
sit 4


sit 3


sit 2



sit 1

"blocked to top" leaving high voice reached high putting back two teeth "that some gloves will adapt" smoke voice higher (ing) "feed the pigeons today?" the radio on resting 570 "care for, not care for him" late dropped narrow door "which is not a reason or," four jackets from cotton strongly "these sheets that the past in change" (ly) survive hiding


map d'depression


once limit (extending) s in fluenced J's toes numbed around 't taken "as practice" but removed 'fus ed real 'erned "which everit's" feet up and each

"ruled by one or another planet, this in weeks" spot anger eye lash (ing) calling other (shoesteps) "oh, just a notion?" 'concieved "if prepared, we do't"

left ear is bleeding again (ev en now) with "drama tells us something, natures relative baring barren" bared bared barrened a justalisten (ing) baring

limited only once't in 't "today" J's activity how about's "spending that time, it's" often lessly not "tic, tick" but tickless 'iencing 'gious ness

a time that limit (to extend) 's fluenced inside fingers foot J numbed in late 't done examination "as practical one" but removed 'fus ed real 'ern

ed "that feet ever, it" raise and each one "governed another one for one or planet, this whip eye anger point in weeks" (ing that shoesteps) "oh, calls other (, only one

notion" 'concieved "if prepar ed, us do't" left ear is bleeding another time (en ev now) with "dra ma says us that something, natures that relative whom

it discovers barren" disco vered barrened [justalisten] (ing) to only discover once't limit ed in activity as on "spending this time, is"

frequent lessly not "tic, tick" but ness gious 'iencing 'tickless J 't "today"


row ing a way


cracked plastic lookalike glass "it's one, one more time, it's one more" time despite the moving street by cars "on, on" splashed out wreck less ly staged danced and now gone

"bye, bye you" negative where so lid meet bare feet "meet me, out holding" my blanket's wet appearing 'lief tense (sions) undone (ing) leading paths moments "bye, you" by one you

of five forms inter (text'd) "oh, ok, you left out dropping over the edge horizon (inal) authoring" without expressing (something) o ver engineered building

heights "the barking, goes on" hand wipe at text (ual) newsprint "that's out side tonight" looking like broken glass "more than once" deliberate for mally rolled 'fusal's 'dis

glass that plastic cracked "is one, one more time lookalike, it is one more" time despite moving street for cars "on," in sneezed one for is ly danced staged destruc

tion more less now "good bye, good bye negative you" where thus uncover ed feet meeting cover "if find with me, for are to arrest" tense main moments undone appearing

wet "good bye passages mine blank et '(sions) (ing), you" for you five forms (text'd) "oh enter, approval, you left for leave fall on horizon edge (inal) that he is au

thor" without expressing (something) projected building to see heights "barking, go" in wipe hand in newsprint (ual) text "that side today to night" that looks broken glass more than "a

time" deliberated for dis 'fusal 'mally rolled

