

sta 6 spell't

U rolls over "making a room" a space (community) rain waved splash tarp 'section rounding empty to asphalt (added blurring) laugh'd "not whether, merely" make

room & rolling (over right arm) echo drops "each complaint" 'tinguish it intersection U watching "waiting for an accident to" this light 'oom & 'olling "never wit

nessed one" turn left pedestri an two legs from under tarp back ac cording (ly) [difference blur] ing walk out cen ter line "looking for 1st" coat up around dis solu

tion mound of sand piled up "and, how that plays in neutralizing" in windows down face mouth yelling "move, ASSHOLE!" bent up fingers "kick the door" over rolls hated U

windows it faces for low mouth cries out "move, ASSHOLE!" folded above kick the cen for line having that "looking for 1st" covering above around solu dis the light

'oom & wit of "never of 'oll ing nessed one" it turns pedestri left two feet echo room & rolling (right arm excess) leaves to fall com plaint each U rolls on "making

one room" rain space (community) waved to become rounded tarp fin gers door "the exceeding coils had hated U mount tion sand pil ed up above" and as that

one plays neutralizing in in ferior back part tarp that cording (ly) [blot difference] walks 'tinguish it from wait ing giving attention intersection U one ac

cident this 'section of resting empty to "not of asphalt (to added) laugh'd if, merely" it makes



sta ion 5 cou rse

"all of you can go die!" that's it "uh, ah" means as alarm pulled out and (out re) acted instead to ugh [more addict] ed char acter 'butions 'tense in

preferring using which'd wrap ped and round (building alarm) sounding "take this as dis advantage" asn't course tolo gy [up in the morning] 'asleep at the fire' while "ma

ma" dies in the V.A. extend ing serially "shrinking isn 't" forgetting the 'headache' eating chow mein fingers (wrapped it up, again) all to die a die

"voices can go die!" one is it "uh, ah" half alarm it removed (for it re) preferred acted time 'butions 'acter char ed ugh [more vitiat ed] inside to

prefer wrap using itself which 'd 'ped round (alarm building) sounding "take this advantage" dis fool [above morning ] 'a sleep 'gy course asn't in fire' when "mama" the V.A.

extend ing who "shrinking series isn 't" forgetting it 'headache' eat ing fingers mein chow (involved above, a nother time) everything to die


sack man 't

stat tion 4ss is

falling "get these?" asked fail wait ing (Mr. Bag Man) L's heart 'attoo "else we're going n'die!" 'pent 'pression an eye 'd looking 'ticed hands reaching to take (reached 't)

these? "fall get" "else order we're n'die!" going heart 'attoo wait im perfection (Mr. Sack Man) L's 'pent 'pression an eye'd that looks at 'tic ed delivery to reach

to taking ('t reached)


'sis locat'

stat tion 4s fis't

love (only) feelings 'tirely 'tactic shifting "she was shot last" a round 'matic "you can say foreground" (fuckU 'ems) resulted 'atic "and those hands" exhaust dropping

"she dislocating feelings 'ti rely 'tactic love (only) was last" shot one "you round o 'matic say foreground" (fuck U 'ems) "and resulted of 'atic that one hands" to leave to fall exhaustion


c a e f u s e

stat ion 4 fs't

"a sign ed" to me any one "clouds up behind the front (ed)" 'dence 'jects cornered 3rd and Broadway bottle't mar ket ('tactic cuffs) leg'bnd "play with the (each) 'tically

ed signal "a me some" clouds one above behind the front part (ed) en closed 'jects 'dence ket Broadway bottle't March (cuffs) 'tactic leg'bnd "play with (each one) 'tically"