
please see Karri Kokko's variations on my drop pieces

cheers, hks


drop 13


drop 12
statue of street light froa takme soour "tomparison," place reference a
lightweight cinereous weource papnee(ing) "an spokI, I spoke to it," pant
rolled foot glove above (prickinupport floodirawn blood "tood 6pm, compliment
that general remember't" its greold tain forwast stopptural rest (rested) ",
stopped in 70," natural complicame shinelow trms thquatting above link'd
chain sun (circa) babble firmly tongue=piece+(inor outsiongue'd paper is
commentary (d) "is nobody," in't sunrticular san sunk sacank between birds
"approved" not diagonally sung shout fucly) immeno "thiertifies" all to these
[question] "knows, you yesterday" treath shinieglected siontinuum indicated
under the natural cold clelevator elbow sings


drop 11


drop 10


drop 9

"it remained
to come this
way that
never comes this
twisted low
shoe way mouth
mush back
part ankle, in
the way"
is it 'tresses
edges (o)
one examples stump
foot (no
steady structure) inside
fact examination

reacts (if they
dragged) "pushing
it all the
way," to
incline sitting down
(wall) push
moved away dab
from the
shit human being
fan supply
stock card "cannot
help it,"
the pyracantha berries
that (form)
as the stable

in excess
(lity) dozen eucalyptus
dry'd "no, 
outside here each
night," smell
table "structure porta-potty
(s) alternative
that comes this
way," (never
used) stench (mephitis)
spills extracted
exceeding gray below"
it said
that was crap
that crap
just "greater puncture
direct forge'd
squatted conceive chairing


drop 8


drop 7

"get your
'etics, up" blood
over block
walled & singing
constant one
more song chorus
ankle toe
shin slapping pants
tone position
"sure, it's more,"


drop 6

"so much for methods" psyche (this)
digested posture as contact built on others
person reaction (ality) in  root
(ed): instead "dreaming of walking around" made(kt)
problem stroked left itch
made (it) sided speech slurring just
responded "that's fear talking, man" maintain it
(don't tense up) momentary
blank't "when he was young" refuse through
that example absence her so
[a west side] ride picked points
flag numbered block by corner worms by
meat "what one really feels,"
undercooked several air born motion cut (ting)
stunt ride "a west side"
motion stomach takes (it) passes
"such a feat" opening finally ache back
lower skull objective where it's
context eye ball upper lip rubbed faster
stopped (ed) open doors keep


drop 5

making reacting cover
slides back wind
makes importance "very
attractive" underline it
over (not an
embolism) perfectly emetic
done driveway open
out full street
nose down laid
stress attention
spread by wheels
rolled't motion alternatives
understanding mouthing each
person "don't tell
I'm crossing wrong,"
entrance paper thin
line red (to
the touch) hand
attachment lifted above
the head