
push 11,14
bull tight full inch and foot say “ride”t
red effort blowing fuse knees say “ride”
it once tumbled across tapes around d
play minutes sing “ride”s cinch more up 

push 11,15

m c i o shoved against couch
singing “anti” insect spraying s f just
just got a message (5:) six h
wills was saying “fungal” to last n

push 11,16

mention at this said “cut” away tract
abel’s left with arms bent left cross
singing “baby” plays all supple’t as crack’s
till then mumbles “cut” says note it

push 11,17

Stan stops moving
at all
Rex doesn’t move

push 11,18
Rex and Stan
eyes together
Stan sees Rex

push 11,19
Rex moves a foot
to Stan
Rex stop

push 11,20
find a one ‘psest under a bed
room say “fanned” low frequency (blue)’s where
all passing singing “fast” just pack d
where say “pill” roller over and it


oats 9,1
treble one or sing “bugs” each one
between one cracks again so wall far
saying “small” ones each step up a
ways another ceiling said “bugs” small ones 

oats 9,2

oats 9,3
grass fed say “it” sent to die
step s bargainss s none a alive
broke door said “it” can’t won’t will
let’s canvas two the toes singing “it”