
E Riding the Crane


The machine slows and stops, lights out a... Free verse, a passage through, a freeway. A Song ringing through the stereos On Main Street. Night song. Echo, not a

Resolution, not. At 5am workers Park and talk. Walk to the construction Site. Seven thirty pm a dozen LAPD cruisers are parked on First Street. "I'm looking up, I'm looking down." News vans, helicopters: between the streets In alleys (if you can find one) are Many that haven't (has no one) noticed. 'A fire hydrant sits, looking out, look Ing in,' dripping, drip. The water flows To San Pedro Street and dives into A drain. "We will not go to the sea, not Tonight." Or any other night. Words bouncing, Bouncing off building walls. 9pm the arm Swings 180 degrees: spotlights from invisi Ble birds in circles flying, or...


E Riding the Crane


Opposite the swinging arm: a face In the forward window. Hanging not re Flected, hanging not floating, "A Glance, truth is an accident." When Two eyes, little happy faces staring Out. "Mystery and night, planets revol Ving in the existent and non, lost The child (care)." The school is down the Street, it's yellow with basketball courts. Years... that's it. Five hundred yards away. A Way, "Bark bark bark." Where to work? 'To work tomorrow, work tomorrow.' Nobody is hearing, listening, comp Prehending. "Heal it." The space over The kitchen sink, teas, vitamins Soap, old pictures of dogs, dead, alive. Witchcraft and goddesses, "She left me a Lone, again." Unintelligible Messages rising up, floating.


E Riding the Crane


Seven thirty PM Los Angeles And First. Haze, dust from a new building, a Pile of concrete, a pile of metal Hanging wires and bright lights, yards

Of fencing, signs lit from behind: were It to be that one would leave un-affect Ed. Behind, the couch, the TV, the liq Our. No not the wine. A son dis Solved wife and husband, out nine years. Last night the ghosts were flying in from San Bernardino ("H you have a head Like a potato.") you can add To this if you want, most won’t, the masses Typing away in the... surrounding us Is repetition, "Ah, the subtlest Sound, tap the dancing and spin it Around," would you, you take this brick, a Brick, rusty shovel. He's climbed fourteen Flights of metal stairs, the mirror, "The Heightened social corruption That settles." Swinging to the left, swing Ing to the right, a full circle. As the Sun sets. The engine quietly works While a helicopter circles, opposite.


Sleeping at Rose Street


And, "Lying on the sidewalk, a Sleep," watching the 'Rather' Watching the doorway for a Sign. "More cannot be done, not now, not

Now." Does a wall rise to hold a Winter rain from flowing Into a house? Through the win Dow more reflections of 'Nike.' Eyes close.

When loss is coupled with many Deaths. Repeating, repeat Ed, here the last song sung Gertrude, Claude, Caesar, Ha... ving no one, no

Where. Holding up a bottle to Drink again, "No winter Rain in May." Sing alto Gether now, "No winter rain in May!"

A microscope gathers under Light the nails. Fingers Swollen and pale. "You can look At this face," raising the arm. "It's no

One I know," lowering the arm. Lowering the activity Lowering the neurons, low Ering. "Say, is it chance or accident?"


Sleeping at Rose Street


...Of cars stopped while a man waves a stop sign in Repeated motion, in re-peated Waving, "Some of the concepts can't be Forced, they... those patterns of speech engaged words

Pulled from tongues and mouths by." Relation-ships Appear deficient. The tangle that Surrounds and be-moans the thoughts that envelope And whine. Four wheels pass by at a time, "A human

Mind in the box-wood hedge," the sleeping tired, the Unfocused image a head pressed Into the wall by a shiny boot eyes That open, a mouth, "This may seem like power o Ver change, you may think this boot is a final act."

Between an open door and someone Standing blocking the entrance, Joe Pass play Ing "............" the afternoon sun warms the hands. Re-wrapping

Over and over re-wrapping. A ra Zor, double edge, sleeves are back in And pulled, "This that is turned to clay." This radio playing, "Freud..." tunes. The wind comes.


Sleeping at Rose Street


Between a parking lot and a restaurant Between a newspaper Stand and the corner. A bucket of wa Ter, vinegar, toothbrush. Shift the scene up one or Things, bricks and almonds." Between a lot...

More levels: a group of people, one flight up Writing software, another group sew Ing jeans, one person rubbing a ciga Rrete butt between his fingers, "This isn’t a head Things, bricks and almonds." Between a lot...

Resting on a blanket on concrete." This isn’t Sitting on a rolling bus bench. The Scene shifts up two more levels, from the roof Of the 'Ronald Reagan' State building looking o Ver 'Little Tokyo' and in the 'Arts District' (supposed). Forget the bor Rowed thoughts, "Forget Jameson," normal Tongue tied twice, tie it to a bed post, a Handcuffed mission, "Forget it, the treatment of Things, bricks and almonds." Between a lot...


Temple to Alameda


"Golf ball of my life," flying over the ra Zor wire, hitting, street and walls hard ri Chochet, concrete noises ec Hoing, "The... golf ball of my life, I had to Leave my wife," singing slowly, deli Berately, then throat clearing and Phlegm flies, hitting the wall just a Bove the letter 'B,' it's continuous, every 10 seconds or less - creating a Waterfall, a complete Japan Ese garden, streams and rocks cut to Exact proportions... standing then walking Left eye-swollen shut, "When did we be Gin thinking in this critical Way?" The sound, golf ball against a Hard surface. "Politically accept Able vocab(words)ulary, de Viant, subordinately." The golf ball rolls and stops, "A signifier, A violent law." Step, slide foot, step, slide Foot in shoes, Adidas, too small, white And worn. "Golf ball of my life, I'm Singing about you, yeah... about you and when We were together."


Temple to Alameda


A soccer ball flies over the razor Wire fence, bounces down Alameda. Wheelchair man pushes off over, Eyes glued to the ball, wheeling slowly, a Methodical approach. "A search for closed Form," the ball must reach the net or death Will come slowly through an autumn That colors red the eastern trees, colors the West yellows, ochre, browns. Legs pop out of The ball and run, gotta get back to Al Ameda. Singing, "A process a Product, let symbolize immanence, oh Charles," The ball is a valued object, in A field where tall weeds and dirty clothes Fill the environment and the Shopping cart carries groceries - "you are the..."


Temple to Alameda


A basketball flies over the ra Zor wire fence into the weeds on Temple, nearly noon, the clouds fly by a A 747 from Taiwan, turning west Into LAX; share the hands, crack the neck. Shuffling along focused eyes Out of focus, towards Alameda Arms reach out of the basketball and wave, "Howdy, hey take me home, bounce me, please." Rocking back n forth trying to Roll out of the high grass; stops and looks at The ball, "I'm ready for a chance, a chance To get some shoes and kleenex." If I Jump in the river, on my own And acting as if, if I do it. And Perform and die: 'Too much water hast thou...' The basketball is smiling happy Cat, on Alameda. A man In a wheelchair and writing table stand Watching work across the street From a Clark construction site


Temple to Alameda


A tennis ball flies over the razor Wired fence, bouncing into the street, once, twice Again and rests against a piece of wood. Two eyes Pop open, glazed green/hazel fixed on Smooth/rough fabric; superficial layers Covering a hundred years of unmoved earth. Begin by stuttering or babbling. And reach Into a front pocket for a dollar. The Fluorescent orange ball asks, "Is this the Weight of enlightenment poetry posted late in The 20th century?" Compression, a search for a Literary solution, pissing behind the Bushes facing away. "Take this dollar, Buy a donut." The two eyes close: a vision Of shallow brown water, mixed with white Clothes and a blue boat. Where is it, the brown coat? Is this the movie that stopped short for A moment of love? One person and a mirror Or no one reaching out from a bench, too tired To ask, "By the way, did you know they pulled her from the water?"