
Main at 6th. (for the The Eastside Sinfonietta)


walk away to line stand breakfast at 5am silver aluminum baseball cap pulled down "they say happy means now, it"

microwaved out back punctured plastic fork container wrap cheese food [minutes] fin ished (ing) iskers wh no t cl eaned (so soon) g- iant stripper facing out eyes staring down at nothing longs legs shorts jeans heels striding "ask the night manager"


expression a literal: focusing on a asphalt connection whether concrete pebbles stacking sand on their heads walking off [see dark fade(ing)] goats on to happy ends split be tween pasta cheese sauce gnocchi red sauce steak porter cut "no room service here?"

Main at 6th. (for the The Eastside Sinfonietta)

of the of of the of the of of the of the

the cat does not see the mountains today of the


shut out change impossible knob preventing one opinion steps up to the door

very heavy suit jacket in soaked rain lead ing time in point


practical(ity) offense error resign only egre (giously) gious known 'sehr bitter' players in dipping French bread to toasting nothing none no one step back out


deserted 3am 'Taurus' round one corner rounded as audience over come duende

floating up over 6th street up smoke two women a man a


the of the the of the of the the of the of

cat the does see not mountains the the of today

erica jong looking for amelia earhart in a snow storm


Main at 6th


power & adjectives a leg tossed across the street (right/left) torn bleeding H smells with one nos tril one set of tongue buds:

echoing trash truck slamming along intersection(s) on 6th content to to process having where respon sible pairing is halt

ed modeling TV ways cabled bled tied overhead processes content as a construction phe nomenon (artery

loosed) "HELP?" determined by processing rounding average ing presented(ed), H screams! Screaming "fuck the examination!"

pulling move it to it with force to it to H knows abnor mal tearing artery throbbing (right/left) street tossed mean

responsible (ing) counting 12 from 3 eyes on a face cross and the budding process (es) plucked scratched three



Spring Street I

Main at 6th


twisted ankle sore lips: in be tween H wakes his arm severed a cross the street fingers curling (un) yesterday building ball two doors boarded garbled (ing)

sentences as meeting as fa cilities order/asked col lect today "are you feeling nor mal, sir?" arm & sleeve raising waving pointing up/down

"come on over" make absolu tion a goal replaced by an invitation to crawl into a jungle a primitive 'ah, corner' a-real land

H eyelids drop

settling into a

a nice bath


, Hamlet farting smiling and all/or

Diagram of Landing IV


H lacerates hand with a razor blade and bleeds that the richness in the observed minute then another time another time to one cognate to one "birth put it put it generally" looking at H around it singing in the street in the street one another

Telemachus one wild other fuck(er) shown mother who dances assisting(ed) night to negotiate droppings pigeon or obscenities crying out of the hawk

no 'DASH' in the back part

"of Spanglish Cuba Cuban you asshole" screaming oh, you say(s) unhappiness of the word conditional is marked by the lack lack of alertness minute to draft updates in mine embolism-ism-ism

pulmonary of death be-it of the mother reached and emitted to a diverse street to informing(ed) to sing walking of men "slaying its tender slaying its porters, when waiting, loot of wait when waiting?" isn't waked up H not now none to know this isn't

the second time that happened(ing) it's under the aluminum awning it piled up boxes a soft hand of bandage(ed) to be worried on as to describe connected in the light of day of history(ical) to involve two eyes a count of a card none-exist(ent)

none of return concrete of the entropy of dark(end) (if you look at above)


Diagram of Landing IV


H lacerates his hand with a razor blade and bleeds it's fortune in the minute noticed then again again to one cognate to another "birth put it commonly put it to" looking H around the corner onto 3rd street

"thrown into the street" another Telemachus another shown crazy mother fuck(er) dancing the night assisting(ed) to deal a droppings pigeon or falcon screaming obscenities on the 'DASH' in Spanglish "go back to Cuba you asshole Cuban" oh, you say

say unhappiness is conditioned marked by lack of alertness lack of minute to minute updates on my mother's death by pulmonary embolism-ism reached and sent to 4th street to informing(ed) several men walking singing, "slaying your suit

slaying your boots, while waiting, waiting for loot while waiting" H isn't awake not now no knowing this isn't the second time it's happened(ing) under the aluminum awning he has stacked boxes a tender bandage(ed) hand

worrying about how to describe engaged in history(ical) daylight to involve two eyes one inch from a cardboard no-exist(ent) concrete dark(end) entropy (if it you look up) returning no