
East side industrial

East side industrial

into character lack lust love (r) later (r) "my lord" thus confess report defined consist (pulled up) away matching wish to beg'd change bus "my lord" twitching foot foot'd a side this siding less affect (ing) ed "heart to stop"

you "with this straight" quarter quarter'd not one of worth dig it out dig it peel face of brain as tongue slice'd dull (ed) by cheaper whiskey brained "dig it!" out 'as crows bark' dogs won't live and here it

dies two parts one standing bags plastic in hands find frozen "how to start a fire" matches gas (wood paper news) around a dried blood below camera view walled out wig piece tearing sleeve buttons away hand in there warm

love of lust lack character (r) (r) "mine Sir" confess thus the definite report consists (pulled for top) desire moved away combining to the change from beg'd carries from the "one foot'd more contracting itself delayed from the foot mine Sir "a side that this fence affects more less (ing) ed heart to stop" you "with this" quarter'd of one straight room one worth hollowing it outside does not stop hollowing it face rind brain as slice'd dull tongue piece (ed) for whiskey cheaper brained the "hollowing" for it are 'because crows dogs bark' will not live and here it them bags position of parts one two plastic data in the hands find "as to start matches that frozen of a fire" the gas (wooden notice of paper) around a dried blood below sight camera walled for is keyboard keys tearing glove part of wig moved away delivery back in warm


East side industrial

{dis pursue inclined} comeon "help is just a form away" who me? really attention wood to stone asphalt to black(ed) no trucks vehicles important coming around around dancing Laertes shifting down into second: burn cut pleasure handing also breathe actively

right to left step to toe ruled hearing left to ear right rule(ed) but falling (as fail) stare (ing) through "where in the sun shining" we sing'd lateralization of language product divided as substrate accident no mothering a fucking yet

{the dis pursue inclined} comeon "aid are just a moved away form" who me? really wood attention to the asphalt rock black (ed) no important coming vehicles trucks around around dancing Laertes that dislocates for low in as: the pleasure cut burning that delivers breathes actively right to the left stage finger foot governed hearing left rule (ed) right ear but (as the imperfection) when looking at fixture fall (ing) through "where in the sun that it shines" we lateralization sing'd product divided language accident carcass none to still serve mother a fuck


East side industrial

"wild ass in the side of a hole broken open" right-side activation sings pointing (s) up to an{d} utterance labeled right hand out out out pre-front bags tabled opened (ing) layed layed side to side less touch affect thin hair pulled

med 'teeth obscured in to as an{d} destruc (tion) routine (ly) burned 't cut 'up pleasure: body nets hanging too close no net (s) consistent-in "pull up up" !!! indigent comeon sing in di gent tolerate apply apply !!! comeon


Central City Core


"four minutes ago" coin window hit arm flung forward release standing turned away not away forward: it's change for the bus get up go get pockets turned out coat pants shirt symptom to lacking at what where s scratches hand back scar (red) less precise focused in "you fucking assholes gave me this hole in my head!" out left leg right leg kick(ed) ing knee down change none cover there forget a


Central City Core


"oh, shit the rest is" currencies cent wet dollars counting the stroll of one room knees cylinders displacement the one high vibrato quickly "oh small song, shit the rest is" wet extremity sewn in the repeated sections [ as you ] made inside tin the breath of fall of twenty five 200 currencies of more {needle(s) and the wet rest company exchange} that it looks at around not looking at for backwards blanket eyes generalities cover moved away the dollar 5.6.7 gloves sewn from s "forgets if," there


Central City Core


"oh, shit the pillow is wet" count dollars pennies for quarter ride to 6th shift drums knees a little song high vibrato fast "oh, shit the pillow is wet" end sewn into sections repeated [as you] made can twenty five coins falling breath inside 200 more {needle(s) and exchange company} wet pillow looking around looking back none no blanket cover eyes away to dollars 5.6.7 sewn s sleeves "forget a, a" there


Central City Core


"loss of love is traumatic, again" care take intol erable s says "yes" no not at more than evolved neat(ly) self-it words do space (s) of self-there lingering tongue'd speak is 'yond own be dimension

al nor one kind X and chromo one two independent looking back'n forth (12 12 12) muted self-it self-to self-a factored by growing asymmetry folding chairs around the tent around percept-concept right fight looking left'd memory lingering name

ing vocally deaf (ening) note it "E" s says plexed (tions) lost ability singing "pay it, the price, pay it tea pot'n microwave" ah an a tomical change "pull it from the register" vary walking outside.


Central City Core


happy feet do rat under [ Q tony. ] the cut do iron do parking in a call of 8 feet these ways derived the food for is a procured the entrance the columns the rows through that

that one trash lacked ed(ed) peeled bags opens hefty pierces the light to step on do spendthrift (ed) film us groups no tunnel ed opening: in an eye pointed finger (s) as disorder as the

inability they react (ion) and below closed 68 to the key 04 played after its {modality as disintegration} above ofofof "cannot reproduce the shout monozygotic twin reading not" (s) s that transcribes imagines case to follow

high acceptance % obtained structuralized societ (y) pulled for top the monthly magazine gathered bags hefty in off/on ofanofan left warning to fall this a more behind method (of the) simple governed pleasant understood (being) tolerates

in the cut parking iron tion tropect (tion) in the lots parking that strain outing that it lines up the entrance column-ing ("oh's) ing mine hefty, not see me hefty"


Central City Core


happy rat feet under [Tony Q.] parking iron cut into 8 foot call this means derived food out searching rows columns entry through which that missed trash to bags opens hefty skinned holes sink (ed) stepping light

film in crews in opening tunnel ed: at that which one eye pointed finger (s) as disorder as inability as react (ion) and keyed under from 68 to 04 played following its {mode as disintegration} up

"can't reproduce from this reading no" monozygotic twin scream (s)s ing on 5th transcribe it imagine the case following structured high acceptance achieved % societ (y) pulled up monthly raked into hefty bags dropped warning off/on this

later (ing) method simple has ruled make pleasant understood (standing) tolerate it in tropect tion (tion) iron parking cutting into the parking lots stretching outing rowing column-ing entry (s)ing "oh my hefty, don't leave me hefty"


Central City Core


unsullied tent rats other than one beast nor finches brown other wiser off J woods across at Garland: "oh fuck the school of bukowski" singing 3 wheeled grocery cart squealing "albertson's" red lines versus pink areas lime green mapped (edout) white gray 110 division by 2.5 bags of dog shit bags of bags of bags and shit in bag(s) old clothes crusted (y) moustache whitened yellow long black eye under lines a when in moments flashing and lights turned off/on "working off ending working off a" big eyes rounded pupil sully parted one T said written 'ab dc fh' whereas it'll look invisible door car closed it'll a wheel scream chased green lime border to pink asking passage ticket less ly shuffle push ed T to bend down speaking slowly plastic holes as locks (ed) spelling back directions Figueroa crossing at night Flower Hope it