t.1...4... .
oh jeez "Eliot’s symbolism is
almost complex" rituals eaten after
(after) location on "filming
3am 4am 5am" bunch'a cars up
and down "feet bouncing, remember?"
smelling the back 'sizzling' dull
"you don't walk blankly, do
you?" no almost whole block
lit'up numbers one yard
between lines sidewalk ing north in
"it's pull up the pants
and walk away, way, AH!"
struck off dis course it
heading to a bus stop
hands in out "holding a large
role" in out "forme"
smiling "forme" for conscience
food no send yet suggest net
holding cuffs above shoes before
thinking "pull up, pull!"
14... 48... 22... 56... 31... 06...
39... 14... 48... 22...
57... 31... 06... 40... "I don't
know why" assumptions not
values per 'bism as 'rism as 'da
one device on
another figure 'ation "you know"
begins with names opening out processed
whether "pulled up" from meteorite
(s) by rocking 48... narra...
the symbolism "Eliot jeez oh,
almost complex" rituals after eaten
(after that) the position in "filming
3am 4am 5am" cars bunch'a for above low
"feet that it jumps, remember?" smelling
'sizzling' back it don't "you dull walks
blank, makes you?" no almost entire block
lit'up numbers one yard between line(s) ing
sidewalk inside north to pull top "it's the
pants walks moved away, way, AH!" hit outside
dis role covers heading to hands a bus is in
"holding one, great" it are "forme" "forme"
smiling the food conscience none emits
however suggests liquid arrest cuffs
above low shoes before thinking
above "pull, pull!" 14... 48...
22... 56... 31... 06... 39...
14... 48... 22... 57... 31...
06... 40... "I don't knows
why(s)" values assumptions
not for 'bism as 'rism as
the device 'da one in
another figure know
"it" you it 'ation starts the
names that open processing if
"pulled up" meteorite (s) for tells
48... to it balancing...
s.3.0.4 "comman'dd?"
"it's this point of view" bad for
is said but edge'd it says some
steel window current thing that something
only says the current ing assumption
ly giving above vowels "it's this, too"
non 'weyou' the current essential cut
error face'd 'band for mountain ranges
wants point sight isn't "this, " un
this shelf rainless (absence) 'slugging
scotches supports two that smoke
parliaments one by one 'one of "sand
& lonesome" example colors complex meaning
'thermore four months of "so, so"
edges to "Buk" glass as 'after ly 6pm
shows above and drinks my whiskey,
mine to smoke cigarettes then fucks me 2am,
too' 'ned bag for low has adjusted
to the difference isn't as arranged
sun stops backwards delivers 'flicted
"followin' those points southern" the EL
Paso starts (sand dunes enter) since
that Little Rock Dallas "symbolize,death,
winter" the bag rank low
enters "might all also blink the point
that it spots for are
west" followed low difference
rrr.. "spoon'd?"
"walkff" stagresence "mais sloezzanine fow whiurns
tbsent circlre armbove smoos lookit inccess
"concentratied" ligack paraffic sloime toiir baisappearance subjead pad togethase ligtreet braround
"facame, samhing timeing ahing onother onoesn't iurt?"
maar thiay atep s truct fos speciotes writty oou
extir& "skillabor" plaands surroundertain thmake occurrinn manifestt" posmooth thxcess streos Angelerrat') (songer
risnd abolevator rigide leathtrap lot "jeeimple
appearannside stagn ot's tainly aboivision fingeircle
fos Alisoave scratchut "timeoo mureen ligho accessintrations
itnother tiame tome faco 'thants belpimples, all"
"walked off" Main steps down mezzanine ramp "is presence" as
E turns away circles arm up Aliso standing looking
on ramp traffic back red light "concentration access" time to "bad
air" disappearance and subject together paired curb street light base
around "same faces" same time one thing but another "thing"
"doesn't your head hurt?" car this way one foot truck tread s out special ly written
notes about extirpa te & "skilled labor" or hands placing
compassed certain that way occurring "make your manifesto, post it"
Aliso at Los Angeles Street over (irrat') not longer (s)
E scratches above the belt right side lift look pimple
"jeez" appearance within a manner it's two steps mainly up ward
in circle fingers out wave ing Aliso's scratching too green
lights "times to accessing" 'trations it's again same some faces 'ther
pants down "pimples, all"
"walked off" stages presence "main" is slope mezzanine for low while turns
the absent circles are armed above smooth is looking at in access
"concentration red" light back part traffic slope time to "air bad"
disappearance subject had pair ed together base light street brake around
"faces same, same" thing timeing a thing one another one "doesn't it hurt?"
main car this way a step s truck it foot is special notes written ly on you
extirpa & "skilled labor" place hands surrounded certain that "make occurring
in manifesto, it" post smooth the excess street Los Angeles (irrat') (s) longer
risks and above elevator right side leather strap look at "jeez" pimple
appearance inside stages in one it's two mainly above division fingers circle
for is Aliso's wave scratches out "times, too much green lights to accessing" 'trations
it's another time same the some faces to 'ther pants below "pimples, all"
q.14..5..2 "oney?"
"honhrough strei!" wavithers fre "count'eome tonighxcess "comiuh? " buhe hainside
fingandage foyeball toint lesaises foreheye fourneyed" beiothered destinhrough fuh,
tranquou iased in," halumniate (tii!" tave canne "sawrick loadio tricks the bir)
abilicraping fy" (less) viewed(iaxative objectiatting (paddilose) sounpposing
iroeturn prefeen coupli's [thoug??] "shithits" despairet unlehe reubstances onvincy,
bote 'soluhat ielieves teem clearore possibbsent thinurrently aftind coh, coint
sentimeou wrinternals, atage abooverings staibsent doround "ereeen, I'vhe entiday
about tast uere "gonliding orack hanphoira Eit involvhe principlowly aounds), choose
up?" fohe intaarticle feelid) (sdearemesis
"honey, across the street" waving "Hi!"
another out come "count'em"
"coming over tonight?" huh? but
hair within bandage finger to
eyeball point less up eye brow for
destined bothering "journeyed"
thru tranquil "oh fuck, you based
it on," calumniate (tion)
"hey, Hi!" waving cannot be "saw't"
carrying brick to bricks
to birth (to) and scraping ability
by "by" objective (less)
laxative viewed(ing) patting
(padding by) sounds opposite H's [thought]
coupling viewed instead returning
"shit's irony, shits" despaired it unless
actual matters convinces "by, by"
'dote 'solute rendering two appearing
clearly plus possible away things
currently past mind to come
sentiment point can "oh, you write
internals, and" step up
stair facing in away door out
"I've been standing around"
all day here all "about to blow up" 'phoira E's
hand rail (slowly involves principle
as sounds) slide "gonna pick
me up?" toward intact particle
'dears' feeling memesis (d) (s)
"do you think they got it all?" cigarette hand brown and black
waited paper in hand "it's a big lump" window mirror
distorted presented outside considered useless one story more cup full
choking vomit on awaken E's about "helpless forces" another hidden
distort eyes widen "they got it all?" layer & layer
speak bursting candies "peach & strawberry" 'ware ness collapse "gotten
all" bringing (ing it) sorption worldly lation imulus (tial) fond
confronting (nothing?) "being isolation" being rec cog nized peaches 'dies
confront not (objects floating in streets metaphor) pullout another sentence:
"but why am I?" ('daires) but tryings strawberry (isolation) ones
E's toes (updown) tapping fingers end pointing "pull those
up!" down once as isolation two powered greater by three
'adored baby' "someone's duty to" relent (soften) amount ing repeat
"even another toe tapper, but once is" vomiting motion left
"toes a tappin'!" back ended scenic what send'd a tappin'!
"do that you think that all?" had started it brown and black waited paper
"it's disposed hand cigarette one lump" great the mirror window distorted the
presented external part considered history that useless vomit blocking full cup
awaken on E's on forces "helpless hidden others" distort the eyes widen "they had
started all?" to it layer & layer speaks blowing up "peach & strawberry" candies
collapse of ness 'ware "gotten all" bringing (ing it) to become attached (tial)
worldly imulus lation sorption (nothing) isolation "being to be cog" rec nized
peaches that 'dies not (objects that floats metaphor streets) pullout one
another sentence: "but because am I?" ('daires) but strawberry tryings (insulation)
ones E's toes (updown) the extremity beating fingers pointing "pull that one up!"
for low a time as greater insulation two powered for three 'adored baby' to "duty of"
someone's relent (softer) repeat an amount "even one another beat finger
foot, but a time one is" toes left movement vomiting "one tappin'!" back part
finished scenic that send'd one tappin'!