
terror 104
"dead star" resemblance
(due) that corresponds
"rocked to death"
focused  bigot
look sign motel
(sense) glance
fixed bulbs temporary
spinning "scarred wrists, only
left" forerunner
think (s) no clipped
leading (moon) pair
(raven) nails down
blanket wrap flashlight
(book) pulling
pants "it's still alive"
binary quote
(s) "what time do you"
hands out
barking tent flapped
(early) quarrel'd reach


terror 103
cut (portrait)
direct "I understand this,
understand" frowning
both hands up
moving sun (over shadow'd)
tongue't bled
"look, outside closer
don't disappear" alley back
living (who)
overcast marine layer sits
tempter weighed "forgot
the properties" sliding
door (s) connects/dis
glass aluminum
drizzle "moon is
gone" connect (space)
'tial (temporal) fingering
bent back (wait)
wings back (asleep)
tongue's pushing it


terror 102
"I've been tempted"
this by now
rests between
legs apart (signed)
"kind of" association'd
viewed (popular) (ly)
knees together two
ravens bar moon alone
"fully, no reason"
external nothing hands
folded caused
'preted hearing approach seize
up (seeing)
yank't out tongue
stupor (no) rest "containing,
automatically fastened"
(grace) full scale "painted,
roughly lines up
around, circular" middle
movement leg leg


terror 101 - turd in turds


terror 100 - a turd with eggs
terror 99
"the major parts"
cannot hand up
holding entail
"deny all external"
waiting concept 'nying
"didn't" understand standing
legs left apart
(played) "drop the bag"
(mind) parts "oh,
my love please,
please" dependent
nothing term'd different (from)
"nail it up"
required since
standing once (her)
twice identified "one
relationship becomes"
not were except that
"another combining comparing"


terror 98 - tracing turds
terror 97
"sing, here"
singing another corner wrong
before one eye
(open) blink(s)
"up, up, up" device
(s) argue
position (s) "up"
breathing smoke (s) spit
"punch up of
corrosion" bird shit
layer "understood"
stocking (ed) below (the)
knee aches push out
rest "who kneels,
regards" finger pull
shoe (lace) sounds
bell (11) am clumsy
stone'd (fervor)
"just look at that ankle"


terror 96
"all pervading,
that's it!" masturbating
leaning a
corner hall (way) "just one
touch" stopped
develop (ment)
loss significance
'visage enter'd 4
flights stairs (no) door
down "it's sense
and symbol?" mediated
eyes focus'd two walls
(converging) imaginary
(......) blanket shoulders
never walked in
particular "never
look past" farther over
leaning in (listen)
another flight stair up
sitting knees (up)
perspective lines to


terror 95
"to get out" spatial hands flat
out (pushing) up "since perhaps"
clean water hose (d) "approaching a
symptom, a" reverse (water) out 'tradiction control
(s) finger push (up) scratching belly
carrying (a) "it's comfy, one umbrellas
shading two" (taking) under (from)
reversible bag drift foot (steps) (clomp)
"constitute it, helping" after another step
(struck) out [11/12] someone (s) borrowed