
terror 10
"manner means" blows heavy Temple left

enclosed (not binary) step to step
(clack'a) step to toe'n "next

one is warmer than," kindling effect butted

against "unbutton those sleeves and roll
them up" character control setting 'anage

'sponse (clack'a) stamped 'sistant "noted,
this characteristic" bludgeoned head

restraint stutter stepping


terror 9
pounding parkinson(s) thing "went to sea

yesterday" today clocks (a) clocking depreciatory
stamp to stamp shoes (clack'a)

holes "hands go these brown

ones" attach confine loss (lost) spotting

(clack'a) "why not complete sentences?"
what occluding pounds over belt

refer (internal) "rhyme" slapping the side 'tagmatic


terror 8

powered by ODEO


terror 7 - variation on Mark Young's C side
gamma ways
terror 6 - variation on Mark Young's C side
gamma ways
terror 5
first the left hand then right
blood (everywhere) fingers (e) white sheets

cover "absence, shit you fucker"

speaking (erasure) stumble (a) kneeling forward prayer

second then ankles right left cut/chopped
"laying on the left side, yes"

dance'd feet plop up (plop

up up) 'uristic model (such 'many 'ture)


terror 4
count one "less, succeed" pulled out

apostrophe (placed head first) position so

long "within a wishing" combined
commas arranging "linguistic, fucker you shit addict!"

counting two "particular capabilities," burned up

can fire (wood paper plastic) smoke
west east west east "that

connotation(s), that belt" forget (lays) outside setting


terror 3

powered by ODEO


terror 3
"humidity bleeds from the sky to

the street" two sides (dry) wet foot
window mirror leashed (un) less

"breath in" prior push't button 'bitrary 'semblance

'appears "drops of sweat rolling" face

substituted (mytho) one signed board left'd
hand'd 'abling assert 'timism held

"you ugly slut, I'm still the sexy

bum, you didn't" (marx) in full
dragged about debate subjected striking those

dirty hot 'gel barely able

wipes away (right) cheeks " pork cooking, somewhere"

even primary "boiling down on our
heads" to 'alyzed 'ates digested and

yelling (un) admit'd often connection

"the dogs have been barking all morning, though."


terror 2
mounded 'gether to "twisted this way,

or crushed to death" stressed construction
(that message) done formed pile'd

to (done) receptacle  filter kidney bladder "not

less" no more (than) coded shoveled

buried paused construct'd as whole pile'd shit(s)
around "even" termination ('terms) "from

this movement" effect (un) examined 'itable arrest

face down hands back (not reaching) "yes"

challenge seen 'vantage adding precise events
perfect (less) transform'd dribbled piss

"not from the usual consensus" rigor and

a "made up" character(s) blanket changed
not minor (ity) pulled quartered this

goal(s) built down hope down

fifth together pushed collapsing in method of