
P and Body on the Freeway


(Fuzzy), which way to turn? P doesn't know and looks the other way East down Hill on Fourth. To the freeway, to the 110 North, stepping slowly, singing, "Make me a ham Burger, and place it on the steps... leading to your door," take a turn, and turn a Corner, come on around: P balances on the sidewalk, awake. Lights, red, blue, white

Over, "Come on around; corner," and lights flash: "Reasoning for reason cast as (Duchamp Moves, knight to queen bishop knight), and lights flash again, does the ground shake?" P stops and asks Himself, "If death is here then it must be there and with my no-sense of death sense then This sensory feeling must decline," one parking meter waves a sign "OUT OF O,"

The paper is ripped after the "O." Out of O or out of out, P walks, contin Uing up Fourth and down to the offramp, which swings a slice of orange peel from free Way to connector road, "Out of order," P sits on the bank against a priv Et and stares, fire flares surround a yellow draped mound, "L is no longer refer

Ring," creation and creating, P gets up and slides down the hill. Stops at the curb and Stares; sits down, stands up, "what did you do?" One marked car with lights and one unmarked Car without lights: cars slowly pass into the orange peel and P's pupils close.


P and Body on the Freeway


P looks at a piece of dried pizza in a paper towel, sitting on the Curb, legs out in the street. The crust is white, still powdery with flour from the bread ta Ble. The bottom is black, from the oven temperature. The tomato sauce is Ink, red ink and the pepperoni says, "You need some exercise:"

"You need an exercise plan," a way to move to the ...the flavor of the crust is Woody, an oak wood taste. Up on his feet P sees a bright light up Fourth Street, illuminating the entire skyline behind the water court, "ok, singles Night has come," carrying the pizza and eating while walking, sliding feet

In heel-less shoes: standing and leaning against a wall, then walking another four feet Another two feet, shuffling up the hill (the escalator is off and blocked from Entry). Two eyes float down the stairs. floating above a shirt pocket. Stuck at the park Ing meter at Hill and 4th; a meter, "Hey! I'm an x-ray spectrometer."

P stops and listens again, "You know your bones are crinkly?" What finger is this? P Steps over a board with nails: unnoticed by the eyes, or at most, unknowing Ly seen, "Do you see the fly next to your ears?" (the meter bends several Inches toward the street) P continues to walk up 4th, seeing only one truck go

By... dark, what is a stone thrown from a passing car's speed? P thinks nine, but he's not sure If it's in miles or seconds per inch or... voice from down the street asks, "Is it Impression or effect, or is it reason cast into unreason or the Affliction of reasoning against reasoning?" ...That drives the truck down to Broadway.


P and the Dead Fruit Fly


...Feelings to surface and be heard? A grander scale forming under An ostinato of one note. The one that threatens to overwhelm: open speech, And no fear (the fear of no fear causes rust to form and metal To give way) gives way, a network of incised lines and teeth Marks. P sighs and looks to his right - dinner is finished - no breakfast tomorrow,

No breakfast the next day. Walking over the concrete, broken and lifted by Maturing ficus trees - down to third. E relaxes in the shade - no tan just Resting and smoking a cigarette; "The comet is pink against the lower handle." Treeman awakes and stares: no realizations, just urgency. The feeling of itching Feet and ants, flies, cockroach (thumbnail size as opposed to the real Ones). T decides it's easier to walk than endure the itching - the smell of Coffee: P stops at the law library, his shadow on the sidewalk falls off the

Curb bending and changing as each car passes. Sitting on the curb At Temple and Broadway, no memory, no thought. A rock stares up At the P face, "Your beard has grown this year." P says, "It doesn't grow, My face is shrinking." The rock says, "Well, you have to think about the Opposite at some time," the rock looks like a rotting ficus nut. The library opens as a smell of death rolls onto the sidewalk Around P's legs - "You have five minutes to leave, sir."


P and the Dead Fruit Fly


The fruit fly is dead. The alcohol reverie rips away the internal or Gans. Burning the motor up, extending the saw blade farther than is required To completely cut the vines away from winding around legs and arms of fu Ture trees: internal and against the lower duodenum: cabbage, purple and red

Spring lettuce sucked into the atmosphere and held unconscious. Some of the sha Dows are half; making a pine tree come up and out of, ahead, finished in split Beams. It is the transition from air compressor noise to nail gun punctures. One puncture beaten in by a nail from an air compressor - blowing, "some Say, 'do you remember when to get up?' that's what." Harsher

Contrast - built in by a limit of twenty two to twenty to twenty one Drops in procedure. 21, 20, 22 concurrent variations in syllables counted By taking the body into the refrigerator and slicing the webbing between The fingers: it's cold and therefore less blood and pain. But, this is not How the earliest ancestors guessed - artificial forms overlaid by Devotion and perspective detail, "Forget the pain, smoke screen it," The question is asked, "How are you feeling," and the answer is, "No, no More coffee for me." Take direct observation on blank paper: arranging each Object in line with five points. The sun comes into the room from the left

And leaves through the door. "I'll be back," not a forgotten person, not a battle With armor or flags and songs: "I'll be back in springtime, I'll be back at Noon, I'll be back." Flowers are blowing out in the yard by the Door. Treeman wakes up - off the top of the bus stop and back down the Tree onto the sidewalk - will it be: getting entangled or getting the implausible...


P Walks The West Side Of LA Ave.

P walks the West side of LA Ave. Next to ivy and "The buses and methane smells like Elmer's glue." Three parrots Fly over, talking about the sun going down and how

The gas gets trapped between buildings And never escapes and those that walk there are re Constituted into a New "breathing" world, "¿que?" you mean four times today the buses

Stopped and five times they didn't, this Isn't freedom in constituting, this is being And, "but, don't walk there," don't Walk there; make it a decision and walk over there, walk

Over away from the gas, into The building and, "Now an asbestos shower, now a Rain of sixty cycle light," Fluorescent creations, one word means a response will not

Be a response. A statement, a word A constitution by numbers. Choice becomes, and is A memory; one locked in Either cell or membrane and large liver spots from the el

Bow to the hand: internal and per Sonal, dumping into a distressed thought, thinking Of viewing the stucco as A mirror and creating images of the patterns re

Flected by the parking lot lights shin Ing against the glass of the building across the street, "No big words, put together, One after another," P sips a cup of coffee, once.

No big words, put together one af Ter the other: walking on the East side of LA Ave., P creates the West side And creates the East side, but the North side is still cover

Ed in a methane cloud, "Discuss the Causes that are usually emphasized, the Responsibility be Longs down the street in a tube under a shirt; a choice.


F & 1st Street


A head comes up out of the trash can be Tween 1st & 2nd on Los Angeles street. The food is portioned in three areas of The Styrofoam container: kappa maki roll, a Covered bowl of miso soup, French fries, wa

Sabi, and a plastic fork - "on, deadpan Comedy," ...kicking again and once more, as If the wall had been pulled from the motorized Plug, moving from the... comedy, dragging pearls Along the floor: singing, 'going where the

Wind don't blow," tap dance that metaphor, tap It true. F feels dizzy. Shuffling on The sidewalk. Indignant and the Corporal Says, "off that experience!" I throw you in the air and take pictures - Oh oh oh - like sex.

Confused, annata the doctrine: smoke Screens the wall again, only hazy gray. Tap The foot, bounce the ball, swing the legs, raise the arms, push Out the pelvis, tap the foot, bounce the ball, raise the Arms, swing the leg: metaphor dance tapping.


F & 1st Street


A head comes up out of the trash can, and, He looks right down L.A. Street (three leaf blowers). The Styrofoam carton has bread and Pasta, a piece of chicken, red And underdone, done like blood.

F saw it; a subduction zone: one more Thing, prone to breaking & falling - skin shrinks it Self. The new moon at 5am, up over 2nd Street . Over, no exception And, "Oh that igneous for

Mation," pressure on Venus to extend The moon's point: F comes up out of the trash Can. A camera is fixed on his face, On his face. FLASH! Chicken, blood red, A zone moving into one

Two or three fragments/splinters that raise The rash around F's eyelids; a slap against The face and over the tumble weed. "Would you look at me," F asks, "No One remembers the three days."


Vignes Street Prayer


...And reappears across the street The water came up over the curbs Yesterday, the water, too much For, "Poor Ophelia." Do you call this resonance? Hands on the grocery cart Pushing, one leg back One leg forward, "Drown'd" Ah, chanting Marvin Gaye 'Mercy Mercy Me'

Wide range of R values Just a capital R. Power rating. 1/10 of a watt - this Current (voltage) maximum Power wasted and burned It's one watt or less. Bands of colored R values High is less, ohms. Insulation, bricks against A corner; broken pieces lay Around. Several thousand Ohms. The building appears Now, one address up, 25 to 26. Vignes connects to Temple, Or "If you want" to First St. Electricity, bend the distressed Elements placed on windowsills, Doorways - doorways that That hide clothes and shoes and Household items. Manganin to Chromium to iron. The street Shines with cobalt Blue. And disappears...


Vignes Street Prayer


No collar shirt, long Sleeves two pockets Hang out and drape Down. An incessant Search for the end of The street. Standing Surrounded by plastic Bags, eyes focused on Nothing, muttering, "Conscience And cowards, us all, us all Cowards, cowards Consciousness, us all." Is this extension? Is it force? Faculty, influence? It's the incompetence, a Single moment lost. A Mouth comes out of the Sky, "Resolution and Death, where acting stops And the scene is landscape Imagery of stock Photos."

The building across the Street shimmers and Disappears.


Vignes Street Prayer


Creators, puppet plays within A story. And a long prose Poem about counting Using the left hand fingers.

The coffee service is offered Up, "What fingers am I holding Up?" Ah, the City's best, The ones counting on Vignes. The audience as entertainment. The one's asleep, many Ghosts among them, they that (Are) is, that watch the shadows rise. "Is it still prose?"

A step onto a wooden platform Before sixteen or so empty Seats.