
up 'letsBody

rollup's up body at weaved quality
flashed (ing) textur'd stucco lightness "fact it"
abrupt hand tether't closed end
defended flatly area tenon (ized) "that, is"
less anxiety on entering foot
up one ramp parking garage are
question(s) "is this loading or unloading or,"
not quite (home) objections certain
(ly) upon brick entry matter seek fright
less dread upon construction marking


'mster dammit


at 6

fall'd forward involuntary
        suspected (the less
drank to the
        control pausing finger
foot tip obstacle
        hesitate hold in
screen'd protective covering
        movement (barrier) that
'pefying stapling cow
        'dously felt "that
you could say,
        here" today to
night 'pidly guzzle
        wall scraping way
walked 3 feet
        until swelled land
this yard that
        finger 1 "for
some finger of
        'sciousness concession" 2
"under my skin,
        obtaining" half of
fingers 3


'ak ing

shaking out one pocket (no pills) development insistent
terrain down hill upside versus comic deeds transport 4X4
area sidewalk "step, step happily mind'd"
yet but cruel repeating words these




ents ago  "


moments ago


at 5.

pass the "ants that cross
     arm" vision'd through prospero turns
misspelle'd "imperfection Caliban educate, this
     are" stopping in a sentence
questioned shoes tennis two words
     consumed no jumps reach hand
straighten eliminated pocket time that
     the pupil one has a
broken back dolphin and vision
     out'd "reddens" mounted cloth pocket
left hand cleaning above "the
     these figures they had walked
in L.A walking." (not really,
     and you start) threats deliver
adjustments fly for more highly
     highly when on a wall
rare one another hour happened
     hand flight that recedes feet
left asphalt fall quiet impulse
     concrete dream't of whispering(s) pushes
shoulder square in


at 5

     one another vision no wall
shimmering structuralized multiple rare
     face "what it happened"
above and pilgrim'd the
     dream to the land
where controlled in squares
     each (flow'd for low)
left control to fall
     crusade separated (jesus/cultural/politics) "what
is the signal, usurpation"
     when the flight paper
leaves written for low
     sounded the pocket left-hand
suspension below passage extremity
     covering (no threat here)
arms paper that read
     "the hierarchy to traffic
wait" anarchy low shoes


at 4.

(a typographical error in
     the poem of CB's)
'tested journey' that I
     smell photo in the
humidity "cough" overcast record
     that bites below the
wadding that ventricle "F,
     s, h" that slides
the finger foot knocks
     down above touch H
(three times) rather long
     one flat short in
water chosen now above
     smooth long shorts 'legible
a left exhaust'd that
     diesel voices "oxygen" nothing
same brought two very
     shorts 3 for time where panel'd