
inexcus'able 6
(two blocks around which) spoon to
lips rite aid doors close
repeated (re)turns on the site
"no, not paradox, no
meta-languages, not impossible," pragmatist complete

(tion) just a "band-aid" please left
paper plates bagel crossing signal
object instant'd round four inch knife
wound'd "not then, full"
tip finger scab rubbing its

history answer opacity repeated completely other
"wise is a trauma unit,"
real building looks back (like) dotted
object french fry butts
smoking digressed (tion) "you know,

there are 36 different kinds of 
pus," such substrate site indicators
hands placed less (passive) within an
"arm leg torso head,
saw 12 last hour," reception


I just finished the “the first hay(na)ku anthology.” It’s wonderful, marvelous, and not shedding skin. Jean and Mark did a great job as editors. My favorite piece is by Karri Kokko on page 49. Please find the time to buy a copy. See: http://www.meritagepress.com


inexcus'able 4


inexcus'able 2


inexcus'able 1


drop 19.5
drop 19.4


"I myself, alone'd" sorrow deep
ones woes worse wrap'd hands
interruption (stone'd inside heart) extended
shoe reply to hit cup
in advance hand for "thus
very more destructive, one than,"
socks exceeding building advanced light
in the shoes delivers above
with "main north interruption sleeping
more, shoes that clean" cup
for hands movement in folded
cracks together one first finger
second under the wall for
handling sinew(y) bending "and, the
meeting feet building" for outside
palms hands raise shoes are
seat cup "admired, the turned
change foot in spite" (the
foot) lined up above "excuse
me, would roll on" innervate
blink eye interruption pressured walked
one key crossing


drop 19.3
need to (walk across the street November (warm) night) "yeah, I can wear my shorts" minded door closed at home barred partly blind'd perfect caustic [have breath taken treatment] lay chance 'flicted "as it gets darker" street lights 'day 250 watt's "couldn't remember, year remember't" dialect skills 'cious every range short'd wear n'out wider ('ering) ledge less know 'scribing "you know, I could just say it smells," gate [because: clean clothes home here] chemical cans envelopes cotton swabs receipts color'd matter oily skin slip "half parent cells, chromosome" dialect'd mediocre skill'd extreme(ly) "listen, I know I've been irresponsible, but I'm clean'd," another proportional remember, year remember't" dialect skills gate [because: clean clothes home here] chemical cans envelopes cotton swabs receipts color'd matter oily skin


drop 19.2
drop 19.1


drop 19
drop 18


drop 17


drop 16
a pole un (identified) "failing to
fulfill," sense lamps light anyone
sunlight disappear expendable faith to (betray)
metal light pole grout
gone at the base washed
helplessness "the rain left leaves in
a circle," take task orient
and alive effort futile less (one
x one) "it's really
(fucking), many more!" once engaged
(doing) some fallacies control'd wheels direction
"thrown off" attempt to walk
no knees 'lessness having just been
rubbery usually tolerable "done
better, at" head headache to
tiled floor (150 watt) reflected cover
rug/blanket eyes through a hole
"one bug, two bug dance" lit
up looking blinking single
weeping left "so, then" eyed


drop 15
drop 14


please see Karri Kokko's variations on my drop pieces

cheers, hks


drop 13


drop 12
statue of street light froa takme soour "tomparison," place reference a
lightweight cinereous weource papnee(ing) "an spokI, I spoke to it," pant
rolled foot glove above (prickinupport floodirawn blood "tood 6pm, compliment
that general remember't" its greold tain forwast stopptural rest (rested) ",
stopped in 70," natural complicame shinelow trms thquatting above link'd
chain sun (circa) babble firmly tongue=piece+(inor outsiongue'd paper is
commentary (d) "is nobody," in't sunrticular san sunk sacank between birds
"approved" not diagonally sung shout fucly) immeno "thiertifies" all to these
[question] "knows, you yesterday" treath shinieglected siontinuum indicated
under the natural cold clelevator elbow sings


drop 11


drop 10


drop 9

"it remained
to come this
way that
never comes this
twisted low
shoe way mouth
mush back
part ankle, in
the way"
is it 'tresses
edges (o)
one examples stump
foot (no
steady structure) inside
fact examination

reacts (if they
dragged) "pushing
it all the
way," to
incline sitting down
(wall) push
moved away dab
from the
shit human being
fan supply
stock card "cannot
help it,"
the pyracantha berries
that (form)
as the stable

in excess
(lity) dozen eucalyptus
dry'd "no, 
outside here each
night," smell
table "structure porta-potty
(s) alternative
that comes this
way," (never
used) stench (mephitis)
spills extracted
exceeding gray below"
it said
that was crap
that crap
just "greater puncture
direct forge'd
squatted conceive chairing


drop 8


drop 7

"get your
'etics, up" blood
over block
walled & singing
constant one
more song chorus
ankle toe
shin slapping pants
tone position
"sure, it's more,"


drop 6

"so much for methods" psyche (this)
digested posture as contact built on others
person reaction (ality) in  root
(ed): instead "dreaming of walking around" made(kt)
problem stroked left itch
made (it) sided speech slurring just
responded "that's fear talking, man" maintain it
(don't tense up) momentary
blank't "when he was young" refuse through
that example absence her so
[a west side] ride picked points
flag numbered block by corner worms by
meat "what one really feels,"
undercooked several air born motion cut (ting)
stunt ride "a west side"
motion stomach takes (it) passes
"such a feat" opening finally ache back
lower skull objective where it's
context eye ball upper lip rubbed faster
stopped (ed) open doors keep


drop 5

making reacting cover
slides back wind
makes importance "very
attractive" underline it
over (not an
embolism) perfectly emetic
done driveway open
out full street
nose down laid
stress attention
spread by wheels
rolled't motion alternatives
understanding mouthing each
person "don't tell
I'm crossing wrong,"
entrance paper thin
line red (to
the touch) hand
attachment lifted above
the head


drop 4


drop 3 (foot)


 drop 3

someone who returned attention that's subject
mid-forties quiet contained while solitary language disappointed
"yeah, first thing..." car alarm
'tranced 'fication present already (of once) energy
turned toe tip burning's fluid
breath be included D's eyes open
"ah, ... inaccessible, that's pursued, a state" object
(less) 'faction sense once mourned
"did it have mutual, uh, uh" hung(ing)
capable aroused bit just a
'ddicted pull over slap it (insert)
"it's just a technique" one for clinging
stated: broken ankle (we) gap
"that's just an implied," 'fillment 'tion add
(ed)ing exposure to fear (is)
possession there subject blanket thrown off
retreated't around symbol/word lattice sod dispersing as
'spect "treaded like any" 'sides
taken in (below any conscious) expose entirely
that peak that someone [hidden-dragged-luminous]


drop 2 (beaten  bruised  battered)




chapter x

"you got something... for me, huh?"
the mirror sunglasses blonde dancing two doors
away "liquor store, that's it a,"
once look down/up rest hood on momentary
leg crossed tank top shoulders
a result (raucous) result certain (myth
just a proof) certainty 'pect
except where rested 'centive in
desire [not salt or flour] nor/or under't
dream it "once result breaks
down" dog (say feral) leashed runny
nose "for me?" (ring of muscle, closed)
hot "perhaps, cleft dreamed on
a river of a glory" sing spin
tubes out legs ache knuckles
swollen "what motor function?" shift affect
paralysis [sun glass mirror] fatigue that
something expelled D gets up to
point (ed) sitting inflections verb/noun disabled
desire (e) lysium contradicts (tion) 'llel





"that's just something that is done,"
changed' shirt sweat pulled hood conditions (92)
'ventional qualifies for two nights
shuffling shoe one ahead shoe "it's not
mad or insane," closed collection
penetrate'd push up basin chin up
head down cheek side "this won't ignite
with this...," can smoke trash
passive erect leaning body surface reduce'd crowded
"wiggle toes" pole deep coals



anxiety two by the dumpster come
walking "these are the facts," bus stop
recognize forks/plates/plastic mode spread out
covering four to five piss trails realize
possible back turn'd removing in
placed attached prior pocket hand
out turn indifferent "ya know, it's the
symptom through deeper equality and
that difference in question, do you?" avert'd
'tabilty muttered (qua non) now



out (within one more constant) changing
shoes "it's just action rather than ignorance
intimation(s) fence rather help less
rest less duration "that's the hammering, the
breaking of boxes" fish smell
(s) pulled fire to lit
"vanishes even clinging to it," unlike (ly)
faced red extension by "till it's, till,"
(two flames to a foot) melting shoes
dreamy and distant a'sing a'long



D's thought is "maybe this outcome"
some actual (food) arrives big yellow flower
remote floor rest "some more"
grasp (ing) C's left canal ear ache
general empty 'xious excess sense



"gaps of" C looks at D
to desire to smells bus exhaust squint
(ing) eyes "come on, another
smoke" ignore't 'guishment relative within isolation
as separation natural gassing [diesel] claiming
back aches "it's about a blanket
and a stone" introduced companion (eyes up)
way reflection C's face blank
where it's path "to it" pulling doused
tears concrete "rid of" flaws
feels looks leave outcast longing as
craving "oh! You want to hit me,
come on!" steps back tongue in
teeth tight grasped C's anger "I'm here,
I'm ready" greed flat shut



prepared surface over fix 'vable articular
opening allowed (but blocked) valve "hoot, hoot,
hoot, hoot" train's quality under
inversion 5am "I agree" that quality thinking
mist against enter agitation 'fuse
exists set black/gray spots (dotting
the sidewalk) increasing frequency liquor store entrance
dotted jointed 'yata left empty
sun baked air pocket fills "straight up,
molecules hung," horn pants over



pants back
sitting grayed backpack
horn) loose
shirt set pants
thigh [over]
switch ankle scratching
basic (ly)
faulted "some real"
scripts (ed)
pre empty (d)
"feel the
posture, touch" gap
force trying
knows threaten overcast
off emerging
belt buckle pattern
silence "for
this one" impression
silence (filled
to) estranged for



socks piled
"look at the
on that
baby" tunnel under
shoes "the
person" did it
crave imply
two chairs butt
within a
suspension with possible
talk to
me like that!"
shouting concerning
not free one
another walk
away "shut up!"
found clarifying
with (one wish)
growing lice
constant inseam pulled


Al, 13


ummm 13

stepping slowly fingers rolling flying out
talking incessantly (have that previous) "touch once,
touch twice, do the unceasing
and realize" dead repeated "walk here over
there" inner adoption forming (ed)
insignificant beaten to [baseball bat] aluminium
'fronted conned lulled out repeating slowly "my
face is bleeding, again" 'sition
toward under the blanket "no one" nowhere
answer within tangible wounded disoriented



over from eight C's legs speed
steady slow (pushed off blanket) hard cased
armpit sniff foot sniff shoulder
rub "kick in, no" outer (that's) crusted
push up fingers eyes between
weep the (wept) congestion un reliefed
now D rolls over window ceiling "Venus
in plastic trash bags, dependent"
not an absolute where 'coration push'd 'dition
crying dreaming finished by 9am
sleep conscious (thing) kept hidden only
cracked sidewalk and brick facade current "regard,
vacuum flow" in a wake
confident suspended (of) 'scious quiet 'tize ness
both shoes pointed forward overwhelm
'ed up dangle below "you start
to see a pattern," lethargy rest(less)
"pilaf for breakfast, braided and
buttered" D's eyes open identification (number, etc.)
'ognomy features another cereal boiling



it means "that it is," admired
in beauty C death fold the
constraint going cupped to hunger(s) one
swallow chew cigarette lights car lights
hands (meaning) 'render'd ' little aid desire
of conception the main paper knees
2 counts of yellow hair broken
inclined of "" two times "transforms
if moments, only," word (in) C
it looks at thighs laterals occidental
people south pyramids collisions morning solar
light of D (surrender pleasure)"what
it is following" between (ing) not
arresting had but to read each
word 'one bedroom' flavored two feet
to look at fixed in free
objects of drool (of a 'form
of stalline) "they, too much"
movement finger nail under line "two
bedrooms, two ban" had torn the
end eye paper C a forward
cover "institution having imported itself hair
head socket sight count (24 baptismal
sinks) that it originates in the
of Phoenix"


pencil craft



after stumbling red very small
spider ringer foot (aniline) "to
say, said." intend'd tried experimentation
(ing) that it points finger(s)
less dried (ing) machinate(d) that
stupid raised "who, will be
made responsible" not fucking identity
[lie] after returns (rence) stumbled
fingers foot from fingering (shade)
drag points read sentence noisily
"a time, a time that said"
two times an occurrence directionless
moral one/two (completely) spider left
arrow green red light outside
hangs right glove arm "you
introduced figure, use for something,"
side transversally backwards folded linking
chain slid forward ankle finger
foot folded covering (purple) thumb
arrested popsicle forward liquor store
two arms "left to fall
and to the left" only
bars metal sight that surround
feet tips had slid hollow
explain it connects foot grind
tooth/teeth (that it says "to
perception") above division gave wooden
form fixed "for top, leaving
on..." in puncture as table
broken entered one (store foot)
and chair hear to leave
'to beat finger foot substantives




in a

in a death action where under cart(s) grocery above this down the street a
corridor (it knows it) extremity starts the return brake garbage paper leaves
pierced swelling the tongue-piece closed throat stack payphone delivers payphone
coffee incapable drain plug dated to rather continuous given material softly
form sock ring language at/in (for speaking) hesitate for side between the
concrete and asphalt is not continuous material "that it is lacking the
concentration, given form," (body fat person morose)'d (if uprising like)'em
disappears floats that black color plastics bag had sketched above the action
window'by distinct window contains (living) the plastic fence focused car
climates around dreaming the way "is including, could not" it brings up(up to it
that it brings) where little meetings actions if escape for low (low removing
turned for broken straps sheet paper to hang pursuing the flies that eyeing




and th't

"out by heat" overhang served in
hostile (remote) where two blocks away meet
mistake shaped limited by indistinct
sight agreeing sinking (just kneeling) shadow canopy
end fingertips scratching agree decided
yard lines "meter?" identify individual disused
"it's only an impression," away distant (way)
slab'd gray to grayer angle
to bus pole "the new stands'n the
way" redraw the line point
threadlike quiescent "just because you, that
hair" nails over bricks slowly (just lines)
colored gray less white against
red ordered have'd bright winging "just because
you, short pants" held there


at 6.

unrecognized (you think connected) pull riding
to Echo Park "concerning, hearing, unconscious," extinct
(inner bulb inert) lake side
light "meaning 'likeness'" recognize't lack indifferent face'd
kneeling head over shoulder troche
to insert "of an oblique, angled
right" bubbling up attention (not layers, come
on!) one here the other
over there "headlights, on curb up steps,
grass to street" pulled out
touched extinct'd nerve turn around pace
potholed't bicycle tire blown "head, back into
the water" lumpy rutted made
indented "where?" blow stemmed doorstep house
(pattern of agreements(s)) written hasten
"weeds are not real" 'member? there
around the water disturbed out [inset] door
way "put it in a
talk, huh?" equilibrium see forced't anger posed
joke (ing) gripping a brick


'n that


at 6

possible "it scale's up, huh?," carried
studied locate tail within't line playing any
again it's with (you're match
lit and focused) eating the "kidney snacks"
while't "it's, is, that's" evade'd
blanket over face muffle 'lence 'sion
(keep) tense very contest mean entering head
rested bricks event black tire
marks curb "push over, would'ja?," piteous cause
'sation blanketed under't determining eyes
opening 'prehensible "remember that resource we,"
certain seeming conformed grouping roles in ah'sis
(currently) no self conscious no(ness)
no "antigone" here "but, I simply can't say,"
body at funeral qualitative layer


up 'letsBody

rollup's up body at weaved quality
flashed (ing) textur'd stucco lightness "fact it"
abrupt hand tether't closed end
defended flatly area tenon (ized) "that, is"
less anxiety on entering foot
up one ramp parking garage are
question(s) "is this loading or unloading or,"
not quite (home) objections certain
(ly) upon brick entry matter seek fright
less dread upon construction marking


'mster dammit


at 6

fall'd forward involuntary
        suspected (the less
drank to the
        control pausing finger
foot tip obstacle
        hesitate hold in
screen'd protective covering
        movement (barrier) that
'pefying stapling cow
        'dously felt "that
you could say,
        here" today to
night 'pidly guzzle
        wall scraping way
walked 3 feet
        until swelled land
this yard that
        finger 1 "for
some finger of
        'sciousness concession" 2
"under my skin,
        obtaining" half of
fingers 3


'ak ing

shaking out one pocket (no pills) development insistent
terrain down hill upside versus comic deeds transport 4X4
area sidewalk "step, step happily mind'd"
yet but cruel repeating words these




ents ago  "


moments ago


at 5.

pass the "ants that cross
     arm" vision'd through prospero turns
misspelle'd "imperfection Caliban educate, this
     are" stopping in a sentence
questioned shoes tennis two words
     consumed no jumps reach hand
straighten eliminated pocket time that
     the pupil one has a
broken back dolphin and vision
     out'd "reddens" mounted cloth pocket
left hand cleaning above "the
     these figures they had walked
in L.A walking." (not really,
     and you start) threats deliver
adjustments fly for more highly
     highly when on a wall
rare one another hour happened
     hand flight that recedes feet
left asphalt fall quiet impulse
     concrete dream't of whispering(s) pushes
shoulder square in


at 5

     one another vision no wall
shimmering structuralized multiple rare
     face "what it happened"
above and pilgrim'd the
     dream to the land
where controlled in squares
     each (flow'd for low)
left control to fall
     crusade separated (jesus/cultural/politics) "what
is the signal, usurpation"
     when the flight paper
leaves written for low
     sounded the pocket left-hand
suspension below passage extremity
     covering (no threat here)
arms paper that read
     "the hierarchy to traffic
wait" anarchy low shoes


at 4.

(a typographical error in
     the poem of CB's)
'tested journey' that I
     smell photo in the
humidity "cough" overcast record
     that bites below the
wadding that ventricle "F,
     s, h" that slides
the finger foot knocks
     down above touch H
(three times) rather long
     one flat short in
water chosen now above
     smooth long shorts 'legible
a left exhaust'd that
     diesel voices "oxygen" nothing
same brought two very
     shorts 3 for time where panel'd


at 4

[asked for that the one
      room carries school photo the
half open way seems above
      three panels falls a flower
camellia (March) the edge reflects
      above against the right triangle
turned around] what the fall
      difference is left is ways
reply pair them hot dogs
      "window them touches" opinion H
it flight traces them seed
      bird outside this nothing flies
then the trucks garbage (above)
      more wide 5am stop/start walking
why photo that


at 3.


at 3

the direct bottle

'ristic collected qualities

can open broken

written glass hand

notes (deposited in)

placed for side

meeting to edges

that additions brakes

(s) left lines

extracted below the

test standard flaw'd

H between't left/right

are not any

(no not new)

ly that surrounds

garbage shaped some

increasing cans center

distance to cans

article moments ideas

articles (it's agreed

everything) the arrival

agrees article(s) to

surround it are



at 2


at 1


sit 24


sit 23


sit 22


sit 21


sit 20

"because, suppressed?" the

tickets rain tongue't

mountain disappear moved

away cut one

ash to another

one come back

another time kept

it always (stoic)

the rubbing that

J wall with

invisible grease boxes

chicken finger ink

(oil olive'd) leave

them to see

functioning process thinking

the movement same

waking up dawn

forgiving attention stomach

bag(s) sunrise up


sit 19


sit 18


sit 17


sit 16

unfolding chairs 5am

ideal asleep "hardly"

circulated finds foot

waked up blanket J

rose transmitted speak

"taken in construction,

then the intention,

work it around

the speakers" high/low

head pillow/blanket

"ruff" NE (do

not say pastiche'm)

"ruff, ruff," enter

low dislocate it

",foreigner, this"


sit 15


sit 14.1

       stage on walked short on the
       bridge no difference

fence between that they speak
saying does not discipline in
reverse a
paper stack periodical
saying those that are speaking
it offers nothing on stepped on
that dull ash yellow

    impression low done play
    examination lacking lack
    thoughtful construction
    carved above

dominant one around city
metaphor idea (bucket it above)
loaded mount to
mound stopping
sit 14


sit 13


sit 12

beating(s) laughing felt still

"created for its, position,

for its" puncture tingled

jingled foot sock stance

"that it thinks" walks

moved away another time

"says it that, is

as well as" breathing

not giving to attention

the nothing place that

value'd adaptation it hear't

repeats "alone and packing

this baby, who the

pocket jingling reeling laughed

done child" and the

bone "tingling"


sit 11


sit 10