


I frame things in black aluminum. That is, landscapes Portraits and parking attendants; the door To the store is open slightly, a result of Earthquake damage, it locks and unlocks and opens

Breaking a figurine set on a pedestal Placed 22 millimeters from The edge of the cement grouted between each Ceramic tile. In the tile ants are lined and

Moving in out of the sun, a weed sprouts missed By the giant slasher. The line of ants has Slipped and split into two lines: on up The walk, the other into my glass of orange

Juice, Ring it! Ring twice! The door isn't open, My finger is gone. My notes are gone. My. Ring it! Ring it twice, again! My finger, my Notes, my head, my finger, my notes, my finger, my

Steel, meat packing, ready-made clothing, equipment For agriculture, my silence will now Continue to forget the craft, the work that Blends several groups and isolates them all by

Never forming into puddles because the hill Slants to the NE instead. Where to the NW, where to the SE 31st street, I close the taxi door, pay the fare; walk home through

the rain.




"Twilight", he said, "Bake a dozen pork sausage till The house smells; human flesh burning like the Pigskin is resembling. The glass case door that Is open and reflecting the face and 60 watt

Bulb, "Morning", he said, "A bowl of cereal with Yogurt maple syrup flavored su Gar atop frozen raspberries." I long to sleep On the days when the sun hits the cirrus clouds at,

At dawn, "Goodnight", he said, forget it, "It's not Dawn or dusk and now you say it's spring." The mockingbird provides: spatial distance Representation, which the black crows on the rain

Gutter do not seem to notice and the room is Dark and the shutters are slightly closed, Some light cut and sliced, don't forget it! "It is, is dawn now," she said. Stones are placed in

Uneven rows two inches high up along where The grass meets the snow and where the light cuts Across the wall and the sidewalk is clean from The rain overnight, the iron curtains or the

Aluminum grates the iron fences and the Chain link is gray-black, broken glass is cover Ing the street in front of the donut shop, where Does the bandanna which when worn on the head make

One look like a pirate and what does a cardboard Box do for sleep? My pocket is empty To those hands, my wallet is frozen to those Eyes and pleading, the socks are off and the welts on

The toes are now bleeding, just a cup of coffee, donut and taco and "El SeƱor Jesus" now waiting to take the bus to 14th and Olympic blvd. A bottle rests up

Right, liquid fills the space and ants have met at the Lip and cross each other creating a Thread to sink into, to be, to have, to leave Molecules of depression trickling through the

Heart and spinning innocently waiting, waiting for The fluorescent light to automatically To switch on against the hallway door. Wood that Rarely blocks or experiences photons. The

Brass door handle is black from my hands and fingers, "Solemn and scared, say someone and some Hand, now." Why say someone and some hand, now I Am not sure, and the molecules burst into.


Spring & Main - III

The dead animals, meat, Mozart, meet death And forget to register at the Entrance, at the desk: what about Your new year? - what is it? Is it pleasure? A one four five to the end. And

Is a victim of age bias deserv Ing of retribution? To transform Patriarchy, matriarchy. Ok, ok, how does the white or the black or White car spin it's wheels? In re

Verse. That verse that renders itself as new. Ah, new, what, new, now, new, what, now, not new. H forgets his two four three. Four yards in back of the scaffolding for- Getting to, too much stinking, ah

But H is a crow: bowed instrument Played like a violin below The bridge and blue fescue and bunch Grass with, new, what now, now what, new year A three five double two step up.

H can see the light; the side sun thru the Oak, what oak? A dream from 1975 ninety se venty five, John Steinbeck and the End of depression - no notion entire Ly remembered or evi

Dent or interesting, casualties that You think might... or strong arm. Pulling off A ball point ink, ink, pen, ink, "Oh shit, he's stuck on the same chord, the Major, minor." H's hair is

Red, pulled up into a tight bun. A strong smell/odor under the sign Holding Central City at fif Teen feet, north on Broadway right turn on Second right turn on 3rd, right turn

On Broadway, left on Spring, another left On Third on the southeast side of Broad Way. Speakers on sale: 4 inch woof Ers; and two tired to sleep. Walking. In The ears - car noise, bus noise

Scraping noise - bad power steering, again This isn't a helicopter, it Is H waiting for the MT A and figuring: 2 + 2 and 4 + 3 equal, equal, equal, the

Image that is in the window at the East Levi store, giant Mayan cal Endar - October 5th, past hot Barbecue in Tarzana, lug sole Shoes and mid thigh socks and a cold

Beer that is in the cold case in J & P's. In fiery: when dawn begins A blister is forming on the Big toe of H. Big toe, anxiety Mountains of anxiety in

Front of the sun.


Spring & Main - II

Is dug - water is never reached or Is not water. H stands up, sits down. The flooding around the park, some Pieces of wood are stuck in the bricks and Plants, a crocodile swims to

The Million Dollar pharmacy – botica. Two heads, are for meaning, one for death Stuck, attached to the same bo- Dy and H staggers into the Street against the red light. Seven

Rows of cloth; pastel colors and frozen Milk bars. Sipping water from a sports Bottle: tiny birds in the rip- Ped ficus and pitosporum. Up on, Up two, a dozen. A walking

Dream, a crocodile raises its head And begins a "tail wagging," to- Ward H, standing up looking a Round for a place to run, no shoes, no socks. H sits down on the curb and waits.

Lost in a mandala, Pershing Square Becomes a giant purple shadow No activity, no extra Exterior. 2 stone groups and 3 stone Groups repeated and mixed. Could

These groups be the difference: what we see (2 groups) and what we cannot see (3 Groups)? H begins to sing, "How do you take it Out? So my armpit won't smell, no

More..." And on. The smell is the present, the Exterior reflection of the Water running along the street, The inner way along the shadow as It recedes, as it recedes, as

It recedes: the future, the boundary, The presentation to our eyes. The More-ness of the thing; "How do you Take my armpit out? How do you take it out? The figure becomes my nostril, oh..."


Spring & Main - I

At 4 a.m. H was awakened Giant penny store lights are blinking A dozen empty eggshells, a sock Shoe, a foot. A day is long several Passages of sun occur. A

Walk to: lonely cry, solitary, a Response of anxiety. It ends, the Heart is not beating. Rocks, large blocks Within the fence. One side is a need; one Side is a love, an energy

Resides, a hippopotamus, a bald- Ing force around a small lake; a set Land and concrete ballast holds the Plants to the bottom; muzzle up. Slow eye To the East along Third. No loud

Yelling, screaming, ranting group of stones can prevent Sleep. The water flows back along the side Walk a few inches, a few, a Few inches are a few blocks, miles, two Miles. The dumpster is being

Emptied: empty as a can, pear can, With a dead pothos in it. No trash, Not garbage: a can, a plant (dead) A hippo, a blue flame and a blinking White light. Flashlight shines into the

Corner. The area where concrete and Wood exist, fusion never takes place Never, but, and, figure is 1 Plus five. H gets up, time for coffee and Shadow of the head against the

Wall and noticing how it, the head does Not move, H sits down, it's not clear. There is no plate of food on the Table. When there is, concrete in a Paperbasket, left a hole...


Central City

Midcity IV

Concrete cracks are pushed up against the south East corner of 3rd and Broadway, a grate figures As a hole to some underground aqueduct and Brings to mind Slothrop's trip - but, mine is to

Santa Monica bay to Venice Blvd. Central Market Empties here into an electronics store, a shoe store The gargoyles on Mulhollands office say to me, "Why do you look, why do you care, why spend the

Time?" The bartender says, "No... he can say that."


Central City

Midcity III

Out, or count her in, I say "HER" as if I meant to remain in place, pink painted bricks Hearing years of anxiety and lay Ers of marketing under the rings of growth.

Reading outloud he said, "Meet at morning wood." Lunch is up the steps by new concrete and young hearts Create a new view, a new length of string An arch, a million stone holes, elevators

That drops seven floors. Too bad, interpreted American Jones About sex and

Organized religion And how the cafe on The corner sells bad coffee, Are you Russian? "YES!"

The fog envelopes the Wells, oh Fargo building, she hasn't Been in the street lately, up To Alvarado or

Pico or Wilshire at Ramparts, the Vons market - vegetable Section, outside the swing doors One out, out pleading, "AH"

Skewer Burroughs, skewer Kerouac, save Ginsberg for Whitman's revival and Remember, Strand is a string of beach In Oxnard. I get my car off

Telegraph road and fart my way down to Huaneme. I'm miles from Oceanview Ave. But similarities exist everywhere, This meaning is that understanding...

Better look, look at guilt, it's there in the street. Where an iron grate keeps the assholes in/out And a keycard yields a look into a World of electricity; the corner

Drugstore, where to get a condom, Spanish is the language and tequila is The drug; I'm not awake, I'm not here. This top hat religion and wedding dress slit

Creeps around Bradbury into Ronald Reagan's brain. At Last and forever, a gaining solution that is rendered In red and gold; focus it - until it blurs the carpet Pieces get closer. Do you save any ideas? Do you have

Any questions? I do... is it Spring street that runs West or is it Main that joins Temple at Sunset? The homeless shelter, the old Times building. I suggest we take a walk to hell and

Get some flowers, flowers that are pink. Pink carnations: pink tints and yellow Stomachs with bellies protruding through the Windows and out. out. out. out.


Central City

Midcity II

Xenophobia to dominate as A victim; whining regaled red robes There... at 4th street "no comprende, senior" Sustain me, make me a victim again, please

Alternative, monitoring makes, makes Black, black, blk, blocks, affirmation ringing jobs Harm in saying "DON'T!" what design? what They talk, "que?", I'm not entirely sure my

Spanish is weak, my English is weaker The figure that calls democracy sacred Calls facism sacred also and marches Down Hill off of Third and over to 7th

He went by the trash can and tied and Needle inserted, somehow thinking he was Hiding - the ficus the trash can, the concrete And a cold beverage machine in a parking lot

Discrimination pulls at me, it says "Reason creates reaction creates plans, harm Designed," figure twelves in five six Are, five six one and you count Vibiana.


Central City

Midcity I

Once you do this, flashing Light, I walk to the And when you say "ED?", What has five legs

And runs very slowly? Baby basket; you've lain across the Sidewalk on a mattress from Goodwill a Fly walks across your stomach. I

Can smell nothing, not A thing that doesn't Remind me of a Landfill at noon

West Covina; back in the Market pork loins and skinned roasted Peppers, we walked to Hill and talked Work, is work, work is work, is work


Crawling Across First Street

Red light, green light, hands and knees, hands and knees. One hand forward, one knee forward: some One with an umbrella, "Do you Need help?" need, need help, hands and knees, poi

Son rocks sticking in my knees. An ambu Lance sits at the light - red lights flashing The driver steps out and says, "How Are you doing, fella?" Gracious man, hands

And knees, hands and knees, poison rocks stick Ing in my knees, "ok, why?" slowly, To the curb. the yellow striping says: arrow Says: (arrow) white paint circle, "elec" red

Light, green light, hands an knees, hands and knees, one Hand forward, one knee forward; up on The side walk staring at two fac Es, one white suit, one umbrella, four eyes.