Ramirez St.
point (r) (ed) (ing) (s) "pulled you up" draining restaurant water (ing) pearly further started clear as a margin ed paired to briefly veined warn 'me' treat 'you' "feeling less" within a citrus complaint provided shared (s) (ing) pub keeping lic collector
broken helpless 'remove it' remaining looking 'feed me' days don't turn a round force that face break it bruise all oranges in squeezed oily staging slippery "tell you!" where what size words intermediate black/white "toss it up on your shoulders bone"
the point (r) (ed) (ing) (s) "pulled him up" draining water restaurant (ing) pearled begun more far as margin ed mated grained briefly clearly notice 'me' veins 'you' "less feeling" within citric complaint provided (s) (ing) shared publication that kept the collector public 'remove abandoned broken it' "feed that watches rest me" return days don't round force plows face contusion all the oranges "slippery expressed of" tell oily parking where what large writes up "toss intermediate black/white it above stops bone" of shoulders