
Beaudry at 7th

W wakes up and realizes she is on the sidewalk remembers someone throwing her out on the street someone throwing her out on the street the street passing between 1 = 6 and the late bus to Monterey Park 496 (they they took took the the numbers down last night) squeaking door – "Portia playing the violin in the alley the dark alley money falls down she's wealthy" the electronics store has no silence that's re-newed it's up delightful from 8 am to 12 pm take a piece of paper write the word you relate to and post them in an electronic format (if you can find) see the result results broken nose fingers ankles around the examination table grounded in eyes for obscenity scrutiny etc. that censorial obligation in any corporate partner single owner-ship ex-pur-gate place a candle on the table "light up my life" edit and delete no matter what it's consisting of cells instruments drawn from a fragrance your mother wore to 'Ray Charles' cede cede cede let it up stop take the sign as written the 'Terms Of Service' the T=O=S toss it the bricks up to the next man toss the cement up to the next man toss the bricks up toss the shit away it's given some the idea pickled sturgeon cave like existence shrouded in stucco hidden protected bye bye 'bye blackbird' petty objectionable bodies considering what that though may have at it's outer center a divided area W wakes up in the main activity a cardiac care unit meditating on a 'Carlin' rant a Shakespeare rant coupled with oxygen bottled around Beckett's neck while a pivot revolves into mid points points points points points points all thrown out


Beaudry at 6th


"presumably no one tells you what to say write read" the sign (lettered without numbers) the big red wig and funny nose – the clown is walking with B and speak ing: parody play pretense purse purveyor placatory pretending to pronounce cartoon-ish people pacing back to confront to con strain "don't you see it?" no put some history behind it put a pencil behind your ear and sing 'if I were a stinger missile a sting er bee' I would hallucinate a beautiful world one where... walking at night slicing throats of homeless ones who who who and put gasoline in bottled water bottled beer bottled devils reality never ever ever broken ev en when weighing it remember to take into account the water weight the Mayor may not of have presumed that 9th Street became Olym pic Blvd. at San Julian no movement definite resent, revenge (no regret) malignant (watch those turns doesn't really... early end) B thinks foot ball and some end, tight. happening three (3) times


"presumably nobody says what to say to him writes read" the sample (putting letters without numbers) the great red wig and the amused nose - the clown is walking with B and of the speech: the pretending placatory of the purveyor of the of pre-tightens of the game... of parody to pronounce the people of the comic strip-ish-ish that establishes the step again to faces towards "don't of the tension that you see it?" no position a certain history behind him put a pencil behind its ear and sings "if that was a missile of the sting to the bee of the puncture" would hallucinate a beautiful world one where... walking at night which it slices the throats of nomads who who that and gasoline put in water in bottle it bottled the beer never bottled in always always broken of every of the reality of the devils to the grief it remembers to consider the weight of the water that the Mayor could of not have been concealed which 9th street became Olympic Blvd. and San Julian no returned salary to send defined of the movement, revenge (no grief) bad (really watches don't of those returned early end) B thinks the ball of the foot firmly and a certain end, happening three (3) times


Beaudry at 5th

he says "let go of description, keep it in the background" lower the attenuate it separate of controlled 'be-ing' after the sun sets fog plastered in Santa Monica B watches her reflection break between window panes frame to pane to frame to pane hand to face "a sure tooth" a revival of medical conditions against remedial economic condition als pre-conditions "is" and walk by another frame or frame

not no (lost: as in death) one says attention to description background it in keeping "lower" turn them all down turn over one by one little hot cakes grow ing the pan battered and is it 5th or 6th the time is left the timing becomes Arco Plaza pavé walkway ("someones idea of a french man reflecting on reality") the pain killers stop work-ing free-ing test-ing

Beaudry at 4th


hospital gown flip flops change rolling pocket to to a district crying dis-regarding all notice of community friendly-ness posted on a concrete light pole intentionally care-less pointer on the dial points up and to the right up and to the left culpable points to another line: you've you are are you of the in difference negotiated in attention or in any agreement ob-stacle that "necrosis in the left and right lower extremities" needles against the back-drop or gray (anti-skyline) disjunct, squares square leading to rolling pocket change handed out during lunch during commute during not not not not not not not not not not. is around the corner oriented in final right left-ness


to the failures of pull of the dress of the hospital change the pocket of the balance district that it shouts without paying attention to all the warning of friendly-ness of slight the indicating community fixed to neglected a concrete one of the post intentionally in the points of the dial raises and to the right raises and the left guilty points to another line: you've you are you are you of in the difference negotiated in the attention or any obstacle in the agreement "necrosis in left and right the lowest extremities" the needles against the context or (against-horizon) disjunct gray, square of the squares that leads to the balance that the change of pocket distributed during lunch during exchanges during are not around the left-ness corner oriented in straight final


Beaudry at 3rd

it isn't something to step in front of at 4 in the morning even a pigeon knows that if B steps forward and doesn't look right or left then evenings dreaming is lost: so pulling up Eliot's (old) stakes and moving (fields) the circus to Olsen's house B's eyelids flutter hospitals blues plastic shower cap flip flops, evolved by nature and repeated over each act "you can't paint it" pound it in till it is instantly an example a behavior a principle something isn't stepping a front in of to pigeons a even the 4 morning in the toes hanging swinging over the ground (cement shelf) singing "paint the sky blue" in a Brazilian dance band four eight five six it up into statements statement stemming into quietly you you


Beaudry at 2nd

should you speak it (or not) when driving when sleeping envious acting portrayed while burning in the reflection off 80 stories of glass: B waits and waits again to show it as a sign or flag but not seeming to sincerity pulling out Fromm and feeling better as the hand is, the pocket (should you speak it) a cash transaction "oh, nostalgia mingles with September" speak it driving or not when when as if worshiped but forgetting to it the glass lip is flared in the flies swimming die anyway pulled back after extending into the street and back distinct anxiety returning unbroken viewing continuous (it isn't the events it's not the events) though meaning presently is the speaker speaking unintentional sucked back coughed out of the bronchial presented upon the contracted literalist disappearing perspectively away time marked by drawings of marine and plant life

B waits one more that thirteen no frail matching enclosed supported unsupported structure "encouraged to yell" hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey

it isn't echo or myth and fire isn't always stolen or blown by winds of hilly seas comparative ly sentenced to short syllabic words, how do you get absolute from a smothered murder?

B waits one more than fourteen unable not failing wrapped up not lingering (if there is hunger then it is dirt and rocks) no tongue licks however in ears, do you remember "should you speak it"


Beaudry at First

to to to to conceptualize to reduce/renew a stable house/meaning to act inward away from the an outward larynx to oppose that tertiary thinking that written to

us/you as terms: life-less plus equals some one you/us know as secondary as as sociation arguing (under her breath) then writing in this concrete wall was a pre-speech a fore

warning undecided structured with in: under B's hat floating moths talking to the examining lice both obdurate "no please listen to me" oh fuck off up at the Bonaven

ture moth-1 says "get this unspecified decided thing out of your mouth" moth-2 "I won't take a position, not now" (Pound rolls over Der rida) lice-1 looks up at the street sign "say something emo

tionally rinding!" forget Carey Grant forget that movie with Spencer and Hepburn forget them all pull together your cameras survey it agree that you don't know if it's a fit

an intuitive issue your inten tion and lip flapping as if you knew before you spoke you you you equations of speech of tonguing to to to to to to to


Sunset at Beaudry

parallel to the Harbor freeway P's feet slip from out from her robe that's the pain used as interchangeably as means to a rest put a rest put and and and

suggesting abate-ment mercy in justice justice is signatures lined along side exactly opposite (not exactly) on hardened narrow street like as each toe

pulls slightly apart the air between 'the fresh air of morning cooling in the glow of the orange sunrise' P pulls out a letter and reads: Dear P, you have been cordially invited

to a cocktail fund raiser at the Disney Hall BBQ and Ball. Please rsvp by 12 12 12 12 12 1960 and and then eye up arm down leg forward 'ah Allah'

take or pick up one letter at the beginning forget that the time tells you to awake awake and then then then conduct just maintenance brooms on Sunset at Beaudry

and the proceeding continue: "Oh, horrible, oh horror, it's not a manner that's worthy" open it up reduce comparisons along statements about statements of playing fair interchang

ing your view that the time is telling you to "wake up and sing along with the beautiful world, world" raise it rear it respect nothing nor nourish those little rates (rats)

keep keep keep walking keep walking pull out that Woody Guthrie record and sing along "I'm leaving the border for a former life and job just let me stay I'll pretend to belong"


6th and Spring - fall pre-fall

F picks up paper trash cups leaves from the gutter sidewalk humming and singing quietly "I'm free to fall to fall fall" down a stretch of 2nd street after walking away losing sense of time streets: maintenance careful temperate roving pages corners turned up folded over a face mayor Hahn against a Palestinian victims arm bleeding. up up into the bag into the can as not opposing moderately reactions resulting joined practically sing "my editor editor-ditor wants more syllabics syls... labs... ics ics... icsss" down down into the bag bag go bag saving the city from the massive trash piling on every street every Homeric- ic-ic, "would you call this environmentalism?" (surfeit) protection safe guarding conservationist singing Woody Guthrie 'Deportivo' one way two way roasted almonds on white toast miles out on the 101 to Ventura dotted:

from West valley Division bused to Van Nuys hearing sentencing bused to LA county


can you stay awake for days? it's physics, so they say at NYU or USC or UCLA or Berkeley or Stanford or John Hopkins, it's

Adverse to change not subject to adverse ness ness Take the external thought (some think it's action)

F pulls up his trousers


6th and Spring - late late summer

why would she be defamed not only dead not only those (these) are the questions that can be asked whether looked at blindly/blank like: hit it hard take a word that no one (almost) knows/understands pick one power mixer with "wide" expression P listens carefully not knowing more though Iago walks back wards perhaps permanently unstructured no longer seeing through Punctuation, the picture or pictures that line walls thrown mutable still eyeballs never silent varia-tions whether dis-figured re-cripples ignorant grumbling "it's genre" it's billboards roman tic violent visions of a thousand fucking in the hills of Hollywood complete lust-land chemical helicopter sprayed full moon August "this isn't about self denial." it "I" has its place and arises everywhere every often making its victim "I" break down buy a gallon of gasoline and light up spell sections editorial souls out in third world space (person) the rocks between Mars and the dust in my eye "I" isn't a sum re lation on earth in perpetual description walk out de scribe walk in experience the exact speech but don't re member how it fit or how its des-cent echoed back singing:

(she's hiding in the bushes more or less a bride uncommon but luscious unsteady violently right

it's free & open the nature in her backyard it's honest 'oh, man' the oranges the grapefruit the limes the limes, 'oh, man')