
terror 115
(property) displacement
empty bowl "January comes"
ball absence (t)
fogged (pre)
short "frost comes"
doorway handle thrown
open "and space" clean
brush space (craft)
hovering "air comes"
purple eye'd (s)
dark white hair
(form) loach (er)
street middle
stop (swing)
arms car
"one comes" hand (ing)
window compact
tiny (picture't) grainy
opposite "practical comes"


terror 114
more" experience
flash (no burn)

particular "from another
light" source

surface (ing)
(source) influence "breathing

out, bulb" one's
'mercy' freeze't

containing beaming
strong point (less)

"messages dispersed and
complete" raising

flesh (full)
exhausted out (wards)

sole (ly) forgive/fear
vertical line

with "crumple
it up and

leave" just ringing
corrugated falling


terror 113
that (is)
"dead flies"
number around
tongue (as) dry
(er) dots
"against a window"
fail usual first
migratory "burned blessed"
named'd over door
"the way isn't
this" worse
"radiation gets
an extent" turd pile
parallel medium
"and live flies"
backup park'd
(here) along
curb broken
'twined "opposing joints"
sitting depict
'diated between
(illustration) "window
and ladder" appropriate hand


terror 112
blood "it's
not a wall"

exchange't (six dollars)
"no planning"

(thromboid) "one
more sentence" wipe

a include'd soak
(and) tremors

flat section
(not) closer close

darker "that smoke
smell" both

(one) pulling
blankets (alone) stays

slow walk (liner)
"two dollars"

height "each
step" pants down

(and around) once
one cigarette


terror 111
dollars, each"
scratch right shade

lights cigarette roll'd
(each) push

"two" copro
(philic) nudge shoe

(bright) 'er intone'd
rung (as

intimal 'ware
"out" motion express

"each, two dollars"
'venous wiped

filling (another)
level "it's use,

it's part" cloth
around (thicker)

mournful (ness)"
sentence full clean

arm (bag) about
"an asshole


terror 110
"in a" manifested
'bedded eyes (on)
look'd hose wound
(yesterday) "clock,
in a" meaning first
'vaded (pinch)
brighter (illuminating)
(ed) second "just a subtype,
in a" 'jectively
(no un wind) 3pm
(cut to)
"unreal, strange,
moving lips"
two blocks away
(:) small "myself,
in a" pattern smaller
(flower scratch)
hole (bright)
found rest'd
dawned (of)
sentence strong "made,
in a" out


terror 109
touch't uneven wall
(out) waving "more
than" speculation
'tivorous tapping after
"hi, I" heels
gone (heaving)
(in) place (no)
center "what attention is
expected?" broke
(en) held two hands
more modify
effort gum
(up/down) something
conveying (chewing)
"hi, I" absorb
heat (excessive)
"not I"
outer "not"
panacea (s) plasticality
'frared effort in
it's separately attached
and angry" vein


terror 108
attention center
"sense is" jaw chew
strip round (more)
pole indicator
moment "hi, I"
'sensual crucial state'd
throw left
arm right arm
around back
front front back
"hi, I" head
lift plant heel
(s) basing (ed)
('tude) piece
attached left cut
45 degrees down
('phrenic) "hi, I"
which hall long
(lines) palm up eye
squint (ing) "no,
considerate" wall


terror 107


terror 106 - for Mark Young
terror 105
"have, pour it
over here" freeway
concrete (rolls)
away "stop barking!
stop it!"
moon santa monica
mountain (s) brighter
dawn "similarly, asks
why" structure
'garded performs related
cards variation backing
up "train tracks, empty"
two houses (left)
penetrate once
twice pouring (through)
between bones leg
bathe't reservoir water
strings pull (ing) pull't
"survive?" forming
suture formed less used


terror 104
"dead star" resemblance
(due) that corresponds
"rocked to death"
focused  bigot
look sign motel
(sense) glance
fixed bulbs temporary
spinning "scarred wrists, only
left" forerunner
think (s) no clipped
leading (moon) pair
(raven) nails down
blanket wrap flashlight
(book) pulling
pants "it's still alive"
binary quote
(s) "what time do you"
hands out
barking tent flapped
(early) quarrel'd reach


terror 103
cut (portrait)
direct "I understand this,
understand" frowning
both hands up
moving sun (over shadow'd)
tongue't bled
"look, outside closer
don't disappear" alley back
living (who)
overcast marine layer sits
tempter weighed "forgot
the properties" sliding
door (s) connects/dis
glass aluminum
drizzle "moon is
gone" connect (space)
'tial (temporal) fingering
bent back (wait)
wings back (asleep)
tongue's pushing it


terror 102
"I've been tempted"
this by now
rests between
legs apart (signed)
"kind of" association'd
viewed (popular) (ly)
knees together two
ravens bar moon alone
"fully, no reason"
external nothing hands
folded caused
'preted hearing approach seize
up (seeing)
yank't out tongue
stupor (no) rest "containing,
automatically fastened"
(grace) full scale "painted,
roughly lines up
around, circular" middle
movement leg leg


terror 101 - turd in turds


terror 100 - a turd with eggs
terror 99
"the major parts"
cannot hand up
holding entail
"deny all external"
waiting concept 'nying
"didn't" understand standing
legs left apart
(played) "drop the bag"
(mind) parts "oh,
my love please,
please" dependent
nothing term'd different (from)
"nail it up"
required since
standing once (her)
twice identified "one
relationship becomes"
not were except that
"another combining comparing"


terror 98 - tracing turds
terror 97
"sing, here"
singing another corner wrong
before one eye
(open) blink(s)
"up, up, up" device
(s) argue
position (s) "up"
breathing smoke (s) spit
"punch up of
corrosion" bird shit
layer "understood"
stocking (ed) below (the)
knee aches push out
rest "who kneels,
regards" finger pull
shoe (lace) sounds
bell (11) am clumsy
stone'd (fervor)
"just look at that ankle"


terror 96
"all pervading,
that's it!" masturbating
leaning a
corner hall (way) "just one
touch" stopped
develop (ment)
loss significance
'visage enter'd 4
flights stairs (no) door
down "it's sense
and symbol?" mediated
eyes focus'd two walls
(converging) imaginary
(......) blanket shoulders
never walked in
particular "never
look past" farther over
leaning in (listen)
another flight stair up
sitting knees (up)
perspective lines to


terror 95
"to get out" spatial hands flat
out (pushing) up "since perhaps"
clean water hose (d) "approaching a
symptom, a" reverse (water) out 'tradiction control
(s) finger push (up) scratching belly
carrying (a) "it's comfy, one umbrellas
shading two" (taking) under (from)
reversible bag drift foot (steps) (clomp)
"constitute it, helping" after another step
(struck) out [11/12] someone (s) borrowed


terror 94
"blues away" self-practice
"the poor
guy has medical"
pend (ing)
till general "anyone,
opposition (s)" probably
opening wounded
shoe off (these socks)
(diabetes leg) upholstery
(used) smoothed is
head down
lap knees (up) "blood
sugar" corner
side right face
(closing) eyes
"nice bunches wrapped up"
blue legs/ankles wrap
away gather'd back hole
falling round gripped
(tight) ly touch


terror 93
"so I walked in"
more important
(here) 'hydration
(tissues) absorb'd grip
'd (eyes) floating
tearing another
explosion "population"
6 point 6 by (fell)
under "came, it's
slowing down (went'd)
42 celsius "one of
them, maybe"
structures 12 stories
degrees (system)
hand around (tight)
ly "reasons for"
wind(s) blowing "a
different set, not decidable"
lift/pull (knock)
knock fan away (window)


terror 92
"black shadows" intact
wooden floors surface'd
under outlet
(three prong) wire
lights out invert'd
"now one is"
rather (another)
"so as to, left"
body irregular
(chain'd) foot to foot
"the same thing, true"
head thrown backwards
"just the way,
doing sliding"
abandon (ment)
(ontic) "whether in't or"
legs outline (legs
outline) ((legs)
(outline)) poor
"behind or within,
text" eye sight


terror 91
dropped pants ashes
"falling, two to
three" spoon
out ass (the)
edges black
silver again (st) one
leg cylindrical pot
pouring away (rain) low
(un) recognizable circular
ears hands pull
up "walking, white sheets"
lid'd wax
cover straight
view small face 
(ing) once same (direction)
"no" turns
dummies "not drowning
nor" pops up contents
uninterrupted lips
bottles parts (ed) slow


terror 90
"always inhibit" tissue
found less between
hands (two) grasping (visible)
hair pulled 1pm
back door edge
immobile space frozen
"eyes open down to
allow" tiny vertical
open tracks lighted
sunlight'd "not the
first time, not"
backing backed up
(pours) grasp'd
wrist (to) open door
tuned 'tracting
same "those words, same those"
forward silhouettes
(interrupted order (s))
repeat finger placing


coming out of a deep sleep, I almost forgot to mention
Otoliths issue six is now online: [ Otoliths Issue 6 ]

Issue six of Otoliths has just gone live. It contains work by Adam Fieled, David-Baptiste Chirot, Bill Drennan, Joel Chace, Julian Jason Haladyn, Spencer Selby, Kristine Ong Muslim, Juliet Cook, Reed Altemus, Michael Steven, Jeff Harrison, J. D. Nelson, Alex Carnevale, Mary Ellen Derwis, Alexander Jorgensen, Jane Joritz-Nakagawa, dan raphael, Raymond Farr, Márton Koppány, Javant Biarujia, Philip Byron Oakes, John M. Bennett, John M. Bennett & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Rochelle Ratner, Sheila E. Murphy, Arpine Konyalian Grenier, Jordan Stempleman, Ray Craig, Iain Britton, Paul Siegell, Andrew Topel, Ernesto Priego, Mark DeCarteret, Matthew Medina, Joe Balaz, Brian Foley, Luke Daly, Martin Edmond, Tom Beckett, Karri Kokko & ek rzepka & has a cover by Geof Huth. A reminder that print editions of the previous issues are available at The Otoliths Shopfront along with an ever-growing number of books.
terror 89
"intransitive differ, look"
without door handle(s)
roll over metal leg wheel
(interval) based
weave under eyes up
"occupation, occupation"
L.A. Times Tuesday
(toxicare) cranial differ
(ing) adopt left
directed "just an
addition" colder damp
(er) sets fixing
hand (to
wheel) other matter
block wall between stucco
drainage (drift) perspective
pipe bent down direct
sidewalk splash'd
past part 


terror 88
"prescribed the medication
and" intervent' crisis
(tion) (s) mutilations
arms deals
undergo "beds are not"
establish absence
resent (fantasy) "waiting
here" both optional arm
captive wheel 250x15
square wave angled
un explore'd (ing)
"no basic safety"
leg surgery veins
form "not
worsened" apparent
lines blood (neglected)
soaking "but, you
see the incision?" (symbolic)
towels (towel) skins
initial rolled back


terror 87
reduce'd drawn
stucco bottom "inhale it
all" eyes look down (ward)
wall (sprayed) item
settle over't 'pearance
parallel "it's just so
much bullshit blown"
thrown bricks together
can fire light
"again and again" food
'foam knee/ankle/shin
"back in your face" bags
plastic stacked below
box tops (expect)
socks upward "throw
together a mixture where"
shoe tie "nothing falls
together" monotony


terror 86
"said of the subject,"
first finger
print 'fications
irrelevant (open) present
banged spoon oatmeal
(bang't) walks away
"concrete and" decipher (not)
consistent looking (away)
external two
steps then three or
"seems peculiar?" turn
away 'cessive elusive
subjected (and)
imaginary arm left
severed "the artery pumps"
trouble'd painted grey
hall "making the" wall
"that noise" grind spin neck "note"


terror 85
"play tag here,"
possibility clause (sentence)
effort'd blade window (lock) up
"but no, alas, fuck"
insufficient spray'd
nothing between (handle)
finger "no, to that"
feels glass (glass)
pull (ing) 'isking
repeat'd (ly) involuntary
clear make (miracle)
"once in, one stays" out/in
tagged second seeming
(ah) telling "whether
the clause is ending
or" demand separate (tion)
reddish-brown black on
(one) letters less


terror 84
"used to it" trap'd
carbon 'necine
skin red hand
"emotion, react
just for" dipped pocket
situate nervous
shaking (shake)'order disorder'd
pervade 'thology 'sociate
"a dance, remember?"
enough reflect (tion)
"anytime, just then
and now" constrict
arm under body "I need
to pee" autonomic back solid walk
along larger shoe
length "and shit, again"
tingling (wake) hands
tingle hand "trap,
pulls down" excited
clinch "shhhhh" back'd


terror 83
"that boundary, non extent"
yellow tape
strung (closed) concrete
here/there over
(thud thud thud thud)
backing +
'solete "obvious, state
bottom’s" window radio 1270
(analyze) "theater, should I
remember, it?" else
some thing facing
street wheel (measure)
rolling (thud) "place it here"
viewed (off)
"or there, wait, a
few minutes" fate'd background
wall (thudding) "measures
will" course (cut)
through gravity (fleeing)
(thud thud thudding) brick
piles stacked
"eventually complete, broken"
one handed time at
3pm (properly timed)
tapes taken down
folding plastic closures
gone (leave) open'd eventually
"from a vibration, just"
guard'd inside
way door (way) "thud thud thud
thud" facing 'sonance
reaching up
extending arm shelf
soup can "waking
dreaming, boxed cubes,
rubbery" measure taping (digi
lighter) combinations
"twanging along" (of freedom(s))


terror 82
"nodding, yes"
spirit search vanish (ing)
"cassius remains" noise
car away
syllables listen'd
slow step push forward
"calls me, again"
plastic cart aluminum handles
slow difference
line'd (re) lined re
lined "ghostly look,
see" front wheels
rolling (rain)
slow cuff pants
rolled "be aware, uh"
(two syllable)
(s) upon up
on no one (up)
"the difference is"
forward move rolls
consecutive prints foot
(shoe) numbers forward
backward "negative"
roles "just get
up and move on"
trucks beep
(ing) "he's remaining"
over continue where
(just) "where, uh" rectangles
plastic squares
"cassius isn't coming home,
tonight" placing
glued consecutively
14x14 nose/ear (called)
'llables sequence
"less an arm, leg"
larger printing "other,
disoriented" tiles (ing) blunt
vanishes 'lunted both runs pushing 'ward


terror 81
"standing for" broken
definite changing solids
critical (signing)
exact strict "gray
flags, standing needing"
picking bent finger
over butt cigarette
"another meal, another room,
another pair"
position'd hanging grouped with
in "re-running negative"
(-1,0) dropped
stone (ing) "instant
expectation resolved."
standing light blink (s)
"I seem
to remember" blink distance
grouped body's plumbing
gone "drops, rain
that's" re-imaginary placed
denied "standing for"
where pipes walled
into "just the one's,
intently drop "sequence'd
to sequence (s)"
developed (ing) accumulated
lines pipes arranging 'ranging
line (ing) sidewalk
(walks) definite broken
"flag to flags"
every wall away
from door way (s) inches
thumb rubbing concrete
wood "'member" reaching
wiping hand (wipe)
away "stop!" wiped non
critical sign 'xact
paper'd over container


terror 80
"that's a trained cow"
counter talk
none request buying
used part
(s) step toe here
(seeing) bumping
such tables
"end over end, two sets"
back looking down
"walking through" there
somewhere "bumps over
in" blank (again)
cover't leg wooden
"uh" position
lights door (shadow)
"mean branches" where
"take too long"
clash (ed) shut sets
four light poles
movement legs leaving
fall (pick/up) net
(swept/up) odd numbers
"to fall from"
reaching (imaginary)
floating over sidewalk
(s) negative steps
"it's just
random" step
to step lined
concrete squares "trees,
blowing branch" scatter
(ing) "looking purposelessly"
numbered 1st to
7th (between) talking
about another
(parts) less through
hinged door (escape)
painted setting "where
it's harshness" down type
digitize (ing)
one foot congeal "and"


terror 79
bumped (subjective state)
fender to fender
"real get's
lost in any"
hand up pocket
into rolling back
"character, yeah, between few"
already heard
siren one two
olympic pico (dreams)
facing mirrored
glass window "pretending" old
intention "a balance (ing)
(vines climbing) other
ring finger rubbing
dust (away) steady far
"of bloody thumbs"
pick'd draining
left skin ready (al)
fingers stuck cut
reveal'd "stuck over
the sink," drain'd aside
pots pans (take similar)
would "speaking
language clearer, seeing without"
pans and pots stacked
"decision," broken floor
(from) head floor
"you choose" breath
like flavor
finger flavor nose
shorter discover heard
"skin's over, just becomes
figurines facing north"
(when reason) pocket
hand pulls up


terror 78
"different distinguish
(a) patient" cool smile
bad (paper news)
shivering blanket
coat 'gressed
van door opens (plenty
plunge) 6am affect
(a state) eliminate 'sonal
"priced'd above need"
back seat left
"worth nothing, now"
back up truck
splash over straight
water's all
on this bottom end
(erase) left'd
teeth showing laughing
(laugh) prophecy
fulfilling "dear,
let's walk away"
time (re) analyze
prevented part pulling
along slide timing
hand around stair
case handle
"away guilt" foot
to step achieving't
clashing noises heading
distinguish "as necessary progress,
as" are top cover
bottom over
smooth (er) vomit (s)
in "freedom
butts up, butts up"
walking walking (functions)
east smile (ing)
wakes shiver "how
many?" shivering
arms wrapping kneeling
kneel "once done"


terror 77
another corner
"pull'em all up"
pragmatic none
(have) working legs
"catharsis, hope self
understanding, identity" disappear'd
(structure) but (s)
up over grasping forced
hand (hand) resistant
(un) manage (it)
soft measure "give me"
leaping shoe
tennis shoe wall
"daylight recedes"
one overriding one
"pull'em all" socks level
source one pipe (into)
another kick wall
toes "I got 10 to thirty"
toe in line plastic
chair turned
(over) "fifteen hopes
and ten
prayers" fingers fatigue'd
higher kicking knobs
door corners another
(one) leg lifts given
behaving "connoting"
kicks out "un
free this will,
not then" again
measured knee to ankle (re)
appears less structure
"more redemption, pull
em'all up" breaks
finger go (let) cannot
"where what will" pull as usual


terror 76
"stepping on" watching
gripping handles over
basket wheel'd ahead
yellow morning
"cold night hard ground"
gray rising
sensation naked does
deep waist washing toes
between "there that's
objective" door'd closing
wrecked position'd creak
"remember, setting you
up" not while broken (off)
tape reach (ing) law mental starving
"in, then around"
(I'm here) 'noema blown
later "for its,"
coordinating another step
"everything you experience"
avoid mirror'd facing
out (no) fingers around handle
"is set up to" bending over
exhibiting noise abuse
two/four tires relent (less)
"avoid it, unfair it's" facing around
"it's dustier than I" streets to
square head in hand knee
stretched (held) "any
insistence on a
firm" bed watch't
rotted (here) glass
closed the door "innocent" things


terror 75
supports "just a disappointed,"
remember general
written (pretending) ed))
language existent
"yet, it's well known,"
crash lack
subsequent perfect 'xample
zero touch letters emptied
left over poured out (kneel down)
supported "shedding skin,
backwards" through end
to again rehearse "it's" young
manners could unused
(ing) "only a
color, yet" clings
to the curb broken
concrete filler "this platform
says it"
disappoint (ed)
"two openings" verbs "yet,
nothing" forgotten
picking stops not
couples (three's) writing
surface couldn't grow
"when doubled it just"
both shed (both
shed) ordinary impassable
upright waving "yes,
it just breaks down"
confluence "abstract
bottles of beer" brown bags
'creteness compose(d)
less filler "thematic
or linguistic,
judging" splashed with
mud left triangle right
once "insert with letters
there," supporting


terror 74
belong reflect tumultuous
heaving up sides
over over riding
front tire
left "guided light"
cigarette (tips of
words) slow stand
up hand wall focus
"somewhere there I
was supposed" spontaneous
bludgeon pheno' displaced
puts between argument
an identity heaving
again (up)
"you've drawn the disease
from death" up
against bobbing water
back leaning fender implicit
"as parts" as 
(an) each one
with generally "whether
connection" refrain
correlative position
nail tack'd to
"and, don’t talk to me like
that" lyric'ness
(from ) somewhere (above) belt shoes
other'ther's "isn't coherence"
surrounding determine "however"
identification "yeah,
you can 'can it'"
(push 1950) fixed
constrict (tion)
explosion (into a sling)
grenades pens
ballpoint fragment claim'd
"under a generic tradition"
broken open 'tern
alternative (to sentences)


terror 73
"that's, an arm

stretched out" head pit

blood pooled whistling

gas tire

leak (leaking)

project 'culty 'sitate come

"maybe a partial

fall" stumble (of a)

question out right

tire roll surface'd

down grinding right

side teeth ((over))

"is it limit'd?"

stretch tongue

yawn (yawn'd) wide eye

serial visual/verbal

concerning moments (real) "say it!"

limited to


'there is an arm outstretched'

smaller feet (tucked)

worn heels wait

tucking into't small

foot tie

flexing cause

"versus a direction" that

guiding sluggish foot forward

matter'd breaking skin

"in two places, veins"

unrestrain(ing) mown

'regarding "did not upright, 'vocable"


(green) dumped hard basin (poetic)

lay glass "producing

an egg" small

(small) toes touch

discharged cutting diagonal esteem

(less) elbow knee

together light under


Issue five of Otoliths
has just gone live, which means it's a year old today.

It's also May Day, so arise & join in a chorus of The Internationale with Paul Siegell, Andrew Topel, Jordan Stempleman, Ernesto Priego, Paolo Manalo, Eileen Tabios, Jeff Harrison, Katrinka Moore, Corey Mesler, Raymond Farr, Steve Rodgers, Robert Lee Brewer, Mark Cunningham, Martin Edmond, Steve Timm, James Sanders, Audacia Dangereyes, Thomas Fink, Spencer Selby, Maria Zajkowski, Richard Lopez, Marcia Arrieta, Tom Hibbard, Matina Stamatakis, Louise Landes Levi, Márton Koppány, Anny Ballardini, Jill Jones, Craig Santos Perez, mIEKAL aND, Dax Bayard-Murray, Ed Schenk, MTC Cronin, Alana Madison, Alexander Jorgensen, Andrew Taylor, Carol Novack (& Stan Crocker), Stephanie Green, Maurice Oliver, Caleb Puckett, David-Baptiste Chirot, Derek Motion, James Maughn, Michael Rothenberg, Tom Beckett, Nick Piombino & Richard Kostelanetz as they "change henceforth the old tradition".

terror 72
"don't discover it!"
tongue out mouth
wider (open) spun eyes dominate
"not a trick of light around
the ears" nostrils
higher forehead (lock of
hair) from behind
forward 3's pigeon
"has this, however"
hawk's up
over flapping lighting
structure staring eyed
head back neck
"will it sit and,"
falcon down "look up?"
conspicuous (salient)
dragged out two streets to
main & () stigma
flavoring dried
disappearing head back
throat thrust out to
"eat slowly, one bite"
time re
appearing hand window
'pearing 2 pigeons
curves counter clockwise
scribbles middle
blue (ish) halo slightly
from the back


terror 71
"touch down" runs faster corner'd round
black van wheels smoking (away)
from "that's wealth in a nutshell"
plump two wheels up Echo Park Sunset
'testinal sighted without windows 'destrian
above once run skidding gone
LAPD following (1,2,3,4,
5,6) lights "even now the sun"
rapidly sirens golden yellow
"that's just a provision" grocery
store bags vendors street (up) chopping
quick succession no restraint running with flowers
"that's just , ciao!" point stopped death
(an ending) weakness over hang
rusted bent (pipe glisten) grayed 'thargy
"let's go to dinner?" stop sign turns


terror 70
against surface decorated

"not from sea"

contempt exposure

foreign'd left arm

hung head'd from

back pocket hand'd (not

abstract) rubbing the

other abstract steaming warmth

embrace detach squat

abbreviated left leg

forcing knee less

force resting

redolent alternative memory

(s) places her

head down

(one figure)

pose Venus as

Venus without "it's

exuding a space"

feathered (from)

distance 3 inches

"mindful that it"

couple it into 

one over hole buttocks

conditions spray sense

up close scrawl shadowed

penciled in(to)

"coming about by

social change?"

series decay posed detaching

embracing over

leaning right leg twisted

out (revulse) model'd lacerate


terror 69
accretive "not a" whether such sleeping
(going from here to there)
one over (red, blue, black)
one Jacob wrestling background
"less one included,
today" angels transfix
borrow mood (somber)
"that's" head back
charcoal fire
beginning duplicate looking
eye open "each
line ends" soon a chicken
growth additional one's
eye looks (rhyme
"ohhhh!") into't 
wall hand push
harder wrestling repre
(sent) experiment exploring
red brick embarking
emotion black's blue (s)
"fuckin' incoherent, no?"
glass hitting metal
over'n'over (thrown)
sleep broken arms
back handcuffed "it
belongs to an
earlier," Jacob's
bed left sleeping side face


P.F.S. Post

Philly's premier online poetry venue

check out some of my poems posted here:
P.F.S. Post


terror 68
conception (less) painted
smeared "rubbed over
roughly, now don't
take this"
once intimacy as one
paraplegic rolls
wheelchair (not apparent)
sing "tomorrow, tomorrow is"
starting to light
"stay by, sides
you're then" drug
less gaining
chewing chin (color)
area hip up
down stride bag
fingered "are those your
candies?" wrong
way sign (s) handle
rubber chrome scratched
"babe" right
a'little "there it's
unified, pictorial" tennis
gutter shoes heel
(ball) foot pushing faster
backed up toilet
plunger ambiguity less
gutters (rain is)
up the
sun came "over there,
see'm?" chin
up'n'down chew(s)
"at the same time" visual


terror 67
put on your shoes put (into)
questions (burned) chance
limits crepuscular
light (on) switched off
"verging on
abstract bullshit" suffer
(ing) scratch thigh mole
evenly between illness (and)
health maybe
driving (one car two car)
stuck behind "moving away
moss north side building bricks set
level'd 'xiety xanax
control'd bump't over
to single sentence
(statement) project
(ed) where (not) 
lacing 'gories red
fixed "whether this
fails as therapy" mix'd
"projected anxiety?"
pull up your socks
"that's a bump" leg floating
problems bounce
cancer (ous) maybe
all situations "not
really" thigh spot'd mole


terror 66
removing blocks

"you get your (no

shit) here"

tucked under

"on top"

long line ended

period periods

over examples breathing

faster digging hard to

territory articles paper lash meet 'pose


reads kilometer

equivalent "you're that

pretentious" (in the

same form)

four blocks removed

(set) crowned pieces

watch'd (ing) lips

open eyes

greet'd (ing)

up under frames view

cylindrical bottled


terror 65
remove'd concrete

frame'd (it is) "bull

shit!" there

doorstep crapped out

"no, shit!" poem (s)

dulled into

crapping philosophy

"just done from a

reading, a read" picture

goodness removed

hole enclosure noted

(regret) "that's


saw sawing, asshole!"

inflicted sledge hit

hammer (around)

pill (s) concerning


"ah, ah, ah"

broken glass

into bottles

penalty breached

leaning over

run as


terror 64
'relative "convincing

moments" once (up) fence

chained (bent) over closed


'paint' 'ximate

parking two lights head


"4th & Wall" 'namics

death vehicles arrives

lights splashing

(sirens) 'plashing

sirens knuckles

it scattered

"is it forced?"


cars speed pointing

complete glass (beard

& face)

mouthing "bus

line number

462. bus line

number 461,

bus line


460. bus line number



terror 63
erratic is reaches into pocket torn

paper (un) construct'd unpulled "visual

panning, left right" 'walks street light

hand leg on rubbed un/seen done credited

(of) less passing each pothole crumbs

un informed two windows "that's all"

seen/un dispersed "will the next

copy" refuse'd pulled blanket about off

pulled not (birth) composing not unity "saying

fuck it, again" knuckles bleeding knuckles


New Books from Otoliths
Mark Young has announced the first of what will be a
quarterly round of new books from Otoliths.

Otoliths shopfront — http://www.lulu.com/l_m_young -
where you can find other books & chapbooks plus print
versions of the magazine.

The new books include:
Nico Vassilakis: DIPTYCHS
Jordan Stempleman: What's the Matter
Vernon Frazer: BODIED TONE
harry k stammer: tents
terror 62
defined less
eradicate poison points
over/under line
"not a difference"
legs out blanket
stick one
shoe/sock knees
always together
"just fetal" under/over'd
(do) right belong
interior "make the
dough" curls
up together
not belief 'gation
nor absorbing
not (one or all)
positioned parts
"not you, bigger you"
implant'd source
are "but, but"
imbalance as kernal(s)
(of) pulled/drawn
(knees to chest)
less definition
toxin 'dicate
ever effect
really "isn't
this what you've
been talking about?"
trauma lining
no difference
"after it's,"
twins (and) set
shifts curtains
down shades eye "on,
over" affected
blood pool
(s) been


terror 61
proved passing 
"the day just came up"
siren 4th Wilshire
over passed

110 (section)
"rather than distress"
fucking "crying hearts"

splashing around
trash (tents full)
a pain related to

"because at that"
'nomous first/second
language "huh?"
coincide begins

"not" represented as
must capable
(be) "because the second
ring goes

around again" extend
hips knee
standing death

dissolution searing
pain "jabs, in turn"
proving passed another
siren 7th through

Alvardo till once
another (terrible)
"back at a start"

can (pink)
face patter'd
"coming up, sun's"

arms over head
behind not look
roll tent opening


terror 60
loosened condition
(no) description
"here inside a
(ing)" whether
once another
(habit) walking
with 'liction's view

there said
"it's not helping"
enclosed cutting
speak "say view,
speak" under
arrest'd 'porters
"you can't
help, forever"
(do do do)

shuts contain'd
"felt like you, not"
walk way consider
(da da da)
dereliction "get
context or common
sense" there
there exert'd
'ingle since
chambers (say chance)
doubt efficacy
point one
"there, there, there"

restricted enclosure
separated (one)
paths hemoglobin (esque)
'quinity "no one
has the time"
(do do do)

done work close


Issue four of Otoliths 
has just gone live & is as diverse as ever. Click on Otoliths on the blog list to your left. The latest issue contains text & visual work from Vernon Frazer, Eileen Tabios, Márton Koppány, Katrinka Moore, Jnana Hudson, Jeff Harrison, Peter Ciccariello, Amanda Laughtland, Carol Jenkins, Jean Vengua, Dion Farquhar, Ed Higgins, David Prater, Carl Baker, Elizabeth Kate Switaj, Elisa Gabbert & Kathleen Rooney, Samuel Wharton, Spencer Selby, Martin Edmond, Ay?egül Tözeren, Daniel f. Bradley, The Pines, Alexander Jorgensen, Jonathan Hayes, John Mercuri Dooley, David-Baptiste Chirot, Richard Kostelanetz, nick-e melville, Phil Primeau, J.D. Nelson, Mikhail Magazinnik, Nicholas Manning, Andrew Topel, Kristin Hannaford, Karin Kroetlinger, C. Mehrl Bennett, Kevin Doran, Ed Schenk, Paul Siegell, Raymond Farr, Suzan Sari, Suzan Sari & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Caleb Puckett, Tom Beckett, Keith Kumasen Abbott, MTC Cronin, Bob Marcacci, Thomas Fink, Nico Vassilakis, Vernon Frazer & Michael Rothenberg, & Ray Craig.
terror 59
plague'd copy ridden
sick "believe'd
she was
return buried compressed
expected "don't know
about appearing" summary
report dusted
back exhausted hand
count each gum
drop "two, three, four"
no ritual
(duty) a
"two, three, four"
pestis duplicate'd black
rat doorway
leg out
threshold one
'testinal bitten/fed
backflow'd outbreak
"but got back
up" each member
related (by)
universal inside/outside
noise breaks shut
blankets drop
"since I might speak"
door knob
turning single
burner water hotter
(plague story)
poisonous float (s)
"sniff it up," back entero (shits)


terror 58
"least" sun down
faster occasions set affecting
it will be too
cool to sit
out this late"
line knuckle
bent disappears 3 fingers

dots red white
scarf tied
(notes) nothing floats
freeway (free) ly
light lit (up)
sign 'city motel'
maintained (ing) "are
sometimes applied to

a broad"
clarify bracket'd
"getting production
'sumption 'bition confused"
(pale swallows
flight throat
down if) fast to
effect arms around
blanket shoulders (light

breaking tongue
lifts lip
bus ride main
past first "ah, honey"
(rising ambitious
(tion) held chins
'speptic was
dawn twists turn(s)
back away under't)


terror 57
terror 56
"ah, conviction" building (is)
cannot 'cipitate reach
imagined hand's limp
colder state'd
"say, it's nearly winter
here" sit
out shaking throwing
garbage scream warmer
insecticide smell
coming walking in order
grab rail up cold
days, maybe it will"

please'd stepped
flatten (rain)
makes nose
sense at
whether one result
"those corners of triangles"
passing (abc) one looking on
LAPD marking taping
(exotic it's) step
over colder shielded
blankets old used

way (that's hoping)
"my legs!"
psoriasis portrait
confused mirror'd
(and scratching) even
rhythm fingers
taped eyes open not
open tapping (walk slower)
"mocked?" end


terror 55
terror 54
terror 53
"completely, just
say it." universe
between hairs
down porch steps
pills spilled
parading white dispersed
still around somewhere
two towels wiping
hands backing up

tucked in
"take this pill,
please" TV's
off no shove
"or sorry"
silverfish (turning) parade
squeeze'd k-y left
compression sallow "sometimes
you can taste

it, sometimes
you can't" virtuous
'eavenly (hell)
paint strokes
upward except face'd
(utter it) looked
described burning wax
example (finally) burning
wood "fuck the

pageant, the
dancing wheel,"
(pill please pill)
dropped refrigerator
under search TV
(branding) cockroach
wings "flap, oh flap"
tasted sunk yellow
red sockets eyebrows


terror 52 - variation - orthodon'tist - Mark Young
terror 51
stretched over tongue (depressor) "let's plant
this firmly" bring with hole sock
staying once two sixteen 'tending play
removed subjects (tick tick) insignificant bottles
to "message, verge of a 'pletely" left
lining moments (tick tick tick)
"wonder what fit?" sputum after phrase
caught under tongue taking four 17
moments (lined) begun somewhat up eye level
to numbers "attached to buildings"
recover light then morning(s) up eye
placed look emptied examine tongue pulled
"up, look" pee'd pants before penis zipper
open it (lining) moment plural
greeted delivered hands buttocks under one
window affected all (could) answers stuck


terror 50
means (kick a curb) which moment repaired

blind hand back eyes covered
"once, once, once" hand over less

hand absent 'cratic (concrete (thing))

cutting firmly "not the tolerance, none" indefinite
offered (up) just critical watching

halted't cartoon (ish) grouping 'gether legs

nose eyes (arms) figure'd idea 'mentation
cut head chain link (resting) wave a

hand flatten'd face(s) true 'perly

"the table's laid out perfectly" appearance
sprayed watch adopt less (easy) expression

two legs clear (ly) pieces 'shized four

a.m. material ripped up "it's
never about the walk on the

beach" made up disposed after pregnancy(s)