
tents 52
tents 51
mean it's..." over to talk pulled
once (glare) same sense "your fucking

with me, you bastard!" grocery cart

fingers one end another handle "it's
my (mine) aunt's" founder shrink (right)

hand swung momentarily where chin up dodging

away backs (neat carapace) top-side
"walk away, asshole" nothing screen brush


tents 49
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tents 46
"it ends like," two people walking

two people (talking) means desire slap lace'd
(s) "becoming (ing)" buttons up

denim smooth (it)'s object (...tion) ending
spot white hand rolled over between

legs nails set (stitching) it smells kerosene
up Lucas stopped "end's as

well's" looking here end(s) "looking doesn't


tents 45
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stiff'n (around) black plastic floating bag

dog over the deck wall neck leash
hanging "thinking something?" front paws

stucco looking up straight floats

past "apparently" scratches hard hands knocking
hang'd (necks are strong) "whether, you speak
of endurance or" meant artificially

collect'd condition same not paused stationary