
terror 82
"nodding, yes"
spirit search vanish (ing)
"cassius remains" noise
car away
syllables listen'd
slow step push forward
"calls me, again"
plastic cart aluminum handles
slow difference
line'd (re) lined re
lined "ghostly look,
see" front wheels
rolling (rain)
slow cuff pants
rolled "be aware, uh"
(two syllable)
(s) upon up
on no one (up)
"the difference is"
forward move rolls
consecutive prints foot
(shoe) numbers forward
backward "negative"
roles "just get
up and move on"
trucks beep
(ing) "he's remaining"
over continue where
(just) "where, uh" rectangles
plastic squares
"cassius isn't coming home,
tonight" placing
glued consecutively
14x14 nose/ear (called)
'llables sequence
"less an arm, leg"
larger printing "other,
disoriented" tiles (ing) blunt
vanishes 'lunted both runs pushing 'ward


terror 81
"standing for" broken
definite changing solids
critical (signing)
exact strict "gray
flags, standing needing"
picking bent finger
over butt cigarette
"another meal, another room,
another pair"
position'd hanging grouped with
in "re-running negative"
(-1,0) dropped
stone (ing) "instant
expectation resolved."
standing light blink (s)
"I seem
to remember" blink distance
grouped body's plumbing
gone "drops, rain
that's" re-imaginary placed
denied "standing for"
where pipes walled
into "just the one's,
intently drop "sequence'd
to sequence (s)"
developed (ing) accumulated
lines pipes arranging 'ranging
line (ing) sidewalk
(walks) definite broken
"flag to flags"
every wall away
from door way (s) inches
thumb rubbing concrete
wood "'member" reaching
wiping hand (wipe)
away "stop!" wiped non
critical sign 'xact
paper'd over container


terror 80
"that's a trained cow"
counter talk
none request buying
used part
(s) step toe here
(seeing) bumping
such tables
"end over end, two sets"
back looking down
"walking through" there
somewhere "bumps over
in" blank (again)
cover't leg wooden
"uh" position
lights door (shadow)
"mean branches" where
"take too long"
clash (ed) shut sets
four light poles
movement legs leaving
fall (pick/up) net
(swept/up) odd numbers
"to fall from"
reaching (imaginary)
floating over sidewalk
(s) negative steps
"it's just
random" step
to step lined
concrete squares "trees,
blowing branch" scatter
(ing) "looking purposelessly"
numbered 1st to
7th (between) talking
about another
(parts) less through
hinged door (escape)
painted setting "where
it's harshness" down type
digitize (ing)
one foot congeal "and"


terror 79
bumped (subjective state)
fender to fender
"real get's
lost in any"
hand up pocket
into rolling back
"character, yeah, between few"
already heard
siren one two
olympic pico (dreams)
facing mirrored
glass window "pretending" old
intention "a balance (ing)
(vines climbing) other
ring finger rubbing
dust (away) steady far
"of bloody thumbs"
pick'd draining
left skin ready (al)
fingers stuck cut
reveal'd "stuck over
the sink," drain'd aside
pots pans (take similar)
would "speaking
language clearer, seeing without"
pans and pots stacked
"decision," broken floor
(from) head floor
"you choose" breath
like flavor
finger flavor nose
shorter discover heard
"skin's over, just becomes
figurines facing north"
(when reason) pocket
hand pulls up


terror 78
"different distinguish
(a) patient" cool smile
bad (paper news)
shivering blanket
coat 'gressed
van door opens (plenty
plunge) 6am affect
(a state) eliminate 'sonal
"priced'd above need"
back seat left
"worth nothing, now"
back up truck
splash over straight
water's all
on this bottom end
(erase) left'd
teeth showing laughing
(laugh) prophecy
fulfilling "dear,
let's walk away"
time (re) analyze
prevented part pulling
along slide timing
hand around stair
case handle
"away guilt" foot
to step achieving't
clashing noises heading
distinguish "as necessary progress,
as" are top cover
bottom over
smooth (er) vomit (s)
in "freedom
butts up, butts up"
walking walking (functions)
east smile (ing)
wakes shiver "how
many?" shivering
arms wrapping kneeling
kneel "once done"


terror 77
another corner
"pull'em all up"
pragmatic none
(have) working legs
"catharsis, hope self
understanding, identity" disappear'd
(structure) but (s)
up over grasping forced
hand (hand) resistant
(un) manage (it)
soft measure "give me"
leaping shoe
tennis shoe wall
"daylight recedes"
one overriding one
"pull'em all" socks level
source one pipe (into)
another kick wall
toes "I got 10 to thirty"
toe in line plastic
chair turned
(over) "fifteen hopes
and ten
prayers" fingers fatigue'd
higher kicking knobs
door corners another
(one) leg lifts given
behaving "connoting"
kicks out "un
free this will,
not then" again
measured knee to ankle (re)
appears less structure
"more redemption, pull
em'all up" breaks
finger go (let) cannot
"where what will" pull as usual


terror 76
"stepping on" watching
gripping handles over
basket wheel'd ahead
yellow morning
"cold night hard ground"
gray rising
sensation naked does
deep waist washing toes
between "there that's
objective" door'd closing
wrecked position'd creak
"remember, setting you
up" not while broken (off)
tape reach (ing) law mental starving
"in, then around"
(I'm here) 'noema blown
later "for its,"
coordinating another step
"everything you experience"
avoid mirror'd facing
out (no) fingers around handle
"is set up to" bending over
exhibiting noise abuse
two/four tires relent (less)
"avoid it, unfair it's" facing around
"it's dustier than I" streets to
square head in hand knee
stretched (held) "any
insistence on a
firm" bed watch't
rotted (here) glass
closed the door "innocent" things


terror 75
supports "just a disappointed,"
remember general
written (pretending) ed))
language existent
"yet, it's well known,"
crash lack
subsequent perfect 'xample
zero touch letters emptied
left over poured out (kneel down)
supported "shedding skin,
backwards" through end
to again rehearse "it's" young
manners could unused
(ing) "only a
color, yet" clings
to the curb broken
concrete filler "this platform
says it"
disappoint (ed)
"two openings" verbs "yet,
nothing" forgotten
picking stops not
couples (three's) writing
surface couldn't grow
"when doubled it just"
both shed (both
shed) ordinary impassable
upright waving "yes,
it just breaks down"
confluence "abstract
bottles of beer" brown bags
'creteness compose(d)
less filler "thematic
or linguistic,
judging" splashed with
mud left triangle right
once "insert with letters
there," supporting


terror 74
belong reflect tumultuous
heaving up sides
over over riding
front tire
left "guided light"
cigarette (tips of
words) slow stand
up hand wall focus
"somewhere there I
was supposed" spontaneous
bludgeon pheno' displaced
puts between argument
an identity heaving
again (up)
"you've drawn the disease
from death" up
against bobbing water
back leaning fender implicit
"as parts" as 
(an) each one
with generally "whether
connection" refrain
correlative position
nail tack'd to
"and, don’t talk to me like
that" lyric'ness
(from ) somewhere (above) belt shoes
other'ther's "isn't coherence"
surrounding determine "however"
identification "yeah,
you can 'can it'"
(push 1950) fixed
constrict (tion)
explosion (into a sling)
grenades pens
ballpoint fragment claim'd
"under a generic tradition"
broken open 'tern
alternative (to sentences)


terror 73
"that's, an arm

stretched out" head pit

blood pooled whistling

gas tire

leak (leaking)

project 'culty 'sitate come

"maybe a partial

fall" stumble (of a)

question out right

tire roll surface'd

down grinding right

side teeth ((over))

"is it limit'd?"

stretch tongue

yawn (yawn'd) wide eye

serial visual/verbal

concerning moments (real) "say it!"

limited to


'there is an arm outstretched'

smaller feet (tucked)

worn heels wait

tucking into't small

foot tie

flexing cause

"versus a direction" that

guiding sluggish foot forward

matter'd breaking skin

"in two places, veins"

unrestrain(ing) mown

'regarding "did not upright, 'vocable"


(green) dumped hard basin (poetic)

lay glass "producing

an egg" small

(small) toes touch

discharged cutting diagonal esteem

(less) elbow knee

together light under