dance this, and sing" (bothering it'd] does direct rais ed ticket "'ver that morn" eye one third room ass" smells deathup

smoking word/trash "oh, it points me" this excess way stairs... seeing the morn ing 'em"

cro 'sst


cro s't


toes ground resting amorphous out "oh, you call this presentation, well" break at is [dream 'reach out and collapse' flat & young] 'urged as narra tive "wait, it's projection, it"

sleeping (after toes rest) three plas tic "a leather one" right arm shoulder (pulled in) 'vasive 'lapse walked ahead be hind "getup" left there then cares right turn "meeting one eye"

then two eyes (one skull) car seat live 'd "no that's not it" lost two [where overturn] world whole length streets 'sident bone 'd unpacked north hands pocket coat leaning toes in

to shoes beneath paper to un der clothing [one to the other] "did you have breakfast?" paper (newspaper) 'neath a shoe 'creating 'finging undershirt arms out across

to rest fingers amorphous foot worn out for it are "oh, you flame this presentation, well" rupture in is [dream 'reach for is and collapse' smooth & young] 'urged as "wait I

had, tells it, projection it's, it" to sleep (after rest fingers foot) one "a tic three plas coats one" right shoulder arm (pull ed inside) 'vasive 'lapse walked either "getup" a

head hind left imports then for right return there that "meeting one eye" then two it "living creature" no that's car seat 'd eyes (one skull) not entire bone 'd streets 'sident length two

[where overturn] lost world inside un packed fingers foot inclining co vering north pocket hands to low shoes be low paper to "did

clothes giving un [one to other], you has’a breakfast?" to paper (per iodical) 'neath that one undershirt low shoe 'creating 'finging if weapon for is transversal


cro ss't


one walker taped legs 3 bags asleep after stepping slowly stack ed on a bench (zipper eyeing the sidewalk) objects two three and four "another subject dead" since

4am since re appearance luckier today bound in/up 'ma gination "I got a new label ed shirt" pull up the cloth [smile] wet eyes 'jectivity

street to wall to back hand skin'd it fever 'ished now effects (a) 'anism anti thing every's tree to 'vent from pot handle claiming "subjects reach out, again"

and again 'lusions concern holes and pupil'd 'ience watching in sert taken out dropped through repeat 'quently "that's depletion, yet" 't meant standing in front of

walker ed in objects a bank (to zipper that eyeing sidewalk) two recorded the feet 3 asleep bags af ter to step on slowly the stack dead" three citizens

and four to "another since they 4am since that re gination bound to day more fortunate in/up 'ma appearance "I started one shirt" new ed label to pull for top

wet eyes 'jectivity to be dressed [smile] street wall to support hand skin'd that fever 'ished effects (a) now tree thing every's 'anism anti 'vent "subjects demanding

fist guide reaches for, again" a nother time punctures interest 'lu sions and pupil'd 'ience give attention in sert removed had left fall with depletion repeat

'quently "that's, yet" meant position 't front of




"no past, at all" parking lot charge 'd vision't feelings world home (isolate 't) 'rupted 'sures peculiar R's breakfast "ain't it process?" in of that act(s) where secure

ly forgotten (past ed) contin ue (casares) "lights on" [mountain fog] it is 'herent acting dropped through "come on again, some one's here" talk bound (reason says it's)

not past "at all!" no ephem (er al) "pushed to extremes, we wait, pushed to 'lipsistic we wander" ing sing [me under it] at all creation'd self'nd

lost now seducing then 'sidious ly walking tended repeating walk R's looked corner building one up 1st oth er Grand slipped view ing "in fact, is evocated (tion)

"no after, in all" small pecu liar lunch home "ain't world (I solate 't) 'rupted 'sures R's feelings load 'd vision't lot parking it process?" this act(s) where safe

(after ed) on "forgotten ly them" lights continue (to marry) [mist mountain] is 'herent that it acts fall through "come on a nother time, here" some one's limit saying (the reason

says it's) not after all! none ep hem (er al) "pushed to the extrem ities, waits, pushed for 'lipsistic wander" ing sings [me under it] all creation'd self'nd lost

seducing walked one repeat ing tended walking R's 'sidious looked building sings one above fact slide great "in sight oth er, is ev ocated" (tion)




P's confused (can't) dream respon sible candle head(s) ing "writing it" crossing himself five carts lined up role ed fruit & bread fifteen pairs (pants tied) shirts six consid

ered "great, don't mute, not now" selected structure 'tivist "I've pulled weeds, and rocks..." not moved't saying source 'perienced 'sics uttered as 'nist "four wheels on

six legs" brought pooled about 'totype ing't two to a line't initiated (dropped over the freeway bridge) down't for the new ones standing light bike crossing

"on the fucking sidewalk!" where'st considered a [understanding a factor(s)] parents drove by yesterday seeing 'lity reaching linking what reflects 'ive's

P's confused (can't) it writ ing ideal ing sible head(s) can dle respon crossing five cars lined up above fruit & the bread ed

paper fifteen (moor pants) pairs con sid shirts six ered "great, mute don't, not now" the selected structure 'tivist "I've pulled harmful grass, and" rocks... not moved't that 'per

ienced says the source 'sics express ed as "four 'nist wheel on legs" six brought pooled on 'totype ing't two to one line 't (left fall on bridge freeway) down't the news that sidewalk!

"is the crossing clearly, bicycle" on where'st considered parents [that it understands one factor(s)] directed yes terday seeing 'lity to reach binding what reflects 'ive's




looks up 'elfvitiating stomach to intestine "speaking" un 'xpect ed J's wake full (er) 'nism across gravel waged (ing) "pull up the water!" = fear as 'ness'd

dry wind and inject dark (night) light noon "we need him to tell" 'deration car floats pulled when [language] said stops "telling us" losing accompanied sense 'ximity progression

outcomes (ing) parking 30 mph "turn left on San Pedro" from minus fear easy chaos (growing feet) "eased up" [and a] settled newspaper box finger in finger out

"pair of jeans" intersection "not how I remember it" due to cold outcome GSD police head over down arms back in (traded with) subjectivism "thrown up"

looks at above the stomach 'elf vitiating to "speaking" intes tine vigil (er) 'nism full un 'xpect ed J's through gravel under took "pull (ing) above water!"

= fear as 'ness'd dry wind and injects (night) "clearly dark noon needs it, tell" floats car 'deration had pulled when [lan guage] said that "telling us" followed progression

losing direction 'ximity results that park 30 mph "turn left San Pedro" easy chaos negative fear (in creasing feet) "eased up" [and] established finger

box periodical finger is to "pair, jeans not intersection, I remember it" had cold policies result directs the excess arm ed for stops backward (nego

up intestine J's(ing) = wind we floats accompanied



't 10

'phrenia choice 'cised 'nt flat stucco 'flection't 'gressed remain(s) tion "car and dog" racing forms "beat to the orientations' here" P reaches (pocket) it

's door block yellow (lined) 'pate antici'd [dis em bed] me et "shoes jump out, here is" 'tistic 'cratic how is it allocat'd? "uh?" did expect an advantage

unclear it' way (s) 'ting in P (looks at you) eye as eye's nois y "waiting hands" skinned stand ready made 'pro bable "lying in the back" put up as difficult

"really? Failure? one to..." most would see it "hands as hammers, arms wrench ed" 'ter 'uation is 'ble 'king 'ed 'gical P paints the wall with sa liva 'normal subjects are"

tion smooth remain(s) stucco 'flection 't 'gressed choice 'cised 'nt 'phren ia to "car and dog" competing "beat forms to orientations' here" P reaches it (pocket) the

yellow block door 's (lined up) 'pate an tici'd [bed one in dis] me et "shoes jumps, here is" 'tistic 'cratic as is al locat'd? "uh?" it waits an advantage it' to un

clear way (s) 'ting eye P (looks in you) as hands waiting nois y eye's peeled stand 'pro made "lying soon bable ing back" puts as difficult "really above? Imperfection? one... "

the majority IF it "hands as hammers, set ed" key to 'ter 'u ation paintings that 'ble 'king 'ed 'gical P wall with 'normal liva sa subjects are



9 't

(er) internals multiply "please step back from the street" dis harmony an (chromatic) a J's finger speaks up "I'm so tired of it" root ed spoken in tense less each

(s) mono syllable 'pathy J mouths it "cacophony, ca co pho ny" ca ca phon [never new] "beating on your door" a mo ment a while walking a

way hiding under "shit, build ings, rain" context identity trash ing 'olitics dropping "push that cart, that gro cery cart, it's plastic and rolls faster [sung in 2]

or 3 framed or bagging one although't identified but not brok en from't "she died, in her sleep" last night no 'cation pull fingers while ed 60's (windcold) smile (ing)

(er) internals multiplies the back part stage "please street" the harmony dis (chromatic) a finger J's speaks above tire "I'm thus it" root ed said in the time but each

one (s) mouths mono syllable 'pathy J it "cacophony, ny" pho ca co phon ca ca [never new] that "beating in its door" one mo ment one while walking way that hides

under "shit, ings configuration, rain" push leaving to fall ing 'oli tics garbage identity context that cart, this car cery gro, plastic it's and coils [sung in

2] and 3 had more quickly mold ed or bagging one although't i dentified but "she to it en from't brok did not die, in its sleep" last night fingers traction 'ca

tion when smile ed 60's (windcold) (ing)



s8 t't

described (outward street into) J's eyes building (s) flat "it's not that I would it other" to a friend in volved with 'ssocia tion walls around ficus trees

"get up your anomaly (s)" or der them up around 'the block' go sing ing "save me tonight, not in itself things a" pproach 'plicity bot tom 'ntonic 'oid'd

framed J's mind blank rectangle plastic cup clatter wind flat two square 'irectness goal "says, you" category less 'nvity loosened 'spectival sensitive says

"acne scars, left" what was that cut edged rolled (ing) into dimen sion(s) "stay with me, you gotta" moment when stand ing J rests breath in hand bench air condition

(external street in) described J's eyes smooth building (s) "it's not that I it other" a friend 'volved inside with the walls tion 'ss ocia around the trees fi

cus "get above its anomaly (s)" or give they around 'the block' "saving to night go sing me it today, not a" thing tone 'ntonic 'oid'd 'pproach 'plicity bot plas

tic wind two 'irectness clinked cup rectangle blank space mind J's "says squared smooth picture objective, you" cate gory that less 'specti val loosened 'nvity sen

sible says scars "acne, left" what it was that the cut sharpened roll ed in dimen sion(s) "stay with me, you gotta ta" moment where J stands rests conditions benches air banks breath



st7 l't

statue J's face lower (nouns) 'tentous "part condens, ing part" statue after pain "after coughing, I" processes it's sing "determining the next, text" 'tue 'ture forming

throat (played up) J says "it hurts, here, there and here" discrepant'd well should this resolve create sound(ing) over it "as two others" tonight Hyatt tomorrow "I can't stand this

much longer" kept up drunk fucked da zed "creating new ones" n'ones 'man tic 'bination 'n new ones over 'spec tive 'plicity "take up virtue (s)" bottoms dropped

natures 'egory statue'd J's activity 'gruos in 'oral 'atial walk step to step foots "there, here for me" to hot to cold (a once) missed "at whatever, means"

condens lower "part face (substan tive) 'tentous J's statue, part" statue after "after that coughing, I" pain process es it's sing "deter mining the following one,

text" give to form 'tue 'ture throat (play above) J says hurts "it, here, there and here" discrepant'd good if this decide to create sound(ing) on it others "tow" as today night Hy att stand "I can't tomor

row, this much longer" fuck drunk 'zed ones "new" creating "take I excess 'bination 'n new tic 'spec 'plicity n 'ones 'man above virtue (s)" deep left fall activi

ty 'gruos natures 'egory statue'd J's in the stage walked one 'atial 'oral to step on "there foots, here for me" hot one (a time) to "at lacked cold what it wants that, means"



sta 6 spell't

U rolls over "making a room" a space (community) rain waved splash tarp 'section rounding empty to asphalt (added blurring) laugh'd "not whether, merely" make

room & rolling (over right arm) echo drops "each complaint" 'tinguish it intersection U watching "waiting for an accident to" this light 'oom & 'olling "never wit

nessed one" turn left pedestri an two legs from under tarp back ac cording (ly) [difference blur] ing walk out cen ter line "looking for 1st" coat up around dis solu

tion mound of sand piled up "and, how that plays in neutralizing" in windows down face mouth yelling "move, ASSHOLE!" bent up fingers "kick the door" over rolls hated U

windows it faces for low mouth cries out "move, ASSHOLE!" folded above kick the cen for line having that "looking for 1st" covering above around solu dis the light

'oom & wit of "never of 'oll ing nessed one" it turns pedestri left two feet echo room & rolling (right arm excess) leaves to fall com plaint each U rolls on "making

one room" rain space (community) waved to become rounded tarp fin gers door "the exceeding coils had hated U mount tion sand pil ed up above" and as that

one plays neutralizing in in ferior back part tarp that cording (ly) [blot difference] walks 'tinguish it from wait ing giving attention intersection U one ac

cident this 'section of resting empty to "not of asphalt (to added) laugh'd if, merely" it makes



sta ion 5 cou rse

"all of you can go die!" that's it "uh, ah" means as alarm pulled out and (out re) acted instead to ugh [more addict] ed char acter 'butions 'tense in

preferring using which'd wrap ped and round (building alarm) sounding "take this as dis advantage" asn't course tolo gy [up in the morning] 'asleep at the fire' while "ma

ma" dies in the V.A. extend ing serially "shrinking isn 't" forgetting the 'headache' eating chow mein fingers (wrapped it up, again) all to die a die

"voices can go die!" one is it "uh, ah" half alarm it removed (for it re) preferred acted time 'butions 'acter char ed ugh [more vitiat ed] inside to

prefer wrap using itself which 'd 'ped round (alarm building) sounding "take this advantage" dis fool [above morning ] 'a sleep 'gy course asn't in fire' when "mama" the V.A.

extend ing who "shrinking series isn 't" forgetting it 'headache' eat ing fingers mein chow (involved above, a nother time) everything to die


sack man 't

stat tion 4ss is

falling "get these?" asked fail wait ing (Mr. Bag Man) L's heart 'attoo "else we're going n'die!" 'pent 'pression an eye 'd looking 'ticed hands reaching to take (reached 't)

these? "fall get" "else order we're n'die!" going heart 'attoo wait im perfection (Mr. Sack Man) L's 'pent 'pression an eye'd that looks at 'tic ed delivery to reach

to taking ('t reached)


'sis locat'

stat tion 4s fis't

love (only) feelings 'tirely 'tactic shifting "she was shot last" a round 'matic "you can say foreground" (fuckU 'ems) resulted 'atic "and those hands" exhaust dropping

"she dislocating feelings 'ti rely 'tactic love (only) was last" shot one "you round o 'matic say foreground" (fuck U 'ems) "and resulted of 'atic that one hands" to leave to fall exhaustion


c a e f u s e

stat ion 4 fs't

"a sign ed" to me any one "clouds up behind the front (ed)" 'dence 'jects cornered 3rd and Broadway bottle't mar ket ('tactic cuffs) leg'bnd "play with the (each) 'tically

ed signal "a me some" clouds one above behind the front part (ed) en closed 'jects 'dence ket Broadway bottle't March (cuffs) 'tactic leg'bnd "play with (each one) 'tically"



station 3 ls't

"that's a big crap, dude!" oh sir [for give me (future 's)] can can 'turs op erated peeling up paint brick 'et vocab 'ative 'cture brushing off ash isnt (ing) lit now'd

P stands at it "sigh" ing it chick en baggy 'counter 'amine "shewsssh!" to "and there are thematically" bag crisp bag open it up now up standing around it trash can

fire big crapping meaning (s) 'mal "are you ready to forget, it?" not 't (that failure) devalue ((ing)) 'ranted 'terpretive framing out 'ween 'cile

can refuse put fire large "are shit ting the significance (s) 'mal you ’re ready to forget, it?" not 't (this fail ure) devaluates ((ing)) 'ranted 'terpretive framing

out 'ween 'cile lit now'd P stand ing him the "sigh" ing it "shewsssh!" full 'en 'counter 'amine chick en with "and there is the matically" crunching bag open bag it top maintain

ing top holding around him "that 's a large shit, dude!" mister Oh [for elasticity (future 's)] can put out box 'turs operated ‘eeled top vocab 'ative

'cture brick 'et painting sweeping in addition to ash isnt (ing)


sta tion ing is't

station 2 ed

itchy balls leg hairs head lice re sult "ok, asking... what?" sulk till noon po ints suggest ing attached 'ursor nails to slowly express (ion) 'rication 'niably it's

"time to riding" rather index read ing giving "itchy" ness smelled 'tumn relation to one sting needled descendant pointer (s) unwinding 'tached 'iving

'mergent(ly) no logic 'ainty floating at three feet (of such a) val ue reducing [itchy continued pall face in "comments aren't welcome, please, 'way 'thin 'yn crazed] at

irritating hairs leg balls di rect lice about the "ok sult requir ing... the what?" sulky just what inter midday sug gest nails 'ursor join ed ing to express slowly

(ion) 'rication 'niably it's "time with riding" rather 'index read 'ing giving "itchy" ness felt relation 'tumn indicator de scendant upset by puncture

(s) unrolling 'tached 'iving 'mergent(ly) logic 'ainty mo th floating three feet ('un such a) 'ew valley re ducing [continuous face irritate ing in wel

come "comments aren't, please, 'way 'thin 'yn in 'sane ] too


Broadway 'n November


sta tion ed

station 1

pants belt [to the cuffs] scratches re flex "strings hanging" falling away con stant haze presses down "holding at three feet" flatten ed state paired shoes up war 'dicted ceiling limit

ing disappears (ache ing) one hand pock et "car to car" intent together toward relate away past "no change" no re ference 'red face' 'tivi ty up condensing 'tration

orange cone hold a broken strap ['erniated she is] fore grounded press ed into L says "passing in, direct" trans it flattens ends 'biliz es (not) within "this crisis,"

the leather strap pants [to cuffs] scratch re hanging" "strings flexible handle" the absent haze stant con fall pressures low "hold ing in feet" three it smoothes shoes pair been ed above lim

it ceiling war 'dicted disa ppears (finds it) ones pock hand et "cars to cars" together intention relates change "pass ed absent no" none fer ence re 'red face' 'tivi 'tra

tion condensing ascending ty orange hold cone filled with earth press ed brace ['erniated is] front broken L says "passing inside, dir ect" transport smoothes extremi

ties inside 'biliz es (not) crisis "this, ... "


zzzz's on


"the divide is the bridge" over LA river 1st street J's feet look feet then feet as feet

when the sitting socks carefully laid out was "no I remember" washer through

each feet as each feet "coher....ence" washing out spread (spreading) out from the corner down [alluvial]

divide lost from

language(s) influence (ic) "what's the watt?" picture singing picture ends moment end moment J says "oh yeah, possible image"

setting the table together "what is what?" melting in your mouth intimidated

overcast shifted "from violet to" include not [a thing] or that's footer claiming attention J sings "to your

eyes I

sing, to your heart" attentively feet looking feeting then "construction works at painting, mudding" sundown shadow in the

river bed walking the wheelchair sing "to your heart" pink against 'a blue'

[feetfoot pair ed] nothing to remember clouds dusk (it imaging) river 1st street J's writing numbers:

each feet wash ing

"the divided is bridge" feet street J's exceeding river LA look at the feet then placed feet socks seating care

remember no washer through each feet each "coher....ence" feet wash itself propagation (to

spread) sing low [ alluvial ] divides lost influence language(s) (ic) "what's watt?" moments J ends

moment end picture sing picture says "oh yeah, image" possible adjust "what

together table, is what?" to melt mouth intimidated to "dislocated overcast violet" from

thing includes not [ ] attention demand J footer that sings "to eyes I sings, heart" attentively

looking "feet feeting then" construction works painting mudded shade sundown bed river walks wheelchair sings "to

its heart" rose meeting 'a blue' [pair ed feetfoot] nothing to remember written

street J's river dusk clouds (it, latent image) numbers: each feet wash


w's at


Mara raised around each corner (four bags) down leg up [bench

stood 'anding] J's laughing again juice shop pants legs tied

tape ankles "no mosquitoes, up her" not a moral staple

to be pulled ing (then pulling falling pull) intrinsic referencing

yellow socks black hair "each around" leg down "no glasses"

"tell us about the time you got stabbed" not critical

"in the sense" night blooming jasmine now the fan is

off "in the doorway" punched against the back both forces

characteristic 'cumbing sense paralyzing (again, to tie the laces) lower

legs number "got stabbed" got stabbed unconscious largely both back

J succumbs 'reduce it to inertia' ed to Mara's needy

difference radiovideo color black cross inter 'rencing repeated (therefore as not)

"taken, as history of house painting" ah as authority to

J's crisis in the entryway "quoting you, me" trying to

walk out (afraid to move) (to look (afraidto) speak)

Mara raised around each four bags) for low foot ['anding been bank]

ascending J's sings it (that another time laughs more

mosquitos the feet "no ankles, adhesive ribbon pants store juice,

above her" moral cramp intrinsic pulled ing (it pulls then the fall traction)

referencing socks yellow "blackens around" "each hair, foot glasses" no for

low "tell time started stabbed" "not, critical sense" jasmine blossoming night

now the fan "doorway" perforated meeting back part

both feet lowest paralyzed

'cumbing characteristic direction forces (another

time, to break bows) number stabbed "got, both start unconscious" stabbed most(ly)

stop backwards J succumbs 'reduce it inertia' ed to cross needy 'rencing black

color radiovideo difference repeated Mara's (consequently not) "taken,

as history painting" house "ah, as the authority to crisis" J's entryway "quoting, me" to

try walks is (distrustful to move) (to look (afraidto), speaks)


firms up


"guarantee that it all corresponds" someone who "same feeling" martyr it "this, it" ((I,") left with) mapping each out 'tingent corner J's wearing two coats two pants other (dense possessive) "accident, 'stance, won't not walk, sir?" push in another direction possessively (sion) sundown light stopped to decide (decision) left

step step down eject'd stomach step down out essential'ed repeat but: from once gesture ing hand to tongue throat to point like (ly) full vio 'lch 'ited eager ness 'nous 'gry stepping stepping down ejecting things is stress 'tred pulling repeated number exercise ing 'ty 'tive 'tic 'less 'rative J's mouth

opens wide equaling de rived sexual six a.m. shapeliness ness rye distill "had a great" time borrowing 'sounding eager, again' pictures behind the door "your heat is mine, tonight" step on the curb reading to the door stucco yellow on practice leg muscles atrophied ankle above stepping up and down't

"guarantee this it all it corresponds somebody that feeling "same martyr" it "this, it" ((I, ") left with) tracing each one for 'tingent J's sings that consumes two coverings two pants other (possessive dense) "accident, 'stance, walked won't not, sir?" pushes one another light sundown

possessive direction (sion) stopped decide it left (decision) stage low stomach eject'd stage low repeat essential'ed but: a time that the hand gesture tongue throat point step on anxious full (ly) step ness 'nous 'gry vio 'lch 'ited below 'jection things is stress 'tred pulls repeated mouth 'ty 'tive 'tic

'less 'rative J's exercise number wide opens equal six ness sexual 'rived shapeliness a.m. rye distills "had one great" time asks 'sounding anxious, again' pictures behind heat "your door are mine, tonight" steps brake atrophied reads the yellow stucco door ankle the muscles foot practical one above stepping on above and down't


pin pulling


peering out of the enclosed entrance (sitting down) where un leave able "it's cynicism, too. Just ask." the building is "blue and pink" across regular noindis tinct 'pircism street demon strate'd 'which that be' it need not concerned with (any) method ical isn't be it "get up and walk!" this

isn't available apprehend (sion) 'ability "ok, thinking about, it" colliding 'mology echo [stairwell steps down] J's leg sores ((smell ing) infection) "that's rags piled, that's vile thrown, that's my home" 'vailable 'hended where garment drunk dazing wind southern based 'low connecting two immaterially whole [walk stairs up] necting t mat

what's seen out side (standing up) objectinterobject facing restored black flicker whiteblue spotted eye balls blue blackwhite wake "a sentence about consideration" re-write chewing cheek "don't have the answer, no" interobject staired pitched ing to immaterial turning back into "no, revelations" backed into blackwhiteblue flicker glass pane

watching outside include entrance (that if it seats) where un capable "else is cynicism, too much. part apnea," the building is "hazel & rose" through demon to regulate street 'pircism 'tinct noindis 'strate'd that one is does not interested with method (some) ical is it "lean and walk!" this apprehend available ability (sion)

"approved one, thinking approximately," sores foot echo 'mology [stages for low] J colliding stairwell ((infection ed ) ing) "piled up cloths, played home" is mine 'vailable 'hended where garment drunk dazing based low point south 'wind connects entire mat 'necting immaterially two [stairs walked] 't what seen for (being above) lateral coverings objectinterobject restored the blue vigil(s) spotted

blackwhite spheres eye black twinkle whiteblue "a sentence, rewrite consideration" chewing mordant "no reply, no" interobject staired launched back 'poreal turn in ", revelations" supported glass plate twinkle blackwhiteblue


v.2...2... .ed


"thought, relinquished on up, pouring drain down" time to drive J's thinking 'big

balls' dis 'tent isn't he came out earlier doorway pissing

"nose to the wall" reaching permanent (no) n yet some

says "writing in sentences" pointing like 'nargarjuna weeps, ing' 3

steps down waiting back response not forwarded or stepping nor

encounter ing pushed out (meta) fuck them "it's not emotional

fields newly turned" J backs into the doorway 'olated "none

edges this moment here pours over," placed said stage'd and

murder ghost ing reflects 'off of Mexico' TAXA flights $199

Puerto 'llarta them fucked turned into directly reference usual (as)

de reflection signed twiced away quality bricks aged reader logo

s "dressed up for Saturday, come on, lets go coher

ent (another partial number) 'where as' therapy backed into doorway

"not fixed" J's eyes between "and the glass is not

opaque" opens up belief that doesn't 'flection "Saturday, come on"

"thought, abandoned on above, down" spilling drain hour to direct J's

that thinks 'big balls' the dis 'tent isn't came "nose pissing

more advanced entrance to wall" reaching (none) permanent n however

does not say "writing in sentences" pointing as 'nargarjuna weeps, ing'

3 stages for low they wait sent back reply or step on nor meeting eliminated

(goal) "fuck them turned" emotional fields "it's recently ‘ack parts in

edges that" none entrance 'olated this moment here special tax on J said

"placed ghost stage'd and murder reflects" 'off Mexico' $199 flights Puerto

'llarta that TAXA fuck’em directly turned in reference usual (as) signed reflection

twiced reader who aged quality absent bricks soon s "dressed above for

Saturday, approached, leaves to go coher (one another partial number)" 'where as'

the therapy supported fixed not entrance J's eyes enters "and that the glass

is not opaque" it opens above opinion that doesn't 'flection "Saturday, comes on"


u.3...2... .s

u.3...1... .


"start over, again" raise itup (itup) back n' hand broken motor hearts

as's night held't whilewhile you play a blue "tune" to

con se quent "rather than" tempor al start again chug

chug-ug syntag (mom's home, now!) play that across 'tic "clean

up the mess" 'matic E's arm up it's mantle-ing despite

one thing then another "depending nec cesity" to 'cognize't many

folding chair against [it's just the Figueroa stairway] 'peatable re

evented walking around a pile 'of shit' shit my arm

on digged stick through 'tention contingent [can trash fire] it's

lower smoldering thing another one dependent ly shit'z E's walk

away differ "the street turns purple tonight" one eye open

squint sighted feet sideways rested head "that's only a slight"

shuffling un ground pained foot to foot caught "spotting significance"

a louder voice "says it all, ya know?" hand to

face blanket pulled back light two eyes opening "truth ly"

"start on, again" it raises itup (itup) n' back held't hearts

delivers it the broken night to it as's engine whilewhile game

one "tune" blue for con than "quent" rather IF the start al tempor

chug another time syntag chug-ug (mom's home, as) "clean 'tic plays

this through ascendant mess" arm 'matic E's above spite mantle-ing

it's a thing then one another one 'cesity depending nec 'cognize't much

chair folding itself meeting [it's stairway Figueroa] 'peatable re

evented to walk around stack 'shit' digged through arm on

pole with 'tention [can fire lower garbage] it's contingent that

smoldering thing one walked ly a dependent shit'z E's differs

moved away tonight "purple one returns street" an open

eye squint feet the rested head sighted "that's laterally one

slight" to shuffled land un cause pain foot to significance

spotting stopped "says higher a voice it all,

know?" ya hand to face pulled genera(lity) stops backwards

illuminates two eyes that open ly truth


t.1...4... .


oh jeez "Eliot’s symbolism is almost complex" rituals eaten after

(after) location on "filming 3am 4am 5am" bunch'a cars up

and down "feet bouncing, remember?" smelling the back 'sizzling' dull

"you don't walk blankly, do you?" no almost whole block

lit'up numbers one yard between lines sidewalk ing north in

"it's pull up the pants and walk away, way, AH!"

struck off dis course it heading to a bus stop

hands in out "holding a large role" in out "forme"

smiling "forme" for conscience food no send yet suggest net

holding cuffs above shoes before thinking "pull up, pull!"

14... 48... 22... 56... 31... 06... 39... 14... 48... 22...

57... 31... 06... 40... "I don't know why" assumptions not

values per 'bism as 'rism as 'da one device on

another figure 'ation "you know" begins with names opening out processed

whether "pulled up" from meteorite (s) by rocking 48... narra...

the symbolism "Eliot jeez oh, almost complex" rituals after eaten

(after that) the position in "filming 3am 4am 5am" cars bunch'a for above low

"feet that it jumps, remember?" smelling 'sizzling' back it don't "you dull walks

blank, makes you?" no almost entire block lit'up numbers one yard between line(s) ing

sidewalk inside north to pull top "it's the pants walks moved away, way, AH!" hit outside

dis role covers heading to hands a bus is in "holding one, great" it are "forme" "forme"

smiling the food conscience none emits however suggests liquid arrest cuffs

above low shoes before thinking above "pull, pull!" 14... 48...

22... 56... 31... 06... 39... 14... 48... 22... 57... 31...

06... 40... "I don't knows why(s)" values assumptions

not for 'bism as 'rism as the device 'da one in

another figure know "it" you it 'ation starts the

names that open processing if "pulled up" meteorite (s) for tells

48... to it balancing...



s.3.0.4 "comman'dd?"

"it's this point of view" bad for

is said but edge'd it says some

steel window current thing that something

only says the current ing assumption

ly giving above vowels "it's this, too"

non 'weyou' the current essential cut

error face'd 'band for mountain ranges

wants point sight isn't "this, " un

this shelf rainless (absence) 'slugging

scotches supports two that smoke

parliaments one by one 'one of "sand

& lonesome" example colors complex meaning

'thermore four months of "so, so"

edges to "Buk" glass as 'after ly 6pm

shows above and drinks my whiskey,

mine to smoke cigarettes then fucks me 2am,

too' 'ned bag for low has adjusted

to the difference isn't as arranged

sun stops backwards delivers 'flicted

"followin' those points southern" the EL

Paso starts (sand dunes enter) since

that Little Rock Dallas "symbolize,death,

winter" the bag rank low

enters "might all also blink the point

that it spots for are

west" followed low difference



rrr.. "spoon'd?"

"walkff" stagresence "mais sloezzanine fow whiurns

tbsent circlre armbove smoos lookit inccess

"concentratied" ligack paraffic sloime toiir baisappearance subjead pad togethase ligtreet braround

"facame, samhing timeing ahing onother onoesn't iurt?"

maar thiay atep s truct fos speciotes writty oou

extir& "skillabor" plaands surroundertain thmake occurrinn manifestt" posmooth thxcess streos Angelerrat') (songer

risnd abolevator rigide leathtrap lot "jeeimple

appearannside stagn ot's tainly aboivision fingeircle

fos Alisoave scratchut "timeoo mureen ligho accessintrations

itnother tiame tome faco 'thants belpimples, all"


"walked off" Main steps down mezzanine ramp "is presence" as

E turns away circles arm up Aliso standing looking

on ramp traffic back red light "concentration access" time to "bad

air" disappearance and subject together paired curb street light base

around "same faces" same time one thing but another "thing"

"doesn't your head hurt?" car this way one foot truck tread s out special ly written

notes about extirpa te & "skilled labor" or hands placing

compassed certain that way occurring "make your manifesto, post it"

Aliso at Los Angeles Street over (irrat') not longer (s)

E scratches above the belt right side lift look pimple

"jeez" appearance within a manner it's two steps mainly up ward

in circle fingers out wave ing Aliso's scratching too green

lights "times to accessing" 'trations it's again same some faces 'ther

pants down "pimples, all"

"walked off" stages presence "main" is slope mezzanine for low while turns

the absent circles are armed above smooth is looking at in access

"concentration red" light back part traffic slope time to "air bad"

disappearance subject had pair ed together base light street brake around

"faces same, same" thing timeing a thing one another one "doesn't it hurt?"

main car this way a step s truck it foot is special notes written ly on you

extirpa & "skilled labor" place hands surrounded certain that "make occurring

in manifesto, it" post smooth the excess street Los Angeles (irrat') (s) longer

risks and above elevator right side leather strap look at "jeez" pimple

appearance inside stages in one it's two mainly above division fingers circle

for is Aliso's wave scratches out "times, too much green lights to accessing" 'trations

it's another time same the some faces to 'ther pants below "pimples, all"


q.14..5..2 "oney?"

"honhrough strei!" wavithers fre "count'eome tonighxcess "comiuh? " buhe hainside

fingandage foyeball toint lesaises foreheye fourneyed" beiothered destinhrough fuh,

tranquou iased in," halumniate (tii!" tave canne "sawrick loadio tricks the bir)

abilicraping fy" (less) viewed(iaxative objectiatting (paddilose) sounpposing

iroeturn prefeen coupli's [thoug??] "shithits" despairet unlehe reubstances onvincy,

bote 'soluhat ielieves teem clearore possibbsent thinurrently aftind coh, coint

sentimeou wrinternals, atage abooverings staibsent doround "ereeen, I'vhe entiday

about tast uere "gonliding orack hanphoira Eit involvhe principlowly aounds), choose

up?" fohe intaarticle feelid) (sdearemesis


"honey, across the street" waving "Hi!"

another out come "count'em"

"coming over tonight?" huh? but

hair within bandage finger to

eyeball point less up eye brow for

destined bothering "journeyed"

thru tranquil "oh fuck, you based

it on," calumniate (tion)

"hey, Hi!" waving cannot be "saw't"

carrying brick to bricks

to birth (to) and scraping ability

by "by" objective (less)

laxative viewed(ing) patting

(padding by) sounds opposite H's [thought]

coupling viewed instead returning

"shit's irony, shits" despaired it unless

actual matters convinces "by, by"

'dote 'solute rendering two appearing

clearly plus possible away things

currently past mind to come

sentiment point can "oh, you write

internals, and" step up

stair facing in away door out

"I've been standing around"

all day here all "about to blow up" 'phoira E's

hand rail (slowly involves principle

as sounds) slide "gonna pick

me up?" toward intact particle

'dears' feeling memesis (d) (s)



"do you think they got it all?" cigarette hand brown and black

waited paper in hand "it's a big lump" window mirror

distorted presented outside considered useless one story more cup full

choking vomit on awaken E's about "helpless forces" another hidden

distort eyes widen "they got it all?" layer & layer

speak bursting candies "peach & strawberry" 'ware ness collapse "gotten

all" bringing (ing it) sorption worldly lation imulus (tial) fond

confronting (nothing?) "being isolation" being rec cog nized peaches 'dies

confront not (objects floating in streets metaphor) pullout another sentence:

"but why am I?" ('daires) but tryings strawberry (isolation) ones

E's toes (updown) tapping fingers end pointing "pull those

up!" down once as isolation two powered greater by three

'adored baby' "someone's duty to" relent (soften) amount ing repeat

"even another toe tapper, but once is" vomiting motion left

"toes a tappin'!" back ended scenic what send'd a tappin'!

"do that you think that all?" had started it brown and black waited paper

"it's disposed hand cigarette one lump" great the mirror window distorted the

presented external part considered history that useless vomit blocking full cup

awaken on E's on forces "helpless hidden others" distort the eyes widen "they had

started all?" to it layer & layer speaks blowing up "peach & strawberry" candies

collapse of ness 'ware "gotten all" bringing (ing it) to become attached (tial)

worldly imulus lation sorption (nothing) isolation "being to be cog" rec nized

peaches that 'dies not (objects that floats metaphor streets) pullout one

another sentence: "but because am I?" ('daires) but strawberry tryings (insulation)

ones E's toes (updown) the extremity beating fingers pointing "pull that one up!"

for low a time as greater insulation two powered for three 'adored baby' to "duty of"

someone's relent (softer) repeat an amount "even one another beat finger

foot, but a time one is" toes left movement vomiting "one tappin'!" back part

finished scenic that send'd one tappin'!



head leg chest arm (s) bumps

skin "scratch'em off" that

obstacle consist (lot parking

between) closed chained placed along "pale'd

face" O rubs big toe [identity]

whiskered leg head self'd

meaning ending stopped (lighted)

caught "little thing that runs around"

open 'pressive chest & arm whether

'coherent isn't once cancer

'd one growing out 'visible (ly)

taped [mouse] shifting visible

"in love" and bound division love'dem

framed ing in

head loving side door is barred

[sentence to questioning] 'order

'urden of back 'argins "love to tell,

this is a

substitute" reason urged out love's

measure'd one meter crossed in

smell poured concrete fresh (sand)y

fogged windows ground level

"my left foot came off last night

and hopped away,

hopped away" (time again) steps

down to metro [riding to

Pershing Square] 'anguage peddled it 'tology in results "hopping away, hopping away" unenclosure focus 'sult regretting "it's temper, frail temper"



that's embrace bent back luckier clarity raised curved bad fortune

pulling "further down, away" marked normal amounts ticket drop through

disease [encircle'd pleasure infest quick] climbing four legs fence (over)

situate hope less 'cipation ants dead bird chance loss (t)

of product (of) "it's too vague Jack, it's vague just"

embraced accident (icon) played pointed (less 'cessive profit'd eating peanuts

bread sliced turkey (cold slaw) sharp cheddar cheap cabernet "emerging

out the door the gun man hunched over" (get out

and eat) currents hands to fondness around movable eyelids "amour"

idol (bluegreenred) 'bivalent 2nd story windows turned out four inches

'cessive embraced passion(ing) "I'm sorry" 'this space' 'mobile N's heart

thump breath artery to street/walking cheek to window(s) dead timed

to meet "dash to use" raising over the floor now

hand to face 'sease dismantled "ownership is empower" mented squared

'fested fully stretched arms nose eyes to window 'peeking' forced


sleeping again - Los Angeles St.


"coma's done" bladder's empty this cart change small can under the box of shorts/t-shirts "can't find the yellow jacket hole"

row of ten cans (oil now dirt) "Denny's eggs and bacon" stretched and blue tarp "it came and was over

after two days" grinning floating (sunglass) body dropping dead th(rough)

direct pervade (two by four by six) stop straining "time to go home, bro?" (ly) bottle on his right bags

left bandage left toe "the meditator has a choice" fist 'fectious where quantity and bottle 'alance size achieved 'whelming weight

marking relation possible stable ships hearer concentration razor strips delicately

"intensified interest" foot drag arm swing head turn stop (six by 4 by 5) objects shift as awareness stop head

turn drag foot swing "put those eyes back in your head" questioning look passed before

speaking smiling possible not experience not street not six by 2 by 3 feet

done coma's bladder's "can't empty this small can change car under the box wing of shorts/t-shirts hole" yellow covering row ten eggs and bacon cans (oil dirt) now "Denny's" it strained and blue tarp came after on days "two, smiling the body floating (sunglass)" that it leaves to fall th(rough) inoperative direct pervade (two for four for six) stopped that strains "time to go for house, bro?" the bottle (ly) in its left meditator "the finger foot bandage left right bags one choice" fist 'fectious where the amount size bottle 'alance had obtained possible steady razor concentration hearer ships relation marking weight 'whelming peels delicate "intensified interest" straining return head rocking arm drag foot (six for 4 5) for objects dislocates as "put that rocking foot drag return head slump conscience those eyes support in head" the look questioning passed before talkative possible street not smiling not six experience not for 2 for 3 feet


sleeping - Los Angeles St.



on a bench in 'transit plaza' napping "one rape two rape

three rape four" stairwell down grounded the dash driver said

"this is my ten minute break, you'll have to wait"

ten minutes unable to forgive principle'd the 'inary plead ing

excluding self awareness settled body holding 'nomenom rare penis trust

ing altruistic (ally) "yours, liking?" as if remains charged 'lution (d)

'istoring 'itched pale "his long silences, slipping, I think" backed

(seeing angels) that is LAPD pitched between lunch and dinner

smoothing a contra (furry) soothed apparent heel ache (ing) forming

long silences tenth items listing scripting "liking your is, slipping"

another bench tiedup in perspective one tried convicted 100 others

soothed into sooth(ing) firm (ary) in behind wall protect (ed)

get up vomit "formal marriage" between s owing solutions "girl, you've

been fucked" badly 'irm from unspecified said it specious 'oping

carried throbbing bound down opposed "it can't be" deliberate amounts

in a bank in 'transit plaza' "one napping two four" breaking break three stairwell filled with earth for low said "this driver trace is mine ten minute rupture, you'll that wait" ten minutes incapable pardon principle'd 'inary plead ing excluding the established body conscience self that arrests the rare confidence penis 'nomenom "your altruistic ing (ally), liking?" as if 'lution loaded remains (d) 'istoring 'itched pale long silence "his, sliding, think" it is supported (seeing angels) that LAPD launched between lunch and the supper smoothing against it finds apparent soothed (furry) jump (ing) giving form articles long silence ten it signing up "liking scripting its is, slipping" one another one tiedup bank in perspective attemped convicted 100 others soothed in the firm sooth(ing) (ary) inside behind wall protects (ed) arises marriage" "formal vomit, between s" that must "girl solutions, you've been fucked" badly 'irm said unspecified 'oping specious loaded be "for the low opposite throbbing" can't limit deliberate amounts


sleeping on 2nd, again


sharing [other signs]

telescope "not beginning"

D reacts (tion) shirt

off fast walking stop talk

"beginning tomorrow I will I

will I" turn bus up bus

up along shake waist

reach around "I'm going,

I'm going" huh huh pass stop

look backheadturn shaken'd 'scoped

"to have been possible" present

percocet evening (perfect) ly

meta hand'd 'jected sick "my friend"

bitter'd origin orient 'verge

choke ing first rather goal (less)

shake waist more "saying that organizing"

'erms 'eir wards 'oint

D reaction some "times" n

exis [tence] packed bags signed

away turnhead en'shake d'scope back

"had mind in" what(ed) whated

what even day during

jolly what converging

July days as

an origin first one goal +-

less place or one

"I'm just joking!" I'm just

D waits except screaming "I'm just!"

'ceived 'tached "can't be

tapered, must be coldly felt and

freed authorize'd phenol 'rivative

(D) I'm just, joking!" mar velous

sharing [beginning not telescope other signals ] D reacts the shirt (tion) is colloquy walking fast door that "beginning tomorrow me will I" will it turns the bus above to the long one the reach around "I'm that it goes, going" waist agitation I'm "to backheadturn shaken'd 'scoped look door ticket huh huh was possible" gift friend my sick ly (perfect) goal hand'd 'jected night percocet bitter'd east origin 'verge choke ing waist agitation objective first to rather (less) that "saying this organizing" 'erms to 'eir wards reaction 'oint D some "times" requirements n [tence] had packed in "signed absentee bags mind" had turnhead en'shake d'scope stops backwards what(ed) what ed that day glad uniform during days converging July as a first origin an objective + - little place or one joking! just "I'm, I'm, D just waits except crying out just!" I'm 'ceived 'tached "can't either well formed, must cold" be felt and only exempted phenol authorize'd 'rivative (d) I'm, joking! march ve lous


Sleeping on 1st Street, again


oftheoftheoftheofthe J remembers

missing ofthe(s) of the

meaning and restraint theoftheof

realm'd sign'd the turn onto Broadway

leading (white large paint blocks)

to Pasadena or Silverlake oftheof

leafs under veins speaking "look emotion

'eact 'ction as'nt forced(ing)

of theof four leveled leading

away 'hamma didn't see(s) 'fore

"always another signal" as'nt

forcing force D cornered clear end ly

'hipping where once it's 'volved

investigated tolerate J blinks it 'ather returned ing

'ather returned ing ooze ing revealed

signals 'nother ways 'tained usable

ranging 'cope 'omastics origins get's

up "oh, enduring s longer names"

arms across [pulled up passive] 4

officers signal'd car force

'gress pants up pulled left leg

(out) slap sandal down right

foot slide bags belly stare around

flashing red hand various

'sive 'ource car/truck "eyes in blackout,

overcast" stopped ing

hip to thigh unattached swinging

wide non existent knee 'miss'd

D's shin angle 'nert inside scope around

circumference back footflap

oftheoftheoftheofthe J remembers that lacking ofthe(s) theoftheof realm'd sign'd meaning and restraint the return Broadway that leads (the white blocks great painting) to oftheof Pasadena or Silverlake turns pages under the veins that say forced(ing) emotion 'eact 'ction as'nt "look see(s)" absent leading leveled 'fore theof four 'hamma didn't "always one another one signal" as'nt that force D enclosed the clear extremity 'hipping ly where a time that it's 'volved investigated tolerates blinks J it returned ing to 'ather returned 'ather ing ooze the origins varying usable disclosed get's in ways 'tained 'cope 'omastics them signals to 'nother above of "oh, resisting one's names" longer s arms through [pulled for top the passive voice] the force car 4 officers signal'd 'gress pants above pulled left sandal for low that bags sliding one right foot swell fixed look around several 'sive 'ource car/truck "eyes of blink red hand in the blackout, overcast" stroke foot (for are) hip stopped thigh unattached balancing wide the angle non existent 'nert shin knee 'miss'd D's inside space around foot flapping back part circumference


Sleeping - 1st Street 1.1


lighter light beers cigarettes pipe crystal beer nirvana routed ing re "whether that's accepting attitude

toward" equivalent J's shooting s 'tars and above "getting'up, right hand, left knee" 12th street

show (piling) poly torpid s styrene "I'd like to quote the story of a man" cramps swelling 'manner of' taker knees

less the than removed one minute 'tom an hour "what I thought I felt"

rebar along bottom sand open fasten road ing 'treet since it's 'adios Mexico' worry 'bout emphasis

fuck that [worrygriefpain] J's back pulls up exerted "create the abyss, cross it off" repeating peels skinning 'plexion lashed (s)macked

"can't save every one(body)" apoplexy'd mention caress move [ment] inflec 'tion s forming heats crossing Vignes to 'Denny's) "one support'n" raining down causing

intractable ness ed ot (hers) un rea [show 'ament] labeled "puts up his perch for rent" structures may be abundant (junked speeding (d)) dishevel usef' remnant

clearer clear cigarettes beers lead

the distributed ing beer crystal

nirvana re accepted "whether that's

that toward" attitude J's equivalent

that goes off in s 'tars and above

"getting'up, right hand, knee" left

styrene poly "I'd torpid s sample street

(stack) likes to cite one history man"

cramps that swell to 'manner of' knees

taker less one removed one 'tom minute

one "what hour thought felt" to rebar to

the long one opened inferior sand arrests

ing 'treet road since it's 'adios Mexico'

it worries the fuck emphasis 'bout that

[worrygriefpain] J's supports "create

above exerted the tractions abyss, cross

it off" repeating the rinds that peel 'plexion

skin (s)macked "can't one(body)" conserves

each give form [ment] inflec 'tion s

movement caress mention apoplexy'd heats

Vignes crossing "one support'n" 'Denny's)

rain below cause the rea intractable un

ot ed ness (it) [shows 'ament] labeled "puts

above its pole for rent" the structures can

be abundant (junked (d) if hurrying)

dishevel usef' remaining portion


broadway 1.1



at 8th and Olive E picks up a bucket [a] squeegee a bucket squeegee towel similar back looks yet (white) sure (on) (in) "Spring St. I'm going, to presence, yes hear speak" scratched ing concrete members water wipe squeegee wipe away "Main St. landing [S] scaled" 10:1 actual inches solitary

"speak my ears hear" shouting E's mouthing the tear inside the third finger knuckle one to two [conversation si (lence) ntly ] walk back to the buckets (un) surely dropping blood mental 'anscient 'ning toward falling "better look up fiction as a noun again" (less) ness state wrapping Kleenex fingered (tively)

"it's the narcotic I'm wanting" no emetic trace the patter [single judgment juried conviction] she/he sentiment "my baby, what about him?" 'and end to 'osene lit'up "can... anyone trace the 'nitude?" hand and mouth muffle where cutting cut cavity 'iny fingers "cutting up" take once triggered 'my gun in hand' un(done)

at 8th and Olive and picks up bucket [ ] squeegee bucket squeegee towel similar back looks yet (white) sure (on) (in) "Spring's where I' m going, you the presence, yes to hear speak" scratched ing concrete members water wipe squeegee wipe away "Main's landing [s] scaled" 10:1 current one swell solitary "fail my ears hear what" and shouting that mouthing the interior rip the third together one the two finger [silica conversation (lence) ntly ] walks stops certainly backwards the mental leaving to fall blood buckets (un) `anscient that 'ning for the "fall looks at above fiction while ness a substantive another one noun" (less) indicate to involve Kleenex fingered (tively) ", narcotic wanting me as" no trace emetic the only judgment juried the certainty ] she/he sentiment longitudinal aligned[ "my baby, who and ?" and the end to lit'up of 'osene of "can't... any trace the 'nitude of't ?" the hand and the mouth muffle where to cut "why cut to the fingers iny of socket cut" to triggered provoked time taking un(done) hand gun'



without 'eedom & 'sense "so far" emerging E's thought stairs curve up away (s) (ing)

"double it up reach (subjects) impact nature'd ill (us)

only abandon "oh, god obvious dude(s)

flat spots light wrist E's

arm (massed when transference) coin

cides "cups 'o tea" calling

(ed) a foolish dream butt's

up thumb back 'sores' eat

itch "cup of half, inch"

getting tired on Aliso St.

corner change 'vealed backed itching sore'd (saxophone's) "josey comes" langues(que) do the modeled wonders theorize(ing)

"trouble was" E wasn't reading

Mr. B today not product

different its 'fect (d) thusthus

singing "my own sense... freedom(s)

E's chair at Vignes &

Commercial faces to "Lady of

Angels" trash surrounding toll booth

freeway entrance [giving meaning]

"oh, what is your darkeness, your 'get me down', honey?" sirens fire dept. (LA) screaming

at 'bags here' four quarters

will run the route 'ather

models "too, speaking to writing"

"double "oh, ascending abandonment evil impact nature'd reach (subjects) (we) only, obvious smooth points dude(s) god tea" clearly "cups 'o cides currency arm E's pulse (congregated when transference) calling (ed) a dream foolish butt's above back part 'sores' thumb it eats itch "cup half, inch" starting tired in the change 'vealed sing it St. Aliso "supported comes" itching "josey sore'd (saxophone's) language(s(que)) makes was" "trouble shaped theorize(ing) wonders" product Mr. B reading and wasn't today not different its to sing thusthus 'fect proper (d) "my freedom(s) direction..." Commercial chair E's in Vignes & faces "Lady Angels" oh surrounding entrance freeway cabin toll garbage "[ that it gives meaning ], what darkness is its, its 'get me down', honey?" dept. fire sirens (LA) that here 'cries out in bags' four rooms will function "too models route to 'ather, speaking writing"



(laundry doesn't dry) hung up points

rusted [dots] not white

assumptions E makes paper folds

raised up leg between (s)

opposed "what if you could code it,

yakking in one

voice?" twothreefour voice'd where'n

time 'ast 'lienated paired dialogue

(s) working beliefs local (ized) mapping

tripped not existen 'chal'

d - whether mem (ory) timed (s)

pi squared E's thought is

"anxiety coupled with projection of death

wish alienation" shit no metaphor

mapped it local 'tened 'un

loving shot 'ante explosive

"see a'cide" there you know it

"well, when clear'r"

bound up social expression(s) 'no no

not no not this'

jailed (less) touching the wall toward

the bedroom (assume it)

search pale "she won't answer... not

call back" overcast (lying) in the ivy

onramp Broadway suntan (timed) some

tires sticking sound (tape approval)

'ic practice replaced "where the leaves

meet the branches," roadway

curves here E reaches up subject and

'lessness 'n confined


bus & pipe

picking a butt up green light he

situate (ing) "yes" peeked roof while

eyes bleak (ly)

Main St. stopping "not drink

or food" say going

A: "gloomy king's" waving motions hands list as argue

M: roll up door glass (den

A: sity) vs ratio

M: painted window black "it meant

A: to me" admit

up butt green picking light

(ed) from behind form'd urging "no"


gulping "all of it down" once

refuses (ing)

up selecting a butt he (ing)

places green light "yes" up peeked

roof during eyes bald (ly) Main St.

which "not or food" beverage stops go

A: "gloomy king's" wavelike moving movements hand list as argue

M: roll to door glass (cave

A: above (sity)) against relationship

M: painted window black "it meant

A: to me" permit

up butt green form'd from

the rear which "no" selects

the light (ed) pushes direction

sips "all of it down" leans once

off (ing)

places green light "yes" up peeked

roof during eyes bald (ly) Main St. which "not or food" beverage stops go

up selecting a butt he (ing) places green light "yes" up peeked

up butt green form'd from the rear which "no" selects the light (ed) pushes

Main St. which "not or food" beverage stops go

direction sips "all of it down" leans once off (ing) "gloomy king's" wavelike moving movements hand list as argue leans once off (ing) "gloomy king's"

wave like

roll to door glass (cave above (sity))

against relationship painted window black "it meant to me" permit



within cracked "person vs. history vs. backward categories" either engine

diesel weight'd 'evels "pull the blanket up over," isto 'press

notion(s) ing [to what] defending reaching 'istic (ins) ment 'ysis

"termed" successive inward/outward "one litter of pigs, one" divination other

time(s) sighted east away from Temple rolling Vermont inched west

forward to no one said "you're emancipated, not really"

meant (ideal/?) E has athlete's foot itchitchitchch'd'd 'orror 'eath 'loud

get out the characteristic pre (sent) bag lap head in

knees walking through the door "hi, mom wanna go to

get a pizza?" not progress not/no notions ['uaranteed] change wide

within the broken "person against history against rear category" pull up each machine diesel

weight'd 'evels "the cover more rubber," isto 'notion(s) ing [to which] defending press 'istic

(in) ment 'ysis "term" successive inward/outward "litter the pigs, one" pointing saying, which

divine other time (s) the east away from handle roles Vermont which became away move step for

step to west forward to none which "are said, are emancipate, not freedom" meant that (ideally

/?) leaves E 'eath 'orror 'itchitchitchch'd'd foot atheletes loud characteristic (sent) bag

lap head forwards to go out the knees going through the door "hello, ma would like to go get a

pizza, too?" terms progress do not change not/no ['uaranteed ] far


Douglas Building

'en(cy) 'torted

"you don't know

if you will regain it"

again 'modes

of/in production'

E bends down frozen 5:30am

'scoped reading

"Times" headline metal

knobs twist 'torted

(s) intestinal

crowding (two to a)

'owd gas pickup

'seventeen' musilage


substance worth defends

'cepts successive staged

two board stuck


en(cy of) 'torted "voice does not know if you regain" another time musilage to modes collector gas 'owd "tempos" reading production modalities of/in bendings 5:30am E for low frozen and 'scoped buttons metal of headline' twist torted (s) if to agglomerate intestinal (two) where the substance worth defends the staged plate successive two 'cepts of 'pierced together'


Douglas Building

'which' is the point serving ménage so approached (ing) graffiti

less (pre) "page three signed, twice" E figured (re) difficult

[ty] "what's observed?" 'havior better to plug it in washed

down (ination) urine "take this measurement 22nd Street where trinity

meets whether it's points (out of this that) immigrant less

another mixture "my nurse says..." and asks "oh, you aren't

(out of) narrative" (?) groan (de) fect'd severely reach to panic(s)

'pection system ized 'x cept cars to trucks curled story

storied hats up shape (ing) dominant to tricks mixed around

'suppose' now 'H1B' immigrant tomorrow recalling "why am you frighten"

pull all shapes paint reveal/hide E's repressed past falls forward

"when is it historical contradiction, really?" run of plastic chairs

front the entrance leading doorway "know it' the end..." disguised 'coded'

'code' 'd tow twice(d) trouble here (s) presented "now and

then" shit just don't hide't 'hapes 'aint'ed 'veal 'stort it

'which' he is ménage serving point that

graffiti approached little (pre) "page three

signed, twice" (ing) E appeared (re) observed?

"[ ty ] difficult" what's better 'havior plug

in washed below "take urine (ination) the this

street measure 22nd where trinity finds if it's

more/less points (it that) immigrant one nurse

"my mixture says..." E asks for "oh, you narrative"

aren't (it) () the reach moan fect'd severely

system panic(s) 'pection ized cars cept 'x to

wavy history trucks storied hats above form (ing)

dominant tricks mixed around 'suppose' now 'H1B'

immigrant that you remember tomorrow "why frighten"

it pulls all the forms that the painting reveal/hide

falls "when after E's repressed is historical

contradiction, really?" functioning plastic chairs

front "know main it's entrance entrance"

extremity... 'coded' 'code' 'd tow twice(d) problem

"now and then" presented here (s) hide't 'hapes

'aint'ed just 'veal excrement don't 'stort it



"those aren't features" 60 or 70 people crowding around a doorway "no, it's the use of the sequence not word order sitting a hundred steps away pointing center (another body asleep) meaning express'd without value ing how value'd not waiting (features written) seen "yesterday's shaved head, stubble" today saying it

"and the mission only takes" counting beds form(ing) new (s) leaning right wrist bent hand fingers out holding ((value insists) equaling)) "alien translation for me, today" other "the door(s) stop working" as "no money, bus't today" or waiting/sitting in line(s) the sidewalk from folding up over "utterance over the cardboard" beds

not in a bed bed(s) un able sit railing aluminum whether Arcadia at Main or dirt bedding "verb and conjunction" nor feat(s) 'integration 'laced sign up (telling) wait "over the freeway" place one image 'orward another 'ward study'd back mean(s) is bleeding 'you' cut fallen deaf stopping(s) (ed)

"features" those aren't 60 or 70 people tightening around "no door it's utilization order words order not resting hundred stages directing far significance express'd from center (another deadened body) without ing value how value'd not 'attendant (written devices) "yesterday's considering shaved head, stubble" the statement saying "and the takes" mission only by counting form(ing) beds new (s) leaning the fingers hand folded by right wrist out being held ((the value requires)

to equalize)) "alien translation for me, today" stop working door(s) "the money" "no, today" bus't or waiting/sitting in line(s) pavement fold the "utterance finished above the cardboard" beds not in a bed(s) one able bed put back aluminum balustrade if Arcadia with "verb and conjunction" bed linen force or dirtiness nor the feat(s) integration 'laced record (saying) the "over attention freeway" 'image 'orward a another mean(s)

back 'ward study'd bleeding 'you' cut the fallen deaf stopping(s) (d)


bus & pipe

ordinary it say "right, then" bark(s) "barkbark" bark(ed) contemplate sign streets 'respond ing collate (age) isn't it 'narily re

cently space between lesser sensitive sense (s) increase it isn't device 'd ordinary (arily( this bus cannot [disor ient] news failure (ing)

(settled failure moving (ed)) cracked concrete different move (y) says fail words (ure) M seated thinking "violence, critical urge"

M: carried hand left foot forward A: "well, it's your words bent" (ed) M: unlike Kant reason A: "not so much me as," M: a bus drive(r) (ing)

((ordinary it "right of word, then"

"barkbark" of bark(s) bark(ed) contemplates

streets sign that (ing) 'respond assembles (age)

isn't it 'narily about

‘cently space between sensitive

augmentation ordinary direction (s) it

device isn't (rily ( bus cannot [ disor ient ]

failure news (ing) arranged

failure moving (ed)) the concrete

the movement split that different (ly) indicates

the "violence of thought posed per M words bus (r) urge"



Yale & Ord St. (H & S)

"ten pieces, legs & thighs" smoke stream (ing) lips H pulls and over one box to hold another equals vehicle for sleep cardboard plastic tape one blanket broken down wrapped store stuck in chicken on newspaper afternoon dinner setting

S says "pull that fastener tighter" can't call after 3pm "slide it under, over here" she'll be slurred [a divine R.V. routed from San Diego to Fresno] "no, under over here" (highway 15 weeds rocks and beer) "GOD! Why don't

you listen?" you 8 pieces which ones are H takes role back primarily to being legs by 'petition in 'onlogue sleeve mouth wipe first sentence article(s) excluded reading the bus sign (number) "has been fuzzy" and thigh'd by 'pertion in

"ten parts, feet & thighs" it smokes tractions edges H stream (ing) and one box to keep one another vehicle equal plastic generality adhesive ribbon the one card broken sleep below pierced involved store in the chicken in adjustment supper afternoon periodical S says "pull this tighter" arrestor call can't after "slide 3pm it below, here" excess she'll slurred [R.V. divine distributed San Diego to Fresno ] "no, below here" excess (road 15 removes harmful grass rocks and beer) "GOD! Because don't you listen?" 8 parts that are back part paper taking H first to feet for 'petition article(s) sentence wipe mouth glove 'onlogue the first one excluded reading "has signal bus (number) fuzzy" thigh'd for 'pertion inside


Yale & Ord St. (H & S)

on to (s) the next "since it's only" one road S singing "pilgrims on the road, pilgrims walking on" over H's back rounded stumpy shouldered leg augmented over and over rubbing "someone's joy in it" rested say effectively treated

and forgotten living cemetery frozen as remember is true in death H thinking "what is my phone number?" S stopped discharged eyes broken June clouds "person quality" gagging between pregnant women deprive cared failed flap(ed) under dumped on sidewalk

"(s) to only" following of "since it's" pilgrims one to sing road S "in the road, on" walking pilgrims on H's stumpy has supported the pushed foot rounded joy repeated rubbing increased "someone's in it" rested word treated efficiently cemetery alive forgotten congealed it remembers is true in death H that thinks "what is my number?" the telephone S stopped quality "broken the eyes unloaded" person June clouds to gag between pregnant women deprives flap(ed) failed imported under house below in sidewalk


Yale & Ord St. (H & S)

says valid slumps stomach in over knees knowing it's one vein or another first: say 'pure' least crystal (county men's central) warmed can memorie(s) meiosis daughter/son division as trees S thinks months from Austin now it's Yale what prevents

'you' efflorescence(ing) "removing image language..." from moral write it messed but legs gutter mire wet shoes hydrant idea (ideas) "you said saves 'they' whether not lost'd" limitlessly bordered 'floresence' tagged boundary (s) H rubs his let over & over

inside says the valid knees excess stomach slumps that they know the vein it's one or one another first one: word 'pure' little warm division meiosis daughter/son of memorie(s) can crystal (central county men's) as trees S now thinks of months Austin it's Yale what it hinders 'you' efflorescence(ing) "removing" language image... moral it writes messed but "you wet idea hydrant low shoes aims gutter feet (ideas) said conserve 'they' if not lost'd" 'floresence' limitlessly limited labelled limit (s) H rubs his left on & on


Yale & Ord St. (H & S)

H awake (into S's back) nor worshipped plastic sweat and other people being forget(got) en eyes scan shipments out of deliveries hands floor sliding looking complexions search fingers "can't get to agitated, not in this occurrence, over &

over" dreams hope blankets plastic into shroud marine layer "nothing standing there" S singing continual(s) where yet it at effigy (s) disabled Yale is empty at 5am "trapped in trapped, trapped in" fingers intertwined 'feel that ring?' whether either

plastic [wakeup] (in S's it has supported) nor adored H sweated and other peoples who are shipments sweepings eyes forget(got) are wooden floor hands deliveries slides looking at the fingers "can't search complexions start the agitated one, not this occurrence, excess & over" the dreams wait the plastic blankets sea layer skirt that "nothing there" erect continual(s) sing S however in effigy incapacitated Yale (s) he is empty 5am "trapped in, in" arrested (arrest) fingers intertwined 'feel that ring?' if any one

(arrest) fingers

    intertwined 'feel that

ring?' if

   any one blankets

sea layer

   skirt that "nothing

there" erect

   continual(s) sing S

however deliveries

slides looking at

    the fingers

"can't search complexions

start the

plastic [wakeup] (in

   S's it

has supported) nor

adored H

sweated and other


Yale & Ord St. (H & S)

opened up across Superior court laugh straight face(d) lunch time crowding drama bubble amounting to "who suffers, what amounts" open from the top sun pouring in "you can shit here anywhere, ya know?" drawn restricted by silent (ence)

chose (en) minded left mis 'ceive little wording (s) neck stretched out up caught up bet it (ing mind) whether gone S says "at last alone" think before act break it one finger two left as a "blue" back

opened above through the straight time lunch face(d) superior laugh cut agglomerating the bubble drama that reaches "who it suffers, that amounts" opens superior sun spills in "you it can shit here in any place, know?" ya restricted drawn for quiet (ence) it chose (en) occupied mis left 'ceive little throat wording (s) strained for it appositive caught ascendant it (mind ing) if S says "last alone" at thinks before rupture act left finger two as one "blue" back part


Yale & Ord St. (H & S)

near the "other" library H gets up "Evans' Tremolo" say "I'm all blue" (s) stretching back hang pile "You can shit anywhere around here, right?" S says/asks one caplet whether as 'exhibit' absorbed inflamed spots around later evening hold

tight face again gripping "oh, something essential nor" useful (ness) sitting together block wall watching one cups'a tool that large gray/white bird breading sidewalk (as into holes) halting speech "they used a little dog for the piñata"

close to "other" library H arises "Evans' Tremolo" word "I'm all blue" (s) straining stops backwards "You it stack falling can shit around in any place here, right?" caplet S says/asks one as 'exhibit' absorbed points inflamed around delayed hold more the night pressed face arrests another time "oh, something nor" essential the useful seat (ness) obstructs together the wall that gives attention to a tool of cups'a "they stopping breading speech sidewalk great bird gray/white (as in punctures) used a small dog for piñata"


Ramirez St.

"some pants" singing a childhood another finger bent submit (tion) song (ing) laid out on his side watching anyone that there walking by "stepping around you stepping stepping... slow" there that threads are hanging respected yes pillars marching pantsless pillars salute (ing)

pants" "some singing to an infancy one another folded finger submits the song (of tion) (ing) placed for it its side that gives attention to any this walk "stepping around you there slow" to step on to step on... there that lines are hanging greeting pantsless marching yes respected columns columns (ing)


Ramirez St.

shoulder bruised strand (ed) along acting of power act (ually) M's freedom relieving manual tasking (ed() "holding another class elementary particles(s)" grueling one brick one brick one brick extend'd smothering "sailors ground around a" mint tint (d) alcohol open space "dinosaur forcing"

a pipe a flame tolerance suggest sorrow "but the steps!" various species around walking back heels slapped slap 'ap causes lust while compassion slaps any more deserved "more, any" fascinated bone ash (ed) "do you see the process?" proceeding on allow(s) transference

take shoulders the contusion filament (ed) throughout acting freedom act energy (ually) M's that releases manual allocation (ed() "holding another one particles(s)" elementary class "sailors grueling one brick one brick one suppression brick extend'd ground around a" forcing mint open space "dinosaur alcohol dye (d)" a tubing a tolerance flame suggests "but sorrow steps!" the various species around walking stops backwards the jumps hit causes stroke 'ap lust when compassion hits any more "more deserved, any" "do fascinated bone ash (ed), you see process?" procedure in transference allow(s)


Ramirez St.

stops rolling over street to sidewalk M gets up traffic running other side taped broke side window into out to in front ahead away: whether that confine(ment) ing areas 'stacle as trickery as sticks two sectioned gloved mitt facing off ten

over strained slight wink (r) through each series "as heaven, as possibilities, slight much (mucho, ahí tiene) she says (ing) crushing "witness one please" took the drink family gone asked Jesus "help me with my arms" pleased to do it arise take my

shutdowns that roll on the street sidewalk M raise traffic works other recorded side broke lateral window towards (go in a) front next: if areas 'stacle that confine(ment) as tricks small sticks two sectioned coatings gloved mitt ten on slight leaked (r) with sky "as series, like possibilities, slight (of much)" she says "the crushing witness, please arms took me to" help requested gone family Jesus the drink with my satisfied to do it taking arising my


Ramirez St.

round fruit clutched speaks 'lotropic hunting nor harming sex (ual) "you call that a ma che te ?" purple bruise HIV exemption (ed) mix it up turn in around "pro portion it" M is thinking removing pockets hand reach out these words do

"brains in the microwave" 7am lame (it) eye towards the sky : (illuminated text (ual)) without now cart filled plastic/glass papper need (le) s 'set up on a wall' "she is a kind sister when able" the 80's vintage Toyota van rushes

the taken hold round fruit speaks to the hunting 'lotropic nor damaging sex (ual) "you calls that you machete?" mixes purple exemption HIV contusion (ed) returned ascending inside around "favorable portion what" M thinking that clearing reach hand pockets outside these words does it "cerebros eye metal leaf microwaving" 7am (he) towards the sky: (illuminated text (ual)) without now cart 'filled necessity paper plastic/glass (him) s fixed for above wall ' "she is a good sister when he is able" the van of Toyota of vintage years 80's undertakes


Ramirez St.

point (r) (ed) (ing) (s) "pulled you up" draining restaurant water (ing) pearly further started clear as a margin ed paired to briefly veined warn 'me' treat 'you' "feeling less" within a citrus complaint provided shared (s) (ing) pub keeping lic collector

broken helpless 'remove it' remaining looking 'feed me' days don't turn a round force that face break it bruise all oranges in squeezed oily staging slippery "tell you!" where what size words intermediate black/white "toss it up on your shoulders bone"

the point (r) (ed) (ing) (s) "pulled him up" draining water restaurant (ing) pearled begun more far as margin ed mated grained briefly clearly notice 'me' veins 'you' "less feeling" within citric complaint provided (s) (ing) shared publication that kept the collector public 'remove abandoned broken it' "feed that watches rest me" return days don't round force plows face contusion all the oranges "slippery expressed of" tell oily parking where what large writes up "toss intermediate black/white it above stops bone" of shoulders


Olvera St. & Plaza

defecating joyfully sitting left/right "sing down'a down'a" one more time 'a merry rose red for you' up the pants grace'd quality richer given Sundays not remember versus wide (r) narrow gap'd perennial "does it?" tear away the sensory

whether (w) J has sat and leaves shit smell stronger piss scent "pintos and rice" sweeter joy'd purple tongue sing "it's the better we didn't" onions egg(s) facing traffic noise across the plaza shirts pants socks shriveled end(ing)

defecating left/right glad sitting down "sing down'a down'a" glad redder one rose time 'a for you' above quality given Sundays richer pants grace'd to remember against (r) it? "wide narrow perennial" does gap'd moved away rip sensory if (w) J seated and leaves smells it excrement strongest urine "pintos and rice" of scent a purple tongue piece candy joy'd sings "it's best we didn't" the noise traffic of coverings egg(s) onions through socks pants shirts square shriveled end(ings)


Olvera St. & Plaza

deadhead arrangement knock down prostrated singing "in a way anecdotal, springing into retreat, stopping by stop on by... stop it" between one brick building another brick building as chasm smoke "your courtesy" each step love admission (s) think

J sits defecates this joy left remembered footsteps (d) 'sleeping against a wall' eyes locked deathed' conclusive grace less two pennies dime just 'abandon it' stairs down/or predict (tion) "oh, you just infer (ed) (ing) (t)" at

the strokes arrangement of deadhead prostrated low "in to sing an anecdotal way, jumping retreating, stopping for stop... for it" stop between a brick that constructs another building brick chasm smokes courtesy your admission love stage (s) thinks J sits down defecates on the steps to the left remembered joy (d) 'sleeping meeting one wall' eyes deathe'd locked grace conclusive less currency ten cents 'abandon, just it' two currencies a cent the stairs down/or predict "oh (of [tion]), you only infer (ed) (ing) (t)" in


Olvera St. & Plaza

"guns in hand, surround the car" hands up this portion (in) complete lump (ed) J's face nose this way that essential organ broke 'n nowhere severed and red inherent (ly) red (er) "so, how is it placed?" limb

out arm tied up and lashed divided into 2's "slapped & extend (d)" now conscious as dumb project (ile) stumbling along sultry pupil(ed) cartooned L.A. Times 'fuck head' J is blank (not plastic sense) as ideal and unmade

"guns hand, surrounds car" hands above this complete nose face lump parcel (inside) (ed) J's this essential agency broke 'n severed no part and "so red (ly) inherent red (er), as he is placed?" member moored arm above and taped divided in 2's "slapped & extend (d)" now conscious as project dumb (ile) stumble to long pupil (ed) sultry cartoon L.A. Time 'fuck head' J is blank (plastic direction none) as ideal unmade


2nd and Rose

worth joy around 'ice adjusted wealth eating (en) 'way un settled area (s) in difference 'othing 'teered price one eyeball matter crushed by Jerzy K. the volunteer spooning soup as coalescence (ed) rather (divided) "cream of mushroom, another cup will you please?" on Rose on 2nd 'stimate "we don't want

to cross it" sleeve tugging can rattle supper (lament) unsettled pricked concrete elbow burn healed (non) reckon (d) "we dual on the moron we single on the idiot, we deuce while blank it, quarter us suffer us, please" 'alidate the security doors come down at 5pm wound(s) won't heal imitate infect (tion) intimate hearing

worth joy around 'ice adjusted to established area eat wealth (en) 'way (s) in substance eyeball price one difference 'othing 'teered jammed Jerzy K. the volunteer who gives the soup "cream it (divided) mushroom, one another will of coalescence (ed) rather cup, please?" Rose in "we of 'stimate don't wants 2nd to it" transversal line glove tows can rattling supper (lament) concrete burning pricked unsettled elbow healed (non) counts (d) "we double in moron we triple in idiot, we deuce when the blanks space, in dividing them suffers them, please" 'alidate the doors security come low wound(s) won't 5pm heal imitate infect (tion) hearing intimate


2nd and Rose

ed dash stops trauma sixteen (ish) transfer at Broadway (ference) "sweetly you have come" 2nd street spills to window (s) "stop keeping it!" control 'peutic saying that sun today isn't you nor left ventricle whooshing shivering under one lateral one straying was from repetition beating right arm pains left tingles

'cipiate eyes caressing full bottle instants rather 'lerable 'priate "Rose Street isn't red" it's pink today washed sprayed blood gutter away sidewalks 'lemma (s) 'mitive rot pulled out 'nvigorating "you define the limits" (ations) and rest confined this a primitive dilemma as "one who knows" eating away equipoise 'd an erection to

transference trauma sixteen doors trace of ed (ish) in Broadway (ference) "sweetly you have come" to a street spills window (s) "stop that, he keeps it!" he has controlled saying 'peutic display sun today isn't nor to shivered whooshing ventricle left under one lateral wanders repetition beats right pains arm tingles left 'cipiate eyes red caressing street isn't "Rose" instants rather 'lerable 'priate full bottle it's 'mitive pricks sidewalks absent sprayed today washed gutter blood "you for pulled rot 'lemma (s) 'nvigorating defines limits" (ations) and the rest confined dilemma primitive "one that knows" eating equipoise absent 'd an erection