
inexcus'able 9
ordered (from there)
inchoate to re-symbolic
area not hole
asphalt chunks "what
this is, is
positive holes... absent,"
curb to center
line accessible (in)
floating partial feather
ghosts (arm to
ankle)dispersed plastic
cup half-full (thought)
"when situated, none
matters specifically" pushing
surface filled in
4am truck smoothing
(awake and) "doesn't


inexcus'able 8
inexcus'able 7


inexcus'able 6
(two blocks around which) spoon to
lips rite aid doors close
repeated (re)turns on the site
"no, not paradox, no
meta-languages, not impossible," pragmatist complete

(tion) just a "band-aid" please left
paper plates bagel crossing signal
object instant'd round four inch knife
wound'd "not then, full"
tip finger scab rubbing its

history answer opacity repeated completely other
"wise is a trauma unit,"
real building looks back (like) dotted
object french fry butts
smoking digressed (tion) "you know,

there are 36 different kinds of 
pus," such substrate site indicators
hands placed less (passive) within an
"arm leg torso head,
saw 12 last hour," reception


I just finished the “the first hay(na)ku anthology.” It’s wonderful, marvelous, and not shedding skin. Jean and Mark did a great job as editors. My favorite piece is by Karri Kokko on page 49. Please find the time to buy a copy. See: http://www.meritagepress.com


inexcus'able 4


inexcus'able 2


inexcus'able 1


drop 19.5
drop 19.4