
sit 16

unfolding chairs 5am

ideal asleep "hardly"

circulated finds foot

waked up blanket J

rose transmitted speak

"taken in construction,

then the intention,

work it around

the speakers" high/low

head pillow/blanket

"ruff" NE (do

not say pastiche'm)

"ruff, ruff," enter

low dislocate it

",foreigner, this"


sit 15


sit 14.1

       stage on walked short on the
       bridge no difference

fence between that they speak
saying does not discipline in
reverse a
paper stack periodical
saying those that are speaking
it offers nothing on stepped on
that dull ash yellow

    impression low done play
    examination lacking lack
    thoughtful construction
    carved above

dominant one around city
metaphor idea (bucket it above)
loaded mount to
mound stopping
sit 14


sit 13


sit 12

beating(s) laughing felt still

"created for its, position,

for its" puncture tingled

jingled foot sock stance

"that it thinks" walks

moved away another time

"says it that, is

as well as" breathing

not giving to attention

the nothing place that

value'd adaptation it hear't

repeats "alone and packing

this baby, who the

pocket jingling reeling laughed

done child" and the

bone "tingling"


sit 11


sit 10


sit 9


sit 8

Bixel in 7th "perhaps,

what can that belong,

mean" here ascension in

the street "hips, brazilian

longitudinally alone scale, to

the long one of

it" to clean ass

periodical played on it

Bixel P sits line

above scribbling cursive paper

(ly) saying histories "one

meets with two meetings

three, fourteen pigeons materialized"

when this English incident(ly)

includes familiar one science

"war" (the roster literature)

in two meetings that

they find with