dump't "that's just something that is done," changed' shirt sweat pulled hood conditions (92) 'ventional qualifies for two nights shuffling shoe one ahead shoe "it's not mad or insane," closed collection penetrate'd push up basin chin up head down cheek side "this won't ignite with this...," can smoke trash passive erect leaning body surface reduce'd crowded "wiggle toes" pole deep coals
to'it'it anxiety two by the dumpster come walking "these are the facts," bus stop recognize forks/plates/plastic mode spread out covering four to five piss trails realize possible back turn'd removing in placed attached prior pocket hand out turn indifferent "ya know, it's the symptom through deeper equality and that difference in question, do you?" avert'd 'tabilty muttered (qua non) now
((to'i't)) out (within one more constant) changing shoes "it's just action rather than ignorance intimation(s) fence rather help less rest less duration "that's the hammering, the breaking of boxes" fish smell (s) pulled fire to lit "vanishes even clinging to it," unlike (ly) faced red extension by "till it's, till," (two flames to a foot) melting shoes dreamy and distant a'sing a'long
ri'te "gaps of" C looks at D to desire to smells bus exhaust squint (ing) eyes "come on, another smoke" ignore't 'guishment relative within isolation as separation natural gassing [diesel] claiming back aches "it's about a blanket and a stone" introduced companion (eyes up) way reflection C's face blank where it's path "to it" pulling doused tears concrete "rid of" flaws feels looks leave outcast longing as craving "oh! You want to hit me, come on!" steps back tongue in teeth tight grasped C's anger "I'm here, I'm ready" greed flat shut
lef't prepared surface over fix 'vable articular opening allowed (but blocked) valve "hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot" train's quality under inversion 5am "I agree" that quality thinking mist against enter agitation 'fuse exists set black/gray spots (dotting the sidewalk) increasing frequency liquor store entrance dotted jointed 'yata left empty sun baked air pocket fills "straight up, molecules hung," horn pants over
evry't repeating pants back sitting grayed backpack (train horn) loose shirt set pants rubbing thigh [over] switch ankle scratching infused basic (ly) faulted "some real" verbal scripts (ed) pre empty (d) sensitive "feel the posture, touch" gap attention force trying knows threaten overcast burn'd off emerging belt buckle pattern stomach silence "for this one" impression left silence (filled to) estranged for
allll't shirt socks piled "look at the down on that baby" tunnel under the shoes "the person" did it exist crave imply two chairs butt feet within a suspension with possible "don't talk to me like that!" not shouting concerning not free one to another walk away "shut up!" leading found clarifying with (one wish) fenced growing lice constant inseam pulled
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