

"no past, at all" parking lot charge 'd vision't feelings world home (isolate 't) 'rupted 'sures peculiar R's breakfast "ain't it process?" in of that act(s) where secure

ly forgotten (past ed) contin ue (casares) "lights on" [mountain fog] it is 'herent acting dropped through "come on again, some one's here" talk bound (reason says it's)

not past "at all!" no ephem (er al) "pushed to extremes, we wait, pushed to 'lipsistic we wander" ing sing [me under it] at all creation'd self'nd

lost now seducing then 'sidious ly walking tended repeating walk R's looked corner building one up 1st oth er Grand slipped view ing "in fact, is evocated (tion)

"no after, in all" small pecu liar lunch home "ain't world (I solate 't) 'rupted 'sures R's feelings load 'd vision't lot parking it process?" this act(s) where safe

(after ed) on "forgotten ly them" lights continue (to marry) [mist mountain] is 'herent that it acts fall through "come on a nother time, here" some one's limit saying (the reason

says it's) not after all! none ep hem (er al) "pushed to the extrem ities, waits, pushed for 'lipsistic wander" ing sings [me under it] all creation'd self'nd lost

seducing walked one repeat ing tended walking R's 'sidious looked building sings one above fact slide great "in sight oth er, is ev ocated" (tion)




P's confused (can't) dream respon sible candle head(s) ing "writing it" crossing himself five carts lined up role ed fruit & bread fifteen pairs (pants tied) shirts six consid

ered "great, don't mute, not now" selected structure 'tivist "I've pulled weeds, and rocks..." not moved't saying source 'perienced 'sics uttered as 'nist "four wheels on

six legs" brought pooled about 'totype ing't two to a line't initiated (dropped over the freeway bridge) down't for the new ones standing light bike crossing

"on the fucking sidewalk!" where'st considered a [understanding a factor(s)] parents drove by yesterday seeing 'lity reaching linking what reflects 'ive's

P's confused (can't) it writ ing ideal ing sible head(s) can dle respon crossing five cars lined up above fruit & the bread ed

paper fifteen (moor pants) pairs con sid shirts six ered "great, mute don't, not now" the selected structure 'tivist "I've pulled harmful grass, and" rocks... not moved't that 'per

ienced says the source 'sics express ed as "four 'nist wheel on legs" six brought pooled on 'totype ing't two to one line 't (left fall on bridge freeway) down't the news that sidewalk!

"is the crossing clearly, bicycle" on where'st considered parents [that it understands one factor(s)] directed yes terday seeing 'lity to reach binding what reflects 'ive's




looks up 'elfvitiating stomach to intestine "speaking" un 'xpect ed J's wake full (er) 'nism across gravel waged (ing) "pull up the water!" = fear as 'ness'd

dry wind and inject dark (night) light noon "we need him to tell" 'deration car floats pulled when [language] said stops "telling us" losing accompanied sense 'ximity progression

outcomes (ing) parking 30 mph "turn left on San Pedro" from minus fear easy chaos (growing feet) "eased up" [and a] settled newspaper box finger in finger out

"pair of jeans" intersection "not how I remember it" due to cold outcome GSD police head over down arms back in (traded with) subjectivism "thrown up"

looks at above the stomach 'elf vitiating to "speaking" intes tine vigil (er) 'nism full un 'xpect ed J's through gravel under took "pull (ing) above water!"

= fear as 'ness'd dry wind and injects (night) "clearly dark noon needs it, tell" floats car 'deration had pulled when [lan guage] said that "telling us" followed progression

losing direction 'ximity results that park 30 mph "turn left San Pedro" easy chaos negative fear (in creasing feet) "eased up" [and] established finger

box periodical finger is to "pair, jeans not intersection, I remember it" had cold policies result directs the excess arm ed for stops backward (nego

up intestine J's(ing) = wind we floats accompanied



't 10

'phrenia choice 'cised 'nt flat stucco 'flection't 'gressed remain(s) tion "car and dog" racing forms "beat to the orientations' here" P reaches (pocket) it

's door block yellow (lined) 'pate antici'd [dis em bed] me et "shoes jump out, here is" 'tistic 'cratic how is it allocat'd? "uh?" did expect an advantage

unclear it' way (s) 'ting in P (looks at you) eye as eye's nois y "waiting hands" skinned stand ready made 'pro bable "lying in the back" put up as difficult

"really? Failure? one to..." most would see it "hands as hammers, arms wrench ed" 'ter 'uation is 'ble 'king 'ed 'gical P paints the wall with sa liva 'normal subjects are"

tion smooth remain(s) stucco 'flection 't 'gressed choice 'cised 'nt 'phren ia to "car and dog" competing "beat forms to orientations' here" P reaches it (pocket) the

yellow block door 's (lined up) 'pate an tici'd [bed one in dis] me et "shoes jumps, here is" 'tistic 'cratic as is al locat'd? "uh?" it waits an advantage it' to un

clear way (s) 'ting eye P (looks in you) as hands waiting nois y eye's peeled stand 'pro made "lying soon bable ing back" puts as difficult "really above? Imperfection? one... "

the majority IF it "hands as hammers, set ed" key to 'ter 'u ation paintings that 'ble 'king 'ed 'gical P wall with 'normal liva sa subjects are



9 't

(er) internals multiply "please step back from the street" dis harmony an (chromatic) a J's finger speaks up "I'm so tired of it" root ed spoken in tense less each

(s) mono syllable 'pathy J mouths it "cacophony, ca co pho ny" ca ca phon [never new] "beating on your door" a mo ment a while walking a

way hiding under "shit, build ings, rain" context identity trash ing 'olitics dropping "push that cart, that gro cery cart, it's plastic and rolls faster [sung in 2]

or 3 framed or bagging one although't identified but not brok en from't "she died, in her sleep" last night no 'cation pull fingers while ed 60's (windcold) smile (ing)

(er) internals multiplies the back part stage "please street" the harmony dis (chromatic) a finger J's speaks above tire "I'm thus it" root ed said in the time but each

one (s) mouths mono syllable 'pathy J it "cacophony, ny" pho ca co phon ca ca [never new] that "beating in its door" one mo ment one while walking way that hides

under "shit, ings configuration, rain" push leaving to fall ing 'oli tics garbage identity context that cart, this car cery gro, plastic it's and coils [sung in

2] and 3 had more quickly mold ed or bagging one although't i dentified but "she to it en from't brok did not die, in its sleep" last night fingers traction 'ca

tion when smile ed 60's (windcold) (ing)

