
Hope Street at 12th


after walking from Grand bloody nose fin gers flap tennis shoes light rain "mother left me at Olive" word the that being hidden in lights really meant "an ancient Greek refer ing order to discussion" centers stressed syllable that self the that existing four feet in between describing scapes scratched sprayed themed "an other connection narrowly provid ing oxygen in"


Rape on Broadway

getting fucked up the ass H tries to turn over his head is covered with his blanket his face smashed into the sidewalk trying to scream, no sound, nose crushed by a fist left arm pulled back and broken. H tries to roll over: the focus of thoughts fear deny it can't be this red sparks behind eyes behind H moves his left thumb over fingernails and thinks "who will fuck ing care?" traffic rolls by a truck rattling the security doors not a punctuated rape the sun is rising a punctuation of rape the eastern sky is glowing an alarm clock ringing in the hotel room above a TV turned on another bus rolls by the security door rolls up the hoses spraying water wakeup


Hope Street at 12th


the jewelry district overruns south park bring another word(s) back "as it does" I re-circling not indeed from a re bounded context or did narra tive ly func tion ed as

a wisdom: the concrete around the rusted pole is red bring ing an other world(s) back "or it does" focusing(ed) on cracked skin hands pulled nails tan(ned) face feature yet


San Pedro at 11th


four minutes sixteen hands legs dress less torn away pincers belts blood ed legs/feet pene tration pen papers hands flying flapping slaps

ah the loving ah the continous assaulting eggs & potatoes nylon tents aluminum tinseled berets

backup backup ]up[ and out four tires to each roll away backup backup


San Pedro at 11th


how does window washing? on vehicles pressed lament'd LA ment another walks away: how about a bag of carrots? one two three four five six walk away direction simultaneous rest away other incomplete ness of straction ab ility rake it up it up in-pre im-pre cise gious ]pictures[ regarding qualities upon this called observation hisher decision either hat (metal or cotton) as Texas rises "only memor..................ies, lie the" open doors


wittgenstein wipes

San Pedro at 11th


on 11th back T stops cinder block head cold back up foot interpret "you" quasi-cylinder ical with in that se cond trapped "after a fine dinner" T reaches into hisher pocket for find some change no change color signals and pear slices ed incessant ridden after 12am metal glass palm size'd "one more butane r, buut" continous prolonged cont- longed dry heave ing spasm lot parked cars 3am heave 'D kneeling "once I wore diapers, now nothing... no! heave up, squirt from the rear once I word diapers now nothing... no!"

now transformed this subjectivity into "you" the faithful replica


San Pedro at 11th


yawning scratch fingers curled through fence tied =< pointing by name by gradually mouthing "love is..." T back to shirt to shoes cracking wood create (s) "it's equal to day of pay" van pulls away T stands eyes hands rubbing crickets as system is image mirrored in love

is concept communicate -tion- ally apple in hand is apples using apples not hands: gravy biscuits chicken lettuce apple juice isn't system (s) posed in nor fork to mouth to plate to mouth mouth re-chew pay it accomplish ments ignoring detail nor filled teeth not evidence 'is love?'

fingers (ing) straightening rubbing eye cartoon viewing after inferred re conclude (D) T finger paints window dust come notion recording 'as complete as in as un' visual T minds it past in exper (ience)d store shutters mechanical rolling now replica precious 'as ignored loving' abbreviat(d) represent(d) rings

'the best one that can happen appears whereas a cup of coffee on a table on a table in front of you the cheap things the pencil paper clippers nails rubber Kleenex the nose of hope blown heshe calculates the beginning today sometime shehe will not walk the yard construction four by two given'


San Pedro at 11th


parted flair (are) one corner to corner pace mantel neckline T walks up right perpendicular street worn shoeless shirtless December L.A. roast pigment "Rose" darling reaching for water dripping: parade after money/dollar search shower bath "reach out, reach out to me" no listening one(s) all rapid

talk movement 70 today rain tomorrow wispy clouds a skip 11th up plumbing trip(sss) enthu ]once[ siasm intent sympathy from "Main" from mother from father tional told by bytold "ah, sun heat us, oh moon cool us" gossip-sip re ferred by T's right shoulder bird "out to me reach"

frogs form lines: the pasted temperature = ball bells stapled to walk one picture dead horses staples to the door photo Kandinski from painting away in snow a 'various people' doing

pasted racked into a closet around the post the coats are are all blue in a newspaper the hats lined LAPD article facing outward of officer(s) in even duty rows MTA 81 twenty people standing local service south down Flower are closed street moving bus covered eyes


forget jameson