
Arts District (traction ave.)

Yama those jaws disjunct H sleeps under in awning shadow [s] that's rolling over singing quietly "someone's got the ghost someone's got ghost, again" it feels like a cold opened mouth wide diving paste tongue past tonsils trachea esophagus dropped swimming birth'd in cycle "what does his picture remind you?" organs open closed head wrapped towel 'what are known' off spun

Yama those sleep disjunct jaws H below rolling shade awning exceeding [s] that's singing quiet "someone started the ghost somebody started a ghost, again" it feels as wide tongue piece open cold folder diving mouth after tonsils swimming trachea birth'd left to fall esophagus "what cycle makes its picture remember you?" main the involved towel closed opened 'what agencies is (are) known' it are (is) turned one


Historic Core

sung bed nitey nite "you can sense" in one two generations disappears slapping striking along the sidewalk M thinks "six as surviving as" another look at "what does neglect" exist exposed after passive you "ask'd" it's really not that bad so large green trash bag shoulder over put but the back is with and will that one to prevail life'd alone'd of means 'saked lone aware differing up notion a

sense "sung can" you nite nitey bed in two generations disappears hitting hit to long side walk M thinks of "six as " to survive one another look "what makes neglect" they exist displayed voice after passive "ask'd" it's really thus great green excess shoulder bag garbage bad rank have is and will not advantage life'd alone'd to differ winning solitary from the ways 'saked above notion


Historic Core

ignore & listen "another cue you missed" cruelty within deliberate ripped from home/bed expect (ed) violent "hands clapping, yeah" singing 'Let it be better, tomorrow' "ask'd for it" you not merry nor heart'd not crying as warned (alone) head'd for death'd [spared by] succumbing prolong greater character 'er approaching locked at to door slamming fist'd against again "when another!" self inherent perhaps'd tooth face corner broken 'xposed "let me in!" one shepard two flocks grass is tall goes on to over the horizon

ignores and listens to suggestion "another you missed" the torn cruelty inside deliberated home/bed waits (ed) "hands violent that clapping, yeah" to sing 'Let either, tomorrow' better "ask'd for it" glad nor heart'd that do not cry out while head'd (alone) warned death'd [saved close] succumbing " draws out if to approach greater character stopped fist'd beating meeting another time another!" "let broken face sing inherent 'xposed tooth self perhaps'd in!" one gram two flocks shepard high goes a horizon


Historic Core

'extra thin' when getting slights stopping at 1st street "I want some pottery" store closed M thinks ex ploitation "in this hurt minor" de 'pression swelling ankle wrapped wrist it's skills 'on to the class for' social (ly) stable (un) tionships (re) LA minor (ing) repeatedly enacted once you rescue you've rescue'd repeat after me: res inj bet violence love young age'd early at "ask id for it, you" turn boundary into bus stop bench limiting coped dissociative'd

'extra thin' when starting slights that 1st "street wants some pottery" closed M store thinks former "in 'ploitation this minor" hurt the ankle swell 'pression involved abilities 'on pulse it's classroom for' steady minor (ly) social LA of 'tionships (un) (re) (ing) decreed a time repeating that you saved you've rescue'd me: inj of res bet the new love early age'd violence in the identification you "of" ask the limit return limiting bus jamb dealt dissociative'd


Historic Core

Judge Aiso St. haunting fear (sprayed brocade sock cap) care "ask id for it" passive at walking out past doors agent position choice imagine 'nation fuck anger drive hunger (ing) not "not spared to provoke" BABY WHERE DID YOU STAY LAST NIGHT in a room gun dresser laid 'trayal 'omination released at 5am First toward walking black plastic bag (around it within denigrate 'd) entered personal twitching eyelids reared (ing) up rage'd six pants two shoes one panty one shirt one glasses twenty condoms

judges the identification haunting "ask care fear St. Aiso (drain plug sprayed sock brocade) for it" the passive voice walking after choice position agent doors imagines "not hunger movement anger fuck 'nation (ing) not saved to provoke" The BABY WHERE YOU 'omination set free room REMAINED the LAST NIGHT in a 'trayal injector placed preparer 5am first for eyelids contracting personal entered plastic black color walking bag (lathe it inside denigrate 'd) raised (ing) above pants of rage'd six two low shoes one a shirt panty a glass twenty condoms


Bunker Hill (copper hat hell)

to T's head hair brown hat wrung shirt laid out to day "father isn't here, out there" squeezed dripping (ed) "and now, is it tension?" escorted from sidewalk to car car to holding [area to cell to holding area] released

valve shut chained closed "come sir" blood drops fifteen inches 12 inches 2 feet "Sir! Come On" hands pockets eyes rolling (street sidewalk opposite) "This way Sir!" towels shoes feet walking (DWP truck stopped) "SIR THIS WAY!" pant arms ears

co ercive con (troll) that is hearing stopped not released "pull your arms behind," up stairs left about'd at seventh floor landing treated at threat'ng reach back glottis backed 'omit 'utilation 'ttack covering hand de 'sona 'eal 'tion personal

affecting (ing) covering 'esthesia colored warm 'candescent sweating agitate (ion) pull off the alloy t read aloud "place layout constraint fruit doing form conclude'd agitate compulse'd say injury mechanism see" soothed 'd implying device as "Sir Come!" 'phoria repute 'tions

to the main brown hair of T's the hat wrung the placed shirt is when "father isn't day here, for is there" "and squeezing dripping (ed) now, is it tension?" escorted sidewalk car to arrest [area to stack to arrest set free area ] valve closed sir "closed chained of" come the blood leaves to fall fifteen counts 12 counts 2 feet "Sir! It comes On" hands pockets eyes that roll (sidewalk opposing street) the Sir! way This the towels pave SIR walking feet (motionless truck DWP) "THIS WAY!" pant sets ears con ercive co (troll) that "pull is not set free stopped hearing its arms behind," the ascending stairs had left about'd in the seventh landing wooden floor treated reach stop backwards 'omit supported glottis 'utilation 'ttack covering 'eal hand of 'sona 'tion threat'ng personal affecting covering 'esthesia (ing) to sweat warm colorful that of 'candescent agitates (ion) pulls league T outside read high fruit constraint disposal "place that conclude'd makes form agitates see" mechanism wound word compulse'd 'd soothed it implies the device as "Sir Come!" 'tions of 'phoria reputes


Hoover St.

leaving Washington slowly under 110 under red hats (s) sun (s…) directing traffic up hand right left while glove oppose 'd metric (ly) "from refrigerator magnet opposite" pulls hands out "you have been engaged in behavior [fecund supervision (al)] [T] reckless (ly) sacred (less) "reverse the charges, please one moment" in a contrary while two boxes set together (ed) pulled out a mirror nose hairs reaching lip (ed) return


Bunker Hill (copper hat hell)

"played into a silver lotus" that horn stuffed 'ersistent a tradition (al) screed'd past separate which things living reproductive T thinks it "come this way, sir" woman 'an food "come this way, sir!" distinguished from one other

"Come This Way, Sir!" that ruling (er) to phallic to 'allus lost stairs [under several] words determine either against (access) T stops walking "sir, come this way" elbows held (old) branched hands un steady pattern'd brain and tired

some pieces as abnormal T's hat is yellow today compared talking waving jacket arm back as measured in exertion 'd sitting looking officer "can I pee?" qauged gauging into [method further move 'd] 'you see the end' while disputes feuding

anneal (ing) hardened it from raging brought back car hoods "they tell us everything here, don't they?" good waxed smooth informed (ing) fixtures store been clothes washing in "Pratt" fountain wring it "spelled anguish" water bottled annotate neural pattern'd

"played in one lotus" of silver this horn full 'ersistent a tradition (al) screed'd after separate things T reproductive living think "come this way, sir" "come food woman 'an, this way, sir!" distinguished from one another one "Come This Way, Sir!" that governing (er) phallic lost words 'allus diverse stairs [under] determines any one meeting (access) T "sir, walking, comes this way" the elbows had firmly arrested the brain ramified (old) un pattern'd hands and tired some parts abnormal hat T's is compared back part waving speaking today turns yellow arm covering measured in exertion 'd it sits down looking at pee? " " can official I qauged calibrate [additional movement 'd method] 'you see end' when disputes feuding anneals (ing) hardened layers stops backwards brought raging car "they say everything here to them, they?" don't good waxed smooth the electric devices informed (ing) store been clothes that are washed in "Pratt" the source wring "spelled anguish" the water bottled writes down pattern'd neural


Bunker Hill (copper hat hell)

jacket having talking leg forward farther other sliding turning facing turned followed blue LAPD couple slowly [let's go] "it's the lunch, it's the money, it's the food" (whether) smooth shiny heading to the escalators "the collector for church, come on"

is foreseen T drops his hat eyes up stuck in circled rolled bags stretched as manage (ed) able a fore sense voice "ain't got all day to wait on you" they say suspect (ed) directing which forms white crow shit

perfectly into a penis shape ed perspective "look up, look down, look all around" waiting as principle ed slowed jacket laid out brushing it catlike licks (a)cross(ing) "Ah!" noticed as looking at shielded (ob) serving up it under T's eyes dropped in

covering has the foot speaking onward more distant other slide turn coverings turned blue pairs followed [slowly let's goes] "it's LAPD lunch, it's the money, it's food" (if) smooth the shining heading collector "the escalators for the church, comes on" they are drops that foreseen T its eyes hat pierced above in the strained rolled bags surrounded as they control (ed) capable front voice "ain't felt it had started the entire day to wait in you" they say the suspicious one (ed) that directed white excrement crow forms perfectly in one "look of perspective of ed form penis above, looks at low, looks at around" all waiting because the principle ed late covering placed brush catlike licks (a)cross(ing) "Ah!" observed look at serving protecting (of ob) above it under the eyes of T's left to fall inside


Arcadia St. (lady of the angels)

{ed} "go ahead, scream as loud as you want" no hat helmet resting legs between predict (ing) ed another "as" formal to "omission is not a relative," not with a leg shackle not without exclusion while 't shouting a "fuck!"

this is culture this dominant as schools is "pick one or two" joined to the neck as smother (ed) (ing) since't intersecting head down legs up hands behind arms not generate {banding together to} stand up help up in origin

it's played in "europeindiaasia" pull the hands wrists tighter "your mother did this to you you you little meth head" ripped up heart (quiet those written) posting even around mailed fished (ing) somewhere sing "I'm risen, I'm arose 'd"

fished envoy (ing) sings in some place "I'm raised, I'm arose 'd" origin it's played in "europeindiaasia" it pulls pulses hands a mother more pressed of "your it crossing head since't" above hands behind arms not generating {edges together} are above the aid shackle foot not without exclusion when 't that shouting one "fuck!" this is culture this more "go {ed} ahead, shout noisily how much you want" no foot resting helmet hat in the way predicts