
terror 42
clipping stick plants thorns (took the labor)
drive up file in spent

heavy boots "once a minute" step

up doors hand head knees up
(others) pyracantha grows through chain link pushed (to)

jump until "it spans it"

verify sources (read formation) judged "words
work skipping over," hands pushing callous'd

floating chains "the bridge doesn't span it"

less "laborious" substitute in climate
(never) toward dysfunction'd "charge the door

again!" leave avoid them once or

floats varying nothing "not my, but a"
whistle once ((portrait) turning head/eye)

re-laying chain (whether) turns around versus

"investment as moral ideas" all requiring


terror 41
this cigarette car horn alarm (ing) burns
"up to the butt" and
hands (it to) over dropped "pushed
into unforeseen situations" thumb ripped off
nail "no longer necessary" image flattening draw
(n) brought "this cigarette is
my" though tough signals behind (you)
elbow tap piss stink pig burning
roasting outdoor bbq wind hitting wing humming
motor 'version (into itself) "only
the humming" sort (denote) (connoted) imprint'd
constant alarming looks that pig that
fry "the butt up to" concerned whether
recourse (co) 'herent role "my
imagination said to meta't" push against
door car's horn nail off down


terror 40
crying piece more structure "about something, whatever."
this clear in ears certain
round'd taped together (helicopter) circles after
two more "I'm just running back
to my room." single trip (cry it)
overhead is smell things warmer shines
(at dusk) reddish cloudless
"just jump" moisture "and yet" reduction
"deprive me" cry (at one) arm left
under "jump!" moon's up black
& white ankle sore infection crust
'missable enter doorway "wipe up" bound
black braid'd ribbon "that's the lower position,
act" twelve flights roof top
balancing red atmosphere "anything, pulled tapes"
cried over (button) push't jump then


terror 39
terror 38
"truth" dead trees perspective "into the" passing

in charge "got a box
of dirty diapers" think(s) last left

over right buried leg built to

outside always open (ing) "I do care
what," that's two me's blind

"ok, and they" thing(s) first one

swings out sings out again messy
rooms stung (deltoid) left arms sight'd low

slung'less "not a vein, come

on" below arched foot pebble asphalt
turned over over stopped step stop

"isn't a truth, a" trees 3/4 up

branch over branch'd waving cotton
wind (wind) hair back comb dirty

left right over leg cotton blank


terror 37
crow (s) one time engage (you) define

"take away, live in," some
happen (s) some (joy) 'rchic hole

'onomy under sink singing bark whistles

crow (up) two foot space crawl gas

line "it's blocking" trash corner
movement hand pulls (it) "characterize it,

model once and left" just that

'ragement worse better 'continuity forward child birth
to "still again, tonight" kept

waiting crowing (parody?) invited smelling roasting

pork principle closes 'herent (or) it's

last forty four minutes (last) "here, take
it and sing it" guess

different 'quently sees "torn apart" whistling

"cha, cha, cha" crow's lifted beak


terror 36
saw blade stop saw blade stops face
exchange charge 'cipatory "just being

alone here doesn't," unwill (ing) where

set (up) table chair located (un)

pointing at the chair "it's the table
cleaned off for tomorrow" crying

"ah, ahhh, ah, ahhh" cough "NO!"

cough saw blade stop "ah, ahhhh,
ah, ahhh" take off the door screws

one time (at) measured need't

crows one'to'two "can't tell, can" blankets
torn up disposition "did, before, did"

blades start saw blades facing, 'ument

arrange immanence "come on, about
it included, about" sawing lifting such

cough "yes, it's" alone (liness) locate'd


variation - Love Suicides a Parasol - Robert Chrysler
syllables falling embrace imaginary teeth
incantation the hair accustomed sight tanned the train
midnight spray signaling pearls left
ions passing ‘imating passions left jaw
‘hundred old orange lifting men stone
stroke muscled purple slabs molecules soar
supine below cusps singing love's draped humming grass
watches rays ’figure entwined figures one
floats pyramids water ’tras match nature's
calling rescued limbo bone ‘gainst bone spirit ‘gainst 
hollow curls laughter astral ‘quencies hand
sky keys her fierce ‘fection stillness her bodice
covering edges wound surrender moist mouths
cross painted sheets prayer

longs love glisten waves nothing prelude

appearance gusts wind divine equation ‘finitum
’tean thrust breathless gasp’d out flourish’d hanging
droplets chests love cyclone open hearts
dreamt shadowy’s blooming heat caress’ddd  
peyoetryhyt - Friday, October 27, 2006


terror 35
check out Episode 17 of THE COUNTDOWN on miporadio at miporadio

this is an ongoing series by Bob Marcacci and
features readings by various poets that he finds
searching through poetry blogs.

btw, they are offering more ways to listen...