Los Angeles & 3rd - 1
what where run of tents sun side three foot spots marked "get out of the 5 dollar a night to night" tent box tent box C's left eye going black slippers E's tennis shoes mark it internal pulled up guttural pulled out heart towing E sits against a fence head back sleeping sun side facing "it's not that hazy" an end or means action E stands scratching smiling across the intersection has mastery over his thinking viewing rationality focusing
hair gel as myth as created who in what where inter-science un-reiterate re-if-ication un-enchant produced-ed along the box housing neighbor
C blinks away the in-fection tries buckle it up where what smiling big smile E loves C loves her adapted a-domination her engineering her character planted spot in E's for-head tent box box tent moving process matter it bodies-y up ward
Santee Alley 2
walk -away from the fashion district don't –press down enact not acting set I –and you over be I merely of -conceptions
but –nor than forgets then by thoughts tell no –but this and that your where except and –have into that for therefore and so will –that and were to
to –that and that to dangerous ban quet –know hard know love use gentle of yourself –glass yourself hear me myself me –eyes yoke of in heard
eye –turn lament just things itself face? cogitation –buried passion men war –neglect on grieved behavior myself –difference am
countenance –look you hand have gentle ness –late you desire in part do I course –pass march again upon face march hear –music me again calls
Santee Alley 1
historian through (of in) hogwash looped/ fastened who obtains periods through (of in) possession maintain avoid "brought forth at birth"
explore the finger then the thumb: pack rations grant a "the" turn the chairs a quarter turn them proceeding past
lisping: B walks (reader intervention) importance taken you u (of in) sloth exercise forms reb-ell-ion reforms(ed) as one avoids
advantage advent edge inferior, 'the flower
in her hair blossoming-ing' a sun dried heart be-be-beating Adonis (simile) yours smelling lime likely diluted in a glass a
(of in) seas roiling er-coursing adding drops water (arrived) or not B walks hand around knob door twisting isting arrogate [claim without justification]
shoulders pushed forward standing chin chest today sullen minus one sullen minus two sullen three days ago prescript pre-jacket
pre-silence counting (of in) connect silence pre-blue eyes count looks of loving of love method pre-strained as power
hogwash historian (of in) looped through/obtaining-ed fast to possession to possessed unfast hold "forth brought avoid birth at"
Beaudry at Wilshire
B bites down harder hard, hardly more than content as B who figured the bits what lay between two fingers the content the cultural lines without spoken a fault line words in course showing a forced lacking personally giving conversion break it open to two bits, bites, down harder: screw torture turning finally this "someone left a package on the train what the fuck" officer Joan proclaimed out it's pervasive no pervasive him she it's big and round dramatic inconsistent enemy shadow open mass conversions playing Mozart to Berio some single string wooden plank ed instrument without hang ing suspected to bite it hard er in precise time to do to do to do marked duo decimal not two in four but opposite siding quad equally obliquely hard harder sounds identical between words
Beaudry at 7th
W wakes up and realizes she is on the sidewalk remembers someone throwing her out on the street someone throwing her out on the street the street passing between 1 = 6 and the late bus to Monterey Park 496 (they they took took the the numbers down last night) squeaking door – "Portia playing the violin in the alley the dark alley money falls down she's wealthy" the electronics store has no silence that's re-newed it's up delightful from 8 am to 12 pm take a piece of paper write the word you relate to and post them in an electronic format (if you can find) see the result results broken nose fingers ankles around the examination table grounded in eyes for obscenity scrutiny etc. that censorial obligation in any corporate partner single owner-ship ex-pur-gate place a candle on the table "light up my life" edit and delete no matter what it's consisting of cells instruments drawn from a fragrance your mother wore to 'Ray Charles' cede cede cede let it up stop take the sign as written the 'Terms Of Service' the T=O=S toss it the bricks up to the next man toss the cement up to the next man toss the bricks up toss the shit away it's given some the idea pickled sturgeon cave like existence shrouded in stucco hidden protected bye bye 'bye blackbird' petty objectionable bodies considering what that though may have at it's outer center a divided area W wakes up in the main activity a cardiac care unit meditating on a 'Carlin' rant a Shakespeare rant coupled with oxygen bottled around Beckett's neck while a pivot revolves into mid points points points points points points all thrown out
Beaudry at 6th
"presumably no one tells you what to say write read" the sign (lettered without numbers) the big red wig and funny nose – the clown is walking with B and speak ing: parody play pretense purse purveyor placatory pretending to pronounce cartoon-ish people pacing back to confront to con strain "don't you see it?" no put some history behind it put a pencil behind your ear and sing 'if I were a stinger missile a sting er bee' I would hallucinate a beautiful world one where... walking at night slicing throats of homeless ones who who who and put gasoline in bottled water bottled beer bottled devils reality never ever ever broken ev en when weighing it remember to take into account the water weight the Mayor may not of have presumed that 9th Street became Olym pic Blvd. at San Julian no movement definite resent, revenge (no regret) malignant (watch those turns doesn't really... early end) B thinks foot ball and some end, tight. happening three (3) times
"presumably nobody says what to say to him writes read" the sample (putting letters without numbers) the great red wig and the amused nose - the clown is walking with B and of the speech: the pretending placatory of the purveyor of the of pre-tightens of the game... of parody to pronounce the people of the comic strip-ish-ish that establishes the step again to faces towards "don't of the tension that you see it?" no position a certain history behind him put a pencil behind its ear and sings "if that was a missile of the sting to the bee of the puncture" would hallucinate a beautiful world one where... walking at night which it slices the throats of nomads who who that and gasoline put in water in bottle it bottled the beer never bottled in always always broken of every of the reality of the devils to the grief it remembers to consider the weight of the water that the Mayor could of not have been concealed which 9th street became Olympic Blvd. and San Julian no returned salary to send defined of the movement, revenge (no grief) bad (really watches don't of those returned early end) B thinks the ball of the foot firmly and a certain end, happening three (3) times