
terror 88
"prescribed the medication
and" intervent' crisis
(tion) (s) mutilations
arms deals
undergo "beds are not"
establish absence
resent (fantasy) "waiting
here" both optional arm
captive wheel 250x15
square wave angled
un explore'd (ing)
"no basic safety"
leg surgery veins
form "not
worsened" apparent
lines blood (neglected)
soaking "but, you
see the incision?" (symbolic)
towels (towel) skins
initial rolled back


terror 87
reduce'd drawn
stucco bottom "inhale it
all" eyes look down (ward)
wall (sprayed) item
settle over't 'pearance
parallel "it's just so
much bullshit blown"
thrown bricks together
can fire light
"again and again" food
'foam knee/ankle/shin
"back in your face" bags
plastic stacked below
box tops (expect)
socks upward "throw
together a mixture where"
shoe tie "nothing falls
together" monotony


terror 86
"said of the subject,"
first finger
print 'fications
irrelevant (open) present
banged spoon oatmeal
(bang't) walks away
"concrete and" decipher (not)
consistent looking (away)
external two
steps then three or
"seems peculiar?" turn
away 'cessive elusive
subjected (and)
imaginary arm left
severed "the artery pumps"
trouble'd painted grey
hall "making the" wall
"that noise" grind spin neck "note"


terror 85
"play tag here,"
possibility clause (sentence)
effort'd blade window (lock) up
"but no, alas, fuck"
insufficient spray'd
nothing between (handle)
finger "no, to that"
feels glass (glass)
pull (ing) 'isking
repeat'd (ly) involuntary
clear make (miracle)
"once in, one stays" out/in
tagged second seeming
(ah) telling "whether
the clause is ending
or" demand separate (tion)
reddish-brown black on
(one) letters less


terror 84
"used to it" trap'd
carbon 'necine
skin red hand
"emotion, react
just for" dipped pocket
situate nervous
shaking (shake)'order disorder'd
pervade 'thology 'sociate
"a dance, remember?"
enough reflect (tion)
"anytime, just then
and now" constrict
arm under body "I need
to pee" autonomic back solid walk
along larger shoe
length "and shit, again"
tingling (wake) hands
tingle hand "trap,
pulls down" excited
clinch "shhhhh" back'd


terror 83
"that boundary, non extent"
yellow tape
strung (closed) concrete
here/there over
(thud thud thud thud)
backing +
'solete "obvious, state
bottom’s" window radio 1270
(analyze) "theater, should I
remember, it?" else
some thing facing
street wheel (measure)
rolling (thud) "place it here"
viewed (off)
"or there, wait, a
few minutes" fate'd background
wall (thudding) "measures
will" course (cut)
through gravity (fleeing)
(thud thud thudding) brick
piles stacked
"eventually complete, broken"
one handed time at
3pm (properly timed)
tapes taken down
folding plastic closures
gone (leave) open'd eventually
"from a vibration, just"
guard'd inside
way door (way) "thud thud thud
thud" facing 'sonance
reaching up
extending arm shelf
soup can "waking
dreaming, boxed cubes,
rubbery" measure taping (digi
lighter) combinations
"twanging along" (of freedom(s))


terror 82
"nodding, yes"
spirit search vanish (ing)
"cassius remains" noise
car away
syllables listen'd
slow step push forward
"calls me, again"
plastic cart aluminum handles
slow difference
line'd (re) lined re
lined "ghostly look,
see" front wheels
rolling (rain)
slow cuff pants
rolled "be aware, uh"
(two syllable)
(s) upon up
on no one (up)
"the difference is"
forward move rolls
consecutive prints foot
(shoe) numbers forward
backward "negative"
roles "just get
up and move on"
trucks beep
(ing) "he's remaining"
over continue where
(just) "where, uh" rectangles
plastic squares
"cassius isn't coming home,
tonight" placing
glued consecutively
14x14 nose/ear (called)
'llables sequence
"less an arm, leg"
larger printing "other,
disoriented" tiles (ing) blunt
vanishes 'lunted both runs pushing 'ward


terror 81
"standing for" broken
definite changing solids
critical (signing)
exact strict "gray
flags, standing needing"
picking bent finger
over butt cigarette
"another meal, another room,
another pair"
position'd hanging grouped with
in "re-running negative"
(-1,0) dropped
stone (ing) "instant
expectation resolved."
standing light blink (s)
"I seem
to remember" blink distance
grouped body's plumbing
gone "drops, rain
that's" re-imaginary placed
denied "standing for"
where pipes walled
into "just the one's,
intently drop "sequence'd
to sequence (s)"
developed (ing) accumulated
lines pipes arranging 'ranging
line (ing) sidewalk
(walks) definite broken
"flag to flags"
every wall away
from door way (s) inches
thumb rubbing concrete
wood "'member" reaching
wiping hand (wipe)
away "stop!" wiped non
critical sign 'xact
paper'd over container


terror 80
"that's a trained cow"
counter talk
none request buying
used part
(s) step toe here
(seeing) bumping
such tables
"end over end, two sets"
back looking down
"walking through" there
somewhere "bumps over
in" blank (again)
cover't leg wooden
"uh" position
lights door (shadow)
"mean branches" where
"take too long"
clash (ed) shut sets
four light poles
movement legs leaving
fall (pick/up) net
(swept/up) odd numbers
"to fall from"
reaching (imaginary)
floating over sidewalk
(s) negative steps
"it's just
random" step
to step lined
concrete squares "trees,
blowing branch" scatter
(ing) "looking purposelessly"
numbered 1st to
7th (between) talking
about another
(parts) less through
hinged door (escape)
painted setting "where
it's harshness" down type
digitize (ing)
one foot congeal "and"


terror 79
bumped (subjective state)
fender to fender
"real get's
lost in any"
hand up pocket
into rolling back
"character, yeah, between few"
already heard
siren one two
olympic pico (dreams)
facing mirrored
glass window "pretending" old
intention "a balance (ing)
(vines climbing) other
ring finger rubbing
dust (away) steady far
"of bloody thumbs"
pick'd draining
left skin ready (al)
fingers stuck cut
reveal'd "stuck over
the sink," drain'd aside
pots pans (take similar)
would "speaking
language clearer, seeing without"
pans and pots stacked
"decision," broken floor
(from) head floor
"you choose" breath
like flavor
finger flavor nose
shorter discover heard
"skin's over, just becomes
figurines facing north"
(when reason) pocket
hand pulls up