
at 5

     one another vision no wall
shimmering structuralized multiple rare
     face "what it happened"
above and pilgrim'd the
     dream to the land
where controlled in squares
     each (flow'd for low)
left control to fall
     crusade separated (jesus/cultural/politics) "what
is the signal, usurpation"
     when the flight paper
leaves written for low
     sounded the pocket left-hand
suspension below passage extremity
     covering (no threat here)
arms paper that read
     "the hierarchy to traffic
wait" anarchy low shoes


at 4.

(a typographical error in
     the poem of CB's)
'tested journey' that I
     smell photo in the
humidity "cough" overcast record
     that bites below the
wadding that ventricle "F,
     s, h" that slides
the finger foot knocks
     down above touch H
(three times) rather long
     one flat short in
water chosen now above
     smooth long shorts 'legible
a left exhaust'd that
     diesel voices "oxygen" nothing
same brought two very
     shorts 3 for time where panel'd


at 4

[asked for that the one
      room carries school photo the
half open way seems above
      three panels falls a flower
camellia (March) the edge reflects
      above against the right triangle
turned around] what the fall
      difference is left is ways
reply pair them hot dogs
      "window them touches" opinion H
it flight traces them seed
      bird outside this nothing flies
then the trucks garbage (above)
      more wide 5am stop/start walking
why photo that


at 3.


at 3

the direct bottle

'ristic collected qualities

can open broken

written glass hand

notes (deposited in)

placed for side

meeting to edges

that additions brakes

(s) left lines

extracted below the

test standard flaw'd

H between't left/right

are not any

(no not new)

ly that surrounds

garbage shaped some

increasing cans center

distance to cans

article moments ideas

articles (it's agreed

everything) the arrival

agrees article(s) to

surround it are



at 2


at 1


sit 24


sit 23


sit 22