
Los Angeles & 3rd - 3


let's shift our attention from questions to process an internal dialogue to outward world viewed un-effects of boiling rumination bad/good it's an answer from a future respecting the where the when-it the why-it the

how the skin reacts to direct sunlight hours eight of also dead touching forth-blood spurting again again arms crossed over E is concerned looking nails finger no nails no heal ing refusing help to need which

let's outer world changes of position our attention of questions to process an internal dialogue to the seen e-affects to boil it's of broods bad/good an answer to respect of the future where when-he why

-he how the skin reacts to direct hours eight of the light of the sun of the stirring ahead-blood also died that forth gushes again again the arms and excessive crossed-ing it talks about that that the

finger of the nails watches no nails no cure the ing who rejects aid to need which


Los Angeles & 3rd - 2


son of Minos the simile a cow of spots three dead vat large hat in/of snakes eating herbs living along a chain link fence today "I'll trade you two cigarettes for a needle and thread" what intention reference you countered less of allowing

nets over character as power as science as pants in hand asking Hector returns to Troy fuck this that or E looks old today "I'm tired" locations: school factory prison trains run out to Pasadena

and Thetis warns B "you know those shoes?" yes those red joined street routing Trojans running across to the Mission running back with a toothbrush "wanna trade?" wanna legitimize practice mention that we are dancing tonight

de-centralized internal-ized restraint "pray me a new doggy, pray me" don't let me die honey not tonight wake me doggy pray me tonight as E sleeps no in knife-ing back slice death to bleed death to sliced


Los Angeles & 3rd - 1


what where run of tents sun side three foot spots marked "get out of the 5 dollar a night to night" tent box tent box C's left eye going black slippers E's tennis shoes mark it internal pulled up guttural pulled out heart towing E sits against a fence head back sleeping sun side facing "it's not that hazy" an end or means action E stands scratching smiling across the intersection has mastery over his thinking viewing rationality focusing

hair gel as myth as created who in what where inter-science un-reiterate re-if-ication un-enchant produced-ed along the box housing neighbor

C blinks away the in-fection tries buckle it up where what smiling big smile E loves C loves her adapted a-domination her engineering her character planted spot in E's for-head tent box box tent moving process matter it bodies-y up ward


Santee Alley 2


walk -away from the fashion district don't –press down enact not acting set I –and you over be I merely of -conceptions

but –nor than forgets then by thoughts tell no –but this and that your where except and –have into that for therefore and so will –that and were to

to –that and that to dangerous ban quet –know hard know love use gentle of yourself –glass yourself hear me myself me –eyes yoke of in heard

eye –turn lament just things itself face? cogitation –buried passion men war –neglect on grieved behavior myself –difference am

countenance –look you hand have gentle ness –late you desire in part do I course –pass march again upon face march hear –music me again calls


Santee Alley 1


historian through (of in) hogwash looped/ fastened who obtains periods through (of in) possession maintain avoid "brought forth at birth"

explore the finger then the thumb: pack rations grant a "the" turn the chairs a quarter turn them proceeding past

lisping: B walks (reader intervention) importance taken you u (of in) sloth exercise forms reb-ell-ion reforms(ed) as one avoids

advantage advent edge inferior, 'the flower

in her hair blossoming-ing' a sun dried heart be-be-beating Adonis (simile) yours smelling lime likely diluted in a glass a

(of in) seas roiling er-coursing adding drops water (arrived) or not B walks hand around knob door twisting isting arrogate [claim without justification]

shoulders pushed forward standing chin chest today sullen minus one sullen minus two sullen three days ago prescript pre-jacket

pre-silence counting (of in) connect silence pre-blue eyes count looks of loving of love method pre-strained as power

hogwash historian (of in) looped through/obtaining-ed fast to possession to possessed unfast hold "forth brought avoid birth at"


5th at Stanford

5th at Stanford a long line of ants crawl ing up Stanford heading to Fifth: Styrofoam Thai food H looks up and sees them disappear reappear over a rise in the cement line long stumbling pockets (not think) that walk to the next corner re-occur as as food waiting waiting so

5th at Central

shelter light rows of sixty cycle sing B flat hymns – hums rings explanations of absolute sanding controlling as the window from as peeking in of

5th at Alameda

derived from objects tossed high re-arrange mis represent several as fuel current vegetables standing saying "extreme symptoms" achieving supervised house terms (round) turned suitcases piling up ov er jogging back to step it

5th at San Pedro Street

racing across 5th H stumbles and falls nerve pinches gray beard "do you have a cigarette?" pencil pocket 12 things thinking about the stair case is a slammed up against the frozen pushed over thawed through the corner drain at San Pedro for


Beaudry at Wilshire

B bites down harder hard, hardly more than content as B who figured the bits what lay between two fingers the content the cultural lines without spoken a fault line words in course showing a forced lacking personally giving conversion break it open to two bits, bites, down harder: screw torture turning finally this "someone left a package on the train what the fuck" officer Joan proclaimed out it's pervasive no pervasive him she it's big and round dramatic inconsistent enemy shadow open mass conversions playing Mozart to Berio some single string wooden plank ed instrument without hang ing suspected to bite it hard er in precise time to do to do to do marked duo decimal not two in four but opposite siding quad equally obliquely hard harder sounds identical between words