
Ramirez St.

point (r) (ed) (ing) (s) "pulled you up" draining restaurant water (ing) pearly further started clear as a margin ed paired to briefly veined warn 'me' treat 'you' "feeling less" within a citrus complaint provided shared (s) (ing) pub keeping lic collector

broken helpless 'remove it' remaining looking 'feed me' days don't turn a round force that face break it bruise all oranges in squeezed oily staging slippery "tell you!" where what size words intermediate black/white "toss it up on your shoulders bone"

the point (r) (ed) (ing) (s) "pulled him up" draining water restaurant (ing) pearled begun more far as margin ed mated grained briefly clearly notice 'me' veins 'you' "less feeling" within citric complaint provided (s) (ing) shared publication that kept the collector public 'remove abandoned broken it' "feed that watches rest me" return days don't round force plows face contusion all the oranges "slippery expressed of" tell oily parking where what large writes up "toss intermediate black/white it above stops bone" of shoulders


Olvera St. & Plaza

defecating joyfully sitting left/right "sing down'a down'a" one more time 'a merry rose red for you' up the pants grace'd quality richer given Sundays not remember versus wide (r) narrow gap'd perennial "does it?" tear away the sensory

whether (w) J has sat and leaves shit smell stronger piss scent "pintos and rice" sweeter joy'd purple tongue sing "it's the better we didn't" onions egg(s) facing traffic noise across the plaza shirts pants socks shriveled end(ing)

defecating left/right glad sitting down "sing down'a down'a" glad redder one rose time 'a for you' above quality given Sundays richer pants grace'd to remember against (r) it? "wide narrow perennial" does gap'd moved away rip sensory if (w) J seated and leaves smells it excrement strongest urine "pintos and rice" of scent a purple tongue piece candy joy'd sings "it's best we didn't" the noise traffic of coverings egg(s) onions through socks pants shirts square shriveled end(ings)


Olvera St. & Plaza

deadhead arrangement knock down prostrated singing "in a way anecdotal, springing into retreat, stopping by stop on by... stop it" between one brick building another brick building as chasm smoke "your courtesy" each step love admission (s) think

J sits defecates this joy left remembered footsteps (d) 'sleeping against a wall' eyes locked deathed' conclusive grace less two pennies dime just 'abandon it' stairs down/or predict (tion) "oh, you just infer (ed) (ing) (t)" at

the strokes arrangement of deadhead prostrated low "in to sing an anecdotal way, jumping retreating, stopping for stop... for it" stop between a brick that constructs another building brick chasm smokes courtesy your admission love stage (s) thinks J sits down defecates on the steps to the left remembered joy (d) 'sleeping meeting one wall' eyes deathe'd locked grace conclusive less currency ten cents 'abandon, just it' two currencies a cent the stairs down/or predict "oh (of [tion]), you only infer (ed) (ing) (t)" in


Olvera St. & Plaza

"guns in hand, surround the car" hands up this portion (in) complete lump (ed) J's face nose this way that essential organ broke 'n nowhere severed and red inherent (ly) red (er) "so, how is it placed?" limb

out arm tied up and lashed divided into 2's "slapped & extend (d)" now conscious as dumb project (ile) stumbling along sultry pupil(ed) cartooned L.A. Times 'fuck head' J is blank (not plastic sense) as ideal and unmade

"guns hand, surrounds car" hands above this complete nose face lump parcel (inside) (ed) J's this essential agency broke 'n severed no part and "so red (ly) inherent red (er), as he is placed?" member moored arm above and taped divided in 2's "slapped & extend (d)" now conscious as project dumb (ile) stumble to long pupil (ed) sultry cartoon L.A. Time 'fuck head' J is blank (plastic direction none) as ideal unmade


2nd and Rose

worth joy around 'ice adjusted wealth eating (en) 'way un settled area (s) in difference 'othing 'teered price one eyeball matter crushed by Jerzy K. the volunteer spooning soup as coalescence (ed) rather (divided) "cream of mushroom, another cup will you please?" on Rose on 2nd 'stimate "we don't want

to cross it" sleeve tugging can rattle supper (lament) unsettled pricked concrete elbow burn healed (non) reckon (d) "we dual on the moron we single on the idiot, we deuce while blank it, quarter us suffer us, please" 'alidate the security doors come down at 5pm wound(s) won't heal imitate infect (tion) intimate hearing

worth joy around 'ice adjusted to established area eat wealth (en) 'way (s) in substance eyeball price one difference 'othing 'teered jammed Jerzy K. the volunteer who gives the soup "cream it (divided) mushroom, one another will of coalescence (ed) rather cup, please?" Rose in "we of 'stimate don't wants 2nd to it" transversal line glove tows can rattling supper (lament) concrete burning pricked unsettled elbow healed (non) counts (d) "we double in moron we triple in idiot, we deuce when the blanks space, in dividing them suffers them, please" 'alidate the doors security come low wound(s) won't 5pm heal imitate infect (tion) hearing intimate


2nd and Rose

ed dash stops trauma sixteen (ish) transfer at Broadway (ference) "sweetly you have come" 2nd street spills to window (s) "stop keeping it!" control 'peutic saying that sun today isn't you nor left ventricle whooshing shivering under one lateral one straying was from repetition beating right arm pains left tingles

'cipiate eyes caressing full bottle instants rather 'lerable 'priate "Rose Street isn't red" it's pink today washed sprayed blood gutter away sidewalks 'lemma (s) 'mitive rot pulled out 'nvigorating "you define the limits" (ations) and rest confined this a primitive dilemma as "one who knows" eating away equipoise 'd an erection to

transference trauma sixteen doors trace of ed (ish) in Broadway (ference) "sweetly you have come" to a street spills window (s) "stop that, he keeps it!" he has controlled saying 'peutic display sun today isn't nor to shivered whooshing ventricle left under one lateral wanders repetition beats right pains arm tingles left 'cipiate eyes red caressing street isn't "Rose" instants rather 'lerable 'priate full bottle it's 'mitive pricks sidewalks absent sprayed today washed gutter blood "you for pulled rot 'lemma (s) 'nvigorating defines limits" (ations) and the rest confined dilemma primitive "one that knows" eating equipoise absent 'd an erection


2nd and Rose

'kept eating at me' pulled up carpet wood oak slats taking fright without leaving success fully ideal'd (ized) kept eating "depends on me, ya know?" transfer whether rescuing makes it helpless as moments "man, my asshole hurts!" repeated harming appearing ripping (ed) extract "say it!" eating at me kept it

"cover your nose" the whip come up then down backed conviction help less to relinquish (ment) "the need for more" respected in society (social) pillars refuse them feeling "my hearts broken down, again on your porch" it's spelled "tatters" chitter living on Hope love chatter(ing) dream t't't't' grabbing the linked chain fence godlike rescuing

'kept, it eats in me' pulled top slats wooden oak carpet to make examination fright without leaving success entirely ideal'd (ized) remained eat "depends in me, know?" ya transference save makes helpless moments "man, mine hurts!" asshole repeated harming seem "tearing it!" say "extract (ed)" eat me kept to "cover its nose" whip comes above aid more/less for low supported certainty abandon necessity (ment) "the for more" respected refuse (social) columns society broken hearts "my feeling for low, another time porch" it's spelled "tatters" to chitter that t't't't' lives dream chatter(ing) love hope grasping save godlike fence chain


2nd and Rose

the dash stops here see shrouded Vibiana's singing "sweet and kind, kind and sweet" another refrain (ed) masking stopped at lights heads next glass where not empower 'onomy cars 'back up the street' wrapping it up built on competence identified stopping there rowing intimacy street to Rose rowed relation

forming (re) wake (ing) 'vention entered cigarette lit dropped 'inter' care selfing opposing harm "take this requirement 'ment 'ection autonomous 'ative 'ity shipped take'd trauma'd isolat'd plus around unilateral (izing) safety preserved around aggression nor treat ment (ed) "place the origin opposing ration reflect" where that does not person (the third one) simply 'fys

the dash trace see "sweet and hidden type here sing of Vibiana's type and sweet" another one mask refrain (ed) stopped in light heading following glass where not empower'd the cars 'back of 'onomy raises street involve constructed above in identified stop competence it lines up street intimacy to lined up relation Rose give to form (re) vigil (ing) 'vention entered cigarette illuminated 'inter' left to fall "take opposing self-ing damage'd care independent requirement 'ment 'ection 'ative 'ity signal addition of take'd trauma'd isolat'd around the security (izing) unilateral preserved around" place ment aggression delight (ed) reflect opposing it-self 'ration origin this it person (third) simply 'fys


2nd and Rose

uninterrupted continuous one more person "we sing this song to solve our problem to sing this song sing" from 2nd to Rose shoe tongues lapping shins where take "reliable" some solvent face (ing) the language leaden noting (ed) "our problems sing singing we trying" 'rupted basis stopped "who this has been" been this who

repeated harm repeated harms may appearing in mimicked (ing) heart eye wrenching up up back to body 'awake' harm may harm repeated appeared mimicking in repeated appearance eyes tearing up back awakened wrenched up body to you as spasms throat less food "Be careful!" swallowing eye that lids repeating (ed) 'derline order hearts (ed)

"more continuous one uninterrupted person sings this song to decide our problem to sing this sing" song tongues pieced low shoe Rose fold shins "reliable" some solvent face (ing) problems writing down leaden "our language (ed) sings singing us, trying" "who stopped 'rupted been this that" the repeated repeated damage harms can appearing imitation eye heart (ing) wrenching above above stops backwards body 'awake' harm repeated appeared imitating repeated eyes appearance tear above back part awakened wrenched above body throat spasms less careful swallowing eye this covers repeat (ed) 'derline request hearts (ed)


2nd and Rose

"lover your head" type two trauma repeated plus three fear touching the door order dis stressed other specific not/is extreme (ly) "duck" ed dragging the cart up Rose engaged (ing) somatic due bordered around ficus roots should prejudicial has so becoming paper [laid out] present abandon (ment) ly within this clustering primary defection failed

(ing) type one letter 'home' "Mom, I'm calmed now and" soma (tically) bus bench curved buttock features(closed faced) dissociative volume around form defected primarily where one awning ends the awning 'a' begins (security tendency) usual ends at 2nd street border(ed) cover head you order habits and observed and not yet directed extern (ally)

"lover its head" the repeated type two trauma more fear three that touches in the dis order door forced other "duck" (ly) specific extremity not/is ed that drag the car above (ing) debt Rose somatic connected limited around roots ficus harmful will have the abandonment becoming gift paper [placed for is] (ment) ly inside this defection preliminary joining fails type a letter 'home' (ing) "mom, I'm calmed and" now buttock bending bank bus addition (tically) features(closed) the volume dissociative faced around the form defected first where one awning finishes the awning 'a' starts (trend security) usual extremities in head cover border(ed) street requisite habits and extern observed and not still directed (ally)