
terror 70
against surface decorated

"not from sea"

contempt exposure

foreign'd left arm

hung head'd from

back pocket hand'd (not

abstract) rubbing the

other abstract steaming warmth

embrace detach squat

abbreviated left leg

forcing knee less

force resting

redolent alternative memory

(s) places her

head down

(one figure)

pose Venus as

Venus without "it's

exuding a space"

feathered (from)

distance 3 inches

"mindful that it"

couple it into 

one over hole buttocks

conditions spray sense

up close scrawl shadowed

penciled in(to)

"coming about by

social change?"

series decay posed detaching

embracing over

leaning right leg twisted

out (revulse) model'd lacerate


terror 69
accretive "not a" whether such sleeping
(going from here to there)
one over (red, blue, black)
one Jacob wrestling background
"less one included,
today" angels transfix
borrow mood (somber)
"that's" head back
charcoal fire
beginning duplicate looking
eye open "each
line ends" soon a chicken
growth additional one's
eye looks (rhyme
"ohhhh!") into't 
wall hand push
harder wrestling repre
(sent) experiment exploring
red brick embarking
emotion black's blue (s)
"fuckin' incoherent, no?"
glass hitting metal
over'n'over (thrown)
sleep broken arms
back handcuffed "it
belongs to an
earlier," Jacob's
bed left sleeping side face


P.F.S. Post

Philly's premier online poetry venue

check out some of my poems posted here:
P.F.S. Post


terror 68
conception (less) painted
smeared "rubbed over
roughly, now don't
take this"
once intimacy as one
paraplegic rolls
wheelchair (not apparent)
sing "tomorrow, tomorrow is"
starting to light
"stay by, sides
you're then" drug
less gaining
chewing chin (color)
area hip up
down stride bag
fingered "are those your
candies?" wrong
way sign (s) handle
rubber chrome scratched
"babe" right
a'little "there it's
unified, pictorial" tennis
gutter shoes heel
(ball) foot pushing faster
backed up toilet
plunger ambiguity less
gutters (rain is)
up the
sun came "over there,
see'm?" chin
up'n'down chew(s)
"at the same time" visual


terror 67
put on your shoes put (into)
questions (burned) chance
limits crepuscular
light (on) switched off
"verging on
abstract bullshit" suffer
(ing) scratch thigh mole
evenly between illness (and)
health maybe
driving (one car two car)
stuck behind "moving away
moss north side building bricks set
level'd 'xiety xanax
control'd bump't over
to single sentence
(statement) project
(ed) where (not) 
lacing 'gories red
fixed "whether this
fails as therapy" mix'd
"projected anxiety?"
pull up your socks
"that's a bump" leg floating
problems bounce
cancer (ous) maybe
all situations "not
really" thigh spot'd mole


terror 66
removing blocks

"you get your (no

shit) here"

tucked under

"on top"

long line ended

period periods

over examples breathing

faster digging hard to

territory articles paper lash meet 'pose


reads kilometer

equivalent "you're that

pretentious" (in the

same form)

four blocks removed

(set) crowned pieces

watch'd (ing) lips

open eyes

greet'd (ing)

up under frames view

cylindrical bottled


terror 65
remove'd concrete

frame'd (it is) "bull

shit!" there

doorstep crapped out

"no, shit!" poem (s)

dulled into

crapping philosophy

"just done from a

reading, a read" picture

goodness removed

hole enclosure noted

(regret) "that's


saw sawing, asshole!"

inflicted sledge hit

hammer (around)

pill (s) concerning


"ah, ah, ah"

broken glass

into bottles

penalty breached

leaning over

run as


terror 64
'relative "convincing

moments" once (up) fence

chained (bent) over closed


'paint' 'ximate

parking two lights head


"4th & Wall" 'namics

death vehicles arrives

lights splashing

(sirens) 'plashing

sirens knuckles

it scattered

"is it forced?"


cars speed pointing

complete glass (beard

& face)

mouthing "bus

line number

462. bus line

number 461,

bus line


460. bus line number



terror 63
erratic is reaches into pocket torn

paper (un) construct'd unpulled "visual

panning, left right" 'walks street light

hand leg on rubbed un/seen done credited

(of) less passing each pothole crumbs

un informed two windows "that's all"

seen/un dispersed "will the next

copy" refuse'd pulled blanket about off

pulled not (birth) composing not unity "saying

fuck it, again" knuckles bleeding knuckles


New Books from Otoliths
Mark Young has announced the first of what will be a
quarterly round of new books from Otoliths.

Otoliths shopfront — http://www.lulu.com/l_m_young -
where you can find other books & chapbooks plus print
versions of the magazine.

The new books include:
Nico Vassilakis: DIPTYCHS
Jordan Stempleman: What's the Matter
Vernon Frazer: BODIED TONE
harry k stammer: tents