Commercial St.
Near the 4th Street bridge, Night. No cars. Crawling Along the sidewalk, weeds Have grown in the curb's Cracks. Dinner, try one Leaf. "Those toxic things We love," D sings quietly.
The tents are gone, the Suitcases moved behind A chain link fence. Canvas hides the lot, "A group stands together And waves at a group that Collects trash." Cameras were Here Saturday, ABC/or some white van with a...
Image one: blue tents Image two: green garbage bags Image three: piles of wood (broken pallets) Image four: police cars Image five: police staff Image six: occupants of artist's condos
Build up this picture with Painted stucco over. The White wash has dripped. Shoe prints around a base, Street lamp. Not reflection, not observation.
D broke her middle fingers Falling and rolling down The concrete slope to The river.
The target moves away, singing, "I will get to the kitchen table Someday," but the rotten Tooth aches. Suck at the Infection, eat some more Leaves, lie down and Sleep.
Commercial St.
Mechanical reproduction. That Article about motivation And repeating patterns, in The trash. D spits and Watches the traffic on The 101. Sitting on a Stack of suitcases, five.
Gravel on the ground Makes a beautiful sound. As sliding feet go Walking. This field With a large hole Is usually a place to Sleep. Now it's full. Water and Styrofoam, paper. Across 1st Street Artist's condos, D Hums, "uum, uhm, ah, um?"
A new pattern, at least Today and in this a lot Reaching up to 50, but Not quite...
Around D, she has surrounded Herself with sections of The LA Times, California section. Are you aware? Of the 9 digit zip code, of The inconsistencies, dramatic Or other: Two people walk on the side walk toward D and pass, "Please, a quarter, please For a cup of coffee, please, 'Assholes'."
Third and Main Restaurant Watching
Cutting through red meat one knife Handle at a time, spending Restless moments thinking In twisted lines; 'ah that the Sentence might reveal a fine Chord that rings with reverb Or the tremolo off/on.' Understanding that one letter reveals Less than one syllable reveals. Doubting the fine words spaced Without fine lines, knowing that the going east Reveals dawn and fine awkwardness, In minute's detail. Refined in a recovery of Tension, that spells out tenderloin roasting Ever so slowly in a pan of garlic When chopped and dropped into burning oil. It is not this fine that defines The finished steak, but the burning Heat that touches, building to a cadence... On II - V - I progression, "someone's looking at the cheese, Under the table to see, Two times three pardon me," (sing it). Gone days, gone revelations Inserted into fanatical mouths. Mimicking the restrains of Hammerstein. Missing the notes and losing the beat, In such a way that leaves us wanting, waiting, singing... "Cause it's vegetarians running amok, Kicking the ass off Texan's with butts," Size it up, tear it down, move on.
F at 2nd Street
F is lying on the sidewalk read Ing. LA Times? Blue Blanket, old Fleece - new shirt - red T shirt & hat: a ba By carriage standing over, and. One finger Up steadying the water bottle.
Evening, "perfect reading light," green Light, yellow, red light. Red light. F, thinks, "I should take a picture!" Looking around, red light. Flashing hand... walking, walk Ing to the corner, "H.H. Arnason,
Oh." An ant, screaming, climbing up F's arm. "Take paper, take a camera, Throw the paper in the air, click the shutter." The ant falls to the sidewalk, crawling to a crack. Yellow light, red light, green light, yellow
Light: no one remembers the ant, who Is in the crack, crawling up Los Angeles Street, away from Second street. F is walking to 'Savon' to buy a camer A. Floating paper, red light, green light.
F at 2nd Street
Three guys with leaf blowers and another With a broom; slowly moving up Los Angeles St. Cleaning up dirt & Leaves in front of the hotel; no dust at five A.M. F stands across the street watching. A
Mockingbird has been singing all night. F never slept. Blowers are Masking the singing. F sits down next to a Ficus tree; asphalt has been laid into the con Crete where it has lifted and split: once
He looks up. The building swallows F. He's driving a car through the park Ing lot - looking for a space; realizing he Has missed an appointment. He stops the car, Double parking, opens the door - he
Has no clothes on. A car horn blares, F Wakes up. Low clouds and mist. The leaf Blowers are gone. It smells like bacon and Eggs. F gets up and crosses the street to the brick Wall at St. Vibiana's: a billboard stares at him.
F at 2nd Street
F looks at his penis, then at his Foot, then his wrist and fingers, then His elbow, "concentrate" : a leaf blow Er won't start - cord is pulled, cord is, cord is pulled... Fruppa hupa, pull, fruppahupa
Pull... fruppahupahupa, hupa Hupa hupa... F has a big Nose: choking on a dry sandwich, a Belch! Walking on a familiar piece of concrete F Pulls out his tissues and begins to
Wipe his toes - looks up in disgust - right Left - wipes his toes again. Bending Over (must be a glass) and sniffing, sniffing. "Roll the R," fruppahupahupa, hupa. F Is tired and doesn't want to
"Concentrate." Some say, "drift way," some Say, "lost in a resigned world," F looks at his penis, then at his foot, Then his wrist and fingers: elbow itching, itching, a bee sting. F lifts his head, bee sting?
G at 3rd Street
Tensile strength - piano notes echo Off the buildings: saxophone... Apollo flies above A death battle; the stamp on the concrete "McPherson 1953 Contractors" .... up a third, down and Around minor second, minor 3rd up a Fourth; sent to the far North: G slips and looks down.
A cigarette butt - "pick it up." Apollo didn't think much - action - G hears a bass Line. At the cross walk the light turns green, white Hand blinking, blinking. G pushes her shoe against Concrete & asphalt. A little give - giving - no, Movement of the poured sand & cement, one
Interval; relative minor chord. The Bminor thought rings off the stairways and up to The room where G has been sleeping, a fire is Starting to burn, piano banging on single Notes, then fourths. Tensile strength disintegrates in An electronic piano - as a Violin. Apollo lands and sings, "pick it up, pick it up, and play it."
G at 3rd Street
G looks up at the building, lights Turned up under overhanging 30's archi Tecture: B say's "o...h..." she remembers A slight; an anger moment. R says, "I want A happiness meal," a bone that will Keep me forgetting; come on... B scratches ear.
G looks up at the building a Gain: remember - Ullyses? Listening to Joni Mitchell in one ear - Stevie Wonder in the other: into a hole they Wander, the grapefruit G bought is opened. Skin and thumbnail - triangle slices
Of juice & meat - remember the Old men discussing and telling the story of The Minotaur - the string and running Back to the entrance: the stairs lead up, away From the floor where water and algae win, Loving the slippery, rub, that rocks pro
Vide: G looks up and smiles - Coltrane, 1st street, Spins off a building.
G at 3rd Street
G puts her foot in the gutter. Two ants are crawling across the street, one red, one Black. They cross a sprayed circle, drawn To mark where someone would be digging: red ant Says, "nope, nope... well I gotta say, yeah," the Black ant says, "when, now... if you think about
Eating a hamburger," the red Ant interrupts, "now, now, really? It's not that Bad when," the black ant says, "see that foot?" "Yeah." G puts her foot on the curb and Sneezes, blows her nose towards the street; rain Falls down on the red and black ant. Both feet on
The sidewalk - G looks up and smiles: B ant crawls along -- R ant stops and smiles: G walks Down the street to MacDonald's - "maybe Some coffee?" R asks. R says, "They're going to film a 'Survivor' episode today." "oh, The impact of the Other," B says, " i
Want some gum," and starts the climb up the curb. "Don't chew gum," R says.
N learns to fly
A day, the sun comes up after Dawn. N rides passenger in his truck; someone Else drives, off at Broadway. South past 1st to Se
Cond. Parking in the lot, groups of Pigeons waking up. Cof Fee. Street cleaner turns on Second. N walks to
The door at the back of two-oh- Seven; The elevator to The seventh floor, carry Ing a cup of Cof
Fee. Pushes the button for the Elevator up: waits in Minutes, the door opens Up he goes, alone -
Pin down the space with constant working. Assimilated into the... Glass: the building falls past, his Eyes rolled back, panic.