
stat tion 4ss is

falling "get these?" asked fail wait ing (Mr. Bag Man) L's heart 'attoo "else we're going n'die!" 'pent 'pression an eye 'd looking 'ticed hands reaching to take (reached 't)

these? "fall get" "else order we're n'die!" going heart 'attoo wait im perfection (Mr. Sack Man) L's 'pent 'pression an eye'd that looks at 'tic ed delivery to reach

to taking ('t reached)


'sis locat'

stat tion 4s fis't

love (only) feelings 'tirely 'tactic shifting "she was shot last" a round 'matic "you can say foreground" (fuckU 'ems) resulted 'atic "and those hands" exhaust dropping

"she dislocating feelings 'ti rely 'tactic love (only) was last" shot one "you round o 'matic say foreground" (fuck U 'ems) "and resulted of 'atic that one hands" to leave to fall exhaustion


c a e f u s e

stat ion 4 fs't

"a sign ed" to me any one "clouds up behind the front (ed)" 'dence 'jects cornered 3rd and Broadway bottle't mar ket ('tactic cuffs) leg'bnd "play with the (each) 'tically

ed signal "a me some" clouds one above behind the front part (ed) en closed 'jects 'dence ket Broadway bottle't March (cuffs) 'tactic leg'bnd "play with (each one) 'tically"



station 3 ls't

"that's a big crap, dude!" oh sir [for give me (future 's)] can can 'turs op erated peeling up paint brick 'et vocab 'ative 'cture brushing off ash isnt (ing) lit now'd

P stands at it "sigh" ing it chick en baggy 'counter 'amine "shewsssh!" to "and there are thematically" bag crisp bag open it up now up standing around it trash can

fire big crapping meaning (s) 'mal "are you ready to forget, it?" not 't (that failure) devalue ((ing)) 'ranted 'terpretive framing out 'ween 'cile

can refuse put fire large "are shit ting the significance (s) 'mal you ’re ready to forget, it?" not 't (this fail ure) devaluates ((ing)) 'ranted 'terpretive framing

out 'ween 'cile lit now'd P stand ing him the "sigh" ing it "shewsssh!" full 'en 'counter 'amine chick en with "and there is the matically" crunching bag open bag it top maintain

ing top holding around him "that 's a large shit, dude!" mister Oh [for elasticity (future 's)] can put out box 'turs operated ‘eeled top vocab 'ative

'cture brick 'et painting sweeping in addition to ash isnt (ing)


sta tion ing is't

station 2 ed

itchy balls leg hairs head lice re sult "ok, asking... what?" sulk till noon po ints suggest ing attached 'ursor nails to slowly express (ion) 'rication 'niably it's

"time to riding" rather index read ing giving "itchy" ness smelled 'tumn relation to one sting needled descendant pointer (s) unwinding 'tached 'iving

'mergent(ly) no logic 'ainty floating at three feet (of such a) val ue reducing [itchy continued pall face in "comments aren't welcome, please, 'way 'thin 'yn crazed] at

irritating hairs leg balls di rect lice about the "ok sult requir ing... the what?" sulky just what inter midday sug gest nails 'ursor join ed ing to express slowly

(ion) 'rication 'niably it's "time with riding" rather 'index read 'ing giving "itchy" ness felt relation 'tumn indicator de scendant upset by puncture

(s) unrolling 'tached 'iving 'mergent(ly) logic 'ainty mo th floating three feet ('un such a) 'ew valley re ducing [continuous face irritate ing in wel

come "comments aren't, please, 'way 'thin 'yn in 'sane ] too


Broadway 'n November