
terror 49
terror 48
terror 47
terror 46
terror 45
terror 44
"that's geometry, is it a relationship?" wind
leaves blown roof off (of)
"shit's flyin!" red inside flashlight's out
ankle right swollen "just cause it's
that" flashlight elevated pointed down points down
(laid out) edge (s) remain
trash/leaves corner'd wind whipped corner (three
lines) out "took my bags, took
my bags" blows harder 'reversible 'corruptible
blows harder (tableau) screen bangs
checked shirt setting out debris shit/trash
"took my jacket" blowing red lights
one direction weeds waving ivy "that
geometry, relationship" end intended differently
standing facing wrapped ankle "promised" did/do
light flashes up/under page yellow white


terror 43
closer leg 'bolic "seems you've" lost name

did (what) it pushed mirror
facing car squads nose convex't "don't

look down!" captive inflamed right eye

(ing) cut up "newsprint borrows, angled"
back pressed (kick it) placed

misplaced "two gray green plants there"

shadowed 'function discovered open styrofoam rice/noodles
cramping cramp't'up right arm bent to left

arms wrist index finger (gone)

"given this view" banded leg up
throat pressed throat pressing uncertain concern

member (of the) force angles & sides

myelitis background "hand shadow" plant
two green gray black flashlight hand

grip (slap't palm) "say," holding hand


terror 42
clipping stick plants thorns (took the labor)
drive up file in spent

heavy boots "once a minute" step

up doors hand head knees up
(others) pyracantha grows through chain link pushed (to)

jump until "it spans it"

verify sources (read formation) judged "words
work skipping over," hands pushing callous'd

floating chains "the bridge doesn't span it"

less "laborious" substitute in climate
(never) toward dysfunction'd "charge the door

again!" leave avoid them once or

floats varying nothing "not my, but a"
whistle once ((portrait) turning head/eye)

re-laying chain (whether) turns around versus

"investment as moral ideas" all requiring


terror 41
this cigarette car horn alarm (ing) burns
"up to the butt" and
hands (it to) over dropped "pushed
into unforeseen situations" thumb ripped off
nail "no longer necessary" image flattening draw
(n) brought "this cigarette is
my" though tough signals behind (you)
elbow tap piss stink pig burning
roasting outdoor bbq wind hitting wing humming
motor 'version (into itself) "only
the humming" sort (denote) (connoted) imprint'd
constant alarming looks that pig that
fry "the butt up to" concerned whether
recourse (co) 'herent role "my
imagination said to meta't" push against
door car's horn nail off down


terror 40
crying piece more structure "about something, whatever."
this clear in ears certain
round'd taped together (helicopter) circles after
two more "I'm just running back
to my room." single trip (cry it)
overhead is smell things warmer shines
(at dusk) reddish cloudless
"just jump" moisture "and yet" reduction
"deprive me" cry (at one) arm left
under "jump!" moon's up black
& white ankle sore infection crust
'missable enter doorway "wipe up" bound
black braid'd ribbon "that's the lower position,
act" twelve flights roof top
balancing red atmosphere "anything, pulled tapes"
cried over (button) push't jump then


terror 39
terror 38
"truth" dead trees perspective "into the" passing

in charge "got a box
of dirty diapers" think(s) last left

over right buried leg built to

outside always open (ing) "I do care
what," that's two me's blind

"ok, and they" thing(s) first one

swings out sings out again messy
rooms stung (deltoid) left arms sight'd low

slung'less "not a vein, come

on" below arched foot pebble asphalt
turned over over stopped step stop

"isn't a truth, a" trees 3/4 up

branch over branch'd waving cotton
wind (wind) hair back comb dirty

left right over leg cotton blank


terror 37
crow (s) one time engage (you) define

"take away, live in," some
happen (s) some (joy) 'rchic hole

'onomy under sink singing bark whistles

crow (up) two foot space crawl gas

line "it's blocking" trash corner
movement hand pulls (it) "characterize it,

model once and left" just that

'ragement worse better 'continuity forward child birth
to "still again, tonight" kept

waiting crowing (parody?) invited smelling roasting

pork principle closes 'herent (or) it's

last forty four minutes (last) "here, take
it and sing it" guess

different 'quently sees "torn apart" whistling

"cha, cha, cha" crow's lifted beak


terror 36
saw blade stop saw blade stops face
exchange charge 'cipatory "just being

alone here doesn't," unwill (ing) where

set (up) table chair located (un)

pointing at the chair "it's the table
cleaned off for tomorrow" crying

"ah, ahhh, ah, ahhh" cough "NO!"

cough saw blade stop "ah, ahhhh,
ah, ahhh" take off the door screws

one time (at) measured need't

crows one'to'two "can't tell, can" blankets
torn up disposition "did, before, did"

blades start saw blades facing, 'ument

arrange immanence "come on, about
it included, about" sawing lifting such

cough "yes, it's" alone (liness) locate'd


variation - Love Suicides a Parasol - Robert Chrysler
syllables falling embrace imaginary teeth
incantation the hair accustomed sight tanned the train
midnight spray signaling pearls left
ions passing ‘imating passions left jaw
‘hundred old orange lifting men stone
stroke muscled purple slabs molecules soar
supine below cusps singing love's draped humming grass
watches rays ’figure entwined figures one
floats pyramids water ’tras match nature's
calling rescued limbo bone ‘gainst bone spirit ‘gainst 
hollow curls laughter astral ‘quencies hand
sky keys her fierce ‘fection stillness her bodice
covering edges wound surrender moist mouths
cross painted sheets prayer

longs love glisten waves nothing prelude

appearance gusts wind divine equation ‘finitum
’tean thrust breathless gasp’d out flourish’d hanging
droplets chests love cyclone open hearts
dreamt shadowy’s blooming heat caress’ddd  
peyoetryhyt - Friday, October 27, 2006


terror 35
check out Episode 17 of THE COUNTDOWN on miporadio at miporadio

this is an ongoing series by Bob Marcacci and
features readings by various poets that he finds
searching through poetry blogs.

btw, they are offering more ways to listen...
terror 34
de (eroticized) 'tion hand pushing up leaning
over "you here?" such division

fragmented sand handful entry odd door
opens(s) "hi, you want a blowjob?"

yesterday (times) compact (ed) 'osits

noiselessly 'ference 'tricate gets up
and looks around focused view (small)

rat out/in garage doors closing slam

shut (rat in/out) "how, then change the
streets?" attention boiling butane lighter

water/spoons practicality 'less "ends it" newer
former leaves over laid no pile

"the same" opposes 'ference 'oticized finger'd

up/around pushed "here, I am."
ending squared window (look) it's I/me

lowering elbow face down jacket reeks     


terror 33
relation (ship) 'cularly 'version pulled since "all

of these" got stuccos 'penetration

halo(s) nearer wakes up head to

wall plastic ties (kinds of questions)

"gimme, gimme" written

two lines "my" so

that "self" text

(ual) 'volved

evidence 'eational

"might have" into palm

'citation spread

thumb rubbing

(fore) finger

brake screech back up note disappears then

enters into

opening the left

door "head up,

get it up!"

'ticularly there walls against't hands tied

back center given "it's another way into,"

what aim way wall broken

painted blue (baby) "go on 'champ,

do it" given its syntactic 'jectories


Listenlight 04  is now live...


terror 32
terror 31
"eating peanuts, drinking tequila"

nothing will 

bring (a) cat back (vertical to horizontal)

both (motorcycle & car) slide

frame nose minute up against dropped

fifty feet spread over 3 square

feet "the confidence," head neck shoulders twisted

back steadily light bulbs "not

checked or rechecked" doubled 'eption noting

receiving 'dentious "a gamble, I know"

flex'd passing verb(s)'al 'sual 'sical unexpect it

"why, it's never unexpected" themselves

dead fly five minutes suggest review(non)

peanut shells "approach fallacies, elements all


'cident (junkies) sky from a smaller

opening up's checking forehead (noting)

room opens doors into 'vation "doctor?"


terror 30
terror 29
"in this world(s)" time all

having (periods) oscillations worked (vain) in
invisible clouds't all "is this the right

door?" intent (ly) "baby?" thigh trust

ankle bracelet (read) "quality" back

ward intricacies(s) elbow skin leaning against
"or any other works" exit'd before 3rd

palms up (back down) eyes up

chin up stairs red face

through black coats "this world is"
four people corner left turn car white

face watching (associative) "huh?" connects 'tirely

cost right door opening ankle

flash envelope 'llations barking (sub) loss
lost unless thigh knees "stay where you're

visible" face turns "barking, there it's"


Issue three of Otoliths has just gone live at http://the-otolith.blogspot.com.

Like the previous two issues, there is a diverse mix of people & styles. Issue three
contains work by Ray Craig, Jordan Stempleman, Jeff Harrison, Andrew Topel, Corey
Mesler, John M. Bennett, Reed Altemus, Lars Palm, Jesse Crockett, rob mclennan, Pat
Nolan, Jenna Cardinale, Rochelle Ratner, Ian Finch, Paul Siegell, Thomas Fink & Tom
Beckett, Ay?egül Tözeren, Glenn Bach, T. Walden, Tom Hibbard, Raymond Farr, Aki
Salmela, Jill Jones, Nico Vassilakis, Kirsten Kaschock, Martin Edmond, Eileen Tabios,
Sheila Murphy, Rebeka Lembo, Jonathan Hayes, Jenny Allan, Geof Huth, Kevin Opstedal,
Adam Fieled, Derek Motion, Caleb Puckett, Scott Hartwich, harry k stammer & Serkan
I??n, & has a cover by Michael Rothenberg.
terror 28 - variation -   yyyyyyyyyy lee - Mark Young
terror 27
"arise and drop't" thumbnail little 

finger (stated) exactly opposite orange cones
lined (particular continuity) hand up fingers wiggling

"gimmegimmegimme" waving 'lizing over 'anating line

across the forefingers(s) "just, complement
combined'd controlled" (operari) intention(s) grasping hand

pole lights "come in" 'visage parallel "chances

are, you won't say it" green

plant shadow shadows tenderly 'present

reach out pole "gimme" take another
pole "dropped" hands pockets working finding orange

cones (lit) "give me" labored labor

knuckles (activity) blood to nose

wiping "you see, gimme gimme" language
allows independence followed wiggling wave "expect it

all" dropping't scratch grasp at 'lize


terror 26
coded (you think) context (us about) not
"this warm foot" under two

socks "be no wire walls, then" notice

rigid (same time) explore left hand

reaching back careful around (nail scratch) obvious
'trinsic in where rubs 'tioning

volume "explore by" 'sorption opposed will

(that's) in 'standing appears "you see?"


terror 25 - variation -  N docrine - Mark Young
terror 24
nails "no, scenic, forget't" dances 9th

for low reflected Hill that (s) perfect

apprehend toes lightly 'tigo up/down

strained jump front hand waves finger (little)

"much very, taken that" to scratch out talkative

person many speaking me/I tug'a'war "none"

('ception different place 'easure form

rub't brick rubbing finger index) (for: )

brightness one


terror 23
useless beginning "what's the personality?"
confusion living greatest during the door opens
proximity .0005 millimeter obstacle hand down
hands screen 'work nothing exposed inference
leg over left pulled in
toes stuck hooked wrapped paper hat firmly
attached "the personality?" real (useless) flat
out back sidewalk (passion) plus long
nails "you wouldn't wonder any
more," structure round'd pat & tie it's
negative (colder) falls balance linked
"slept ok last night" rats running full
speed (exteriors taken) "say?" car 
door opens step step step 'bility longer
nothing (camera view) criteria unsteady "or
again" pushed picked up out "what?"


terror 22
"hey, sentences don't work that way"

smoke some wind machinery large wheels
bus chased dull hear level effect (of)

meaning step to to back

back over "unidentifiable'd blessing this, too"
stacking box property ruled grab (s)

variable quantity 'less using (mention) words (between)

by wording "take care, miles"
blowing water nose back head down

peeled ears filled (chance brings it

up) "fear in extremities" look (devil sits
outside) "thank you, sir" tether'd

working crane lifting outside condensing point

"skip it when, ends" secure serving sententious
(ly) "hey!" rising up trash full bin

(sniff't) feature smooth granite hands


terror 21 - variation -    O pine - Mark Young
gamma ways
terror 20
immense ("that failure") new give tape

between fingers "taped, index finger against
middle" stupidity somewhere blinking light stand (ing)

"spshsh;on spshsh;off" sneezing

three times "spshsh" 'ctity (time to) places

"I hear your name" returning (other

subjects?) orange sun (up) digging deep (er)
between (as between(bus loads)

fifth & wilshire) spshsh's orange light

points waving hands 'cularly "is it
bigger than you remember?" no remember rubs

now lined 'posed (speeshee) take

it little finger in boot heel

scratching blink two "spshsh" sixteen box

under waiting (waits) fourtimes 'fied since 'rived
immense'd finger taping no middles


terror 19 - variation -   V eerily - Mark Young
gamma ways
terror 18
breathe (inside of) model mounted "pulled

inside" 'makon hung as plates or
penis out reach it pulled pissing eating

pizza on plastic blanket "cause

let's go" (protection) 'shair's notes that's

"a red light, stop!" behind one
cloud is a mountain (seen?) noted "dog

the table!" 'tified (jesus) love


terror 17
"they said it's worth noting" misidentified

thought (nothing) following "jesus loves you"

read hand fingers pointing brakes grab "what
are you talking?" materials are

about (this car) one light "you

spent" include jump eye 'ceive 'pathize

"pin up a newspaper article and
a photo of you" happens


terror 16 - variation -  N gender - Mark Young
gamma ways


terror 15 - variation - A chord (for hks) - Mark Young
gamma ways


terror 14 - variation - G entry - Mark Young
gamma ways
terror 13
"read, 'lyzed it, narrative, narrative"

running across the street window plaster

newspaper magazine (writing about it)

'terranean (un) fragment'd "I" curtained this that

sill resting "although, (freer) in that

sense activity object directed recomposed as

big bag crushed cans crush

crushed now 30 seconds passing handles gripped


terror 12 - variation - D tale - Mark Young
gamma ways
terror 11
"eh, eh eh eh, ehhh" imitated

'stituted window watching below street go
second (intervals warrant) exchange (ofthe)

unconsciously door handle lift "ever one, that's

here, it's how its" 'tained and
awareness shifts (toe heel) pointed (not)

at eyeballs placed (re) compose't

"but, dissolves alone" reduced persistent process (stop'd)


terror 10
"manner means" blows heavy Temple left

enclosed (not binary) step to step
(clack'a) step to toe'n "next

one is warmer than," kindling effect butted

against "unbutton those sleeves and roll
them up" character control setting 'anage

'sponse (clack'a) stamped 'sistant "noted,
this characteristic" bludgeoned head

restraint stutter stepping


terror 9
pounding parkinson(s) thing "went to sea

yesterday" today clocks (a) clocking depreciatory
stamp to stamp shoes (clack'a)

holes "hands go these brown

ones" attach confine loss (lost) spotting

(clack'a) "why not complete sentences?"
what occluding pounds over belt

refer (internal) "rhyme" slapping the side 'tagmatic


terror 8

powered by ODEO


terror 7 - variation on Mark Young's C side
gamma ways
terror 6 - variation on Mark Young's C side
gamma ways
terror 5
first the left hand then right
blood (everywhere) fingers (e) white sheets

cover "absence, shit you fucker"

speaking (erasure) stumble (a) kneeling forward prayer

second then ankles right left cut/chopped
"laying on the left side, yes"

dance'd feet plop up (plop

up up) 'uristic model (such 'many 'ture)


terror 4
count one "less, succeed" pulled out

apostrophe (placed head first) position so

long "within a wishing" combined
commas arranging "linguistic, fucker you shit addict!"

counting two "particular capabilities," burned up

can fire (wood paper plastic) smoke
west east west east "that

connotation(s), that belt" forget (lays) outside setting


terror 3

powered by ODEO


terror 3
"humidity bleeds from the sky to

the street" two sides (dry) wet foot
window mirror leashed (un) less

"breath in" prior push't button 'bitrary 'semblance

'appears "drops of sweat rolling" face

substituted (mytho) one signed board left'd
hand'd 'abling assert 'timism held

"you ugly slut, I'm still the sexy

bum, you didn't" (marx) in full
dragged about debate subjected striking those

dirty hot 'gel barely able

wipes away (right) cheeks " pork cooking, somewhere"

even primary "boiling down on our
heads" to 'alyzed 'ates digested and

yelling (un) admit'd often connection

"the dogs have been barking all morning, though."


terror 2
mounded 'gether to "twisted this way,

or crushed to death" stressed construction
(that message) done formed pile'd

to (done) receptacle  filter kidney bladder "not

less" no more (than) coded shoveled

buried paused construct'd as whole pile'd shit(s)
around "even" termination ('terms) "from

this movement" effect (un) examined 'itable arrest

face down hands back (not reaching) "yes"

challenge seen 'vantage adding precise events
perfect (less) transform'd dribbled piss

"not from the usual consensus" rigor and

a "made up" character(s) blanket changed
not minor (ity) pulled quartered this

goal(s) built down hope down

fifth together pushed collapsing in method of


terror 1
singhoughts shaome (patterined

clearblind 'somays fuckeously"

concerned?) thestaurant door

propppen "formleollow perirunning to)"

compressn (oilinpray sidewalently

(slone) knockinuckle arourease

(ne thinkiback'd in)

"prett'holy') monktripping quicklace no

faulled feashed watwice

befoemptied alean" foreheweat

seatixaggeration undeongue finger

scratchled't seatiand wipater twice

draggt downtention (leslike)

"randtupid cidden, nopen

acratched stuback up)

blodible donut(umped whiarely let't


tents 104


Issue 2 of OTOLITHS has gone live


It contains work by Karl Young, Juhana Vähänen (translated by Karri Kokko), Martin Edmond, Rochelle Ratner, Louise Landes Levi, Cath Vidler, Michael Farrell, Christian Jensen, Ira Joel Haber, Bruce Covey, Jill Jones, Allen Bramhall, Derek Motion, Caleb Puckett, Sandra Simonds (a mini-chap - The Tar Pit Diatoms), Vernon Frazer, Pat Nolan, Donald Illich, J.D. Nelson, harry k stammer, Steve Tills, David Meltzer, Tom Beckett, Thomas Fink, Crag Hill, Ira Cohen, Carol Jenkins, Miia Toivio, John M. Bennett, Michael Rothenberg, Geof Huth, David-Baptiste Chirot, Aki Salmela, Sandy McIntosh, Michelle Greenblatt, Janne Nummela, Tom Hibbard, Marko J. Niemi, Phil Primeau, Kevin Opstedal, Olli Sinivaara, Nico Vassilakis & John M. Bennett, Michael McClure, Pam Brown, Leevi Lehto & Eileen Tabios.


tents 103
tents 102
tents 101
each observing eyeball here over there

"the children are playing outside, the adults

are drinking canned martini's"
involution (zzzz) pants up zipper up

belt pulled (pants up zipper up)

belt pulled tight "playing touch me"
vacuum outside ears/eye 'ness polarized

(over thought) symbols 'gonistic release it


tents 100
tents 99
tents 98
tents 97
reminiscent (not thought out) attended goes

external general does "not, watched" idea less
nothing external contained (in) eye/ear

"just sit down and wait" many

worlds 4 (corners 8) sides disappear

peeing side to right side "it doesn't

absorb" backs up absent apart
running down plenty filling holes over


tents 96
tents 95
tents 94
tents 93
together within 1 bandage "stuck inside

itself, no longer awake" die thought part

nothing less cautious under thumb

infection (takes) mold (rigid)'d 'tates

slicing there couldn't cups around (should)

having pole wire bulb telephone "shining on,

could have, should" thirds finger

sections print side fingers light full


tents 92
slice through each finger joint third
blood "and no pain" razor and explosions

ears plugged vibrate moving muscles

physicalistic (not) perceived joints drip (ing)

held in the left hand strap
combination right (search) 'ferent blood bubbles up/over

nails (wings fragile) wrapping individual

fingers "narrative truth, currently discussed" holding


tents 91
around the corner "what'd they gonna

see?" intentional pursuit (adapted) definite condition very
'plex 'count 'gidity remaining view

remain two discussion (rigidity) 'sions

aloud "just after your, them of, of"
(I imaginary) pronouns 'volution glancing at the

wet grass 'ancing 'rass at

"lacking flexibility. oh, lacking. uh, between
it" way two feet standing in

(your) around the corner "now, that.
see it?" reflect (tive) reflex

extending up to the shoulder


tents 90 - variation'on crescent's variation'on tents as'a variation'on as'a
tents 89
tents 88
tents 87
tents 86
covering up distance erect "let's play

with combs and see what hair and

skin" rounded noose (anger/angina) in

deficiency where algae growing acid coffee

esp. worn loops "hey, here it

is!" bus (less reflux less) means angled

by 25 to 26 have

three points pointed "in it out"


tents 85 - variation'on crescent's variation'on tents as'a variation'on
tents 84
fed upon (21 22) less (ly)

concrete's threading needle one reflect attach piece

triangles over once triangle performs

wakes there "grow out, me" out
loud (interest intro('ment) orient) 'flect

larger advocate "once the hospital released" verbal

turned fair style verbal length

feeding (fed'd) month end check stretch


tents 83
tents 82
tents 81
tents 80
influence transparent "look, it's external, exigent"

replacing fixed or inner less latent machine

(esque) project'd subjective bodies gaze'd

discuss & twist isolated bent down
"that's where the talking ends" weight

broken bits 'actorless from inward (grouped three

to two) skin hanging notice

hand pocket reach distance'd fingers odd


tents 79
tents 78
tents 77
tents 76
tents 75
tents 74
right angle oblique (never clear) less 

one hand factor cannot reason relation strength

column weighted convention large/thin massed
"pull up, drop" girders up'd  there

empty "now" received breaks through from

west (not collapse) attraction weighted rest skeleton

around lapped handy "just because
the center consists... same," straight 0


tents 73
tents 72
tents 71
tents 70
tents 69
tents 68
tents 67
tents 66
tents 65