
tear 3,3

handle (turn) close effort feet forward (wave/particle) one

ahead another ahead struggling “it fails, if…

one does” shuffle (ing) head down (6th Street)

knife (bullet) describing (screaming) “same idea, all”

wiggle (ing) foot hand scratching (it)


tear 3,4

Union street (part one) scratching ankle’s (over) brick

over head (dodge’t) one knife one gun raised

bike cops pull’t knife (once a point) out

“but ‘em” hammering (one nail) “STOP!” (out!)

down floor legs arms spread where’t


tear 2,1

“self or consciousness” picture’d rattle wheel (out) side

hole elbow suit coat “not urgent” bench

rest cold elbow up (face) face’d (look) back

up (siren) rolling (stop) leg arm head

still wheel’d out rip (polyester) where’d


tear 2,2

where “went along the street” roll slowly

bench (off) bus pass (a) left hand

raised walk Hill St. up “it’s a slow

way” (and) sweat round drop (s) along

alone 6th street (LAPD) cruise pass’d


tear 2,3

center street cross (ing) door way back’d in

(action) less (no) intent “where, around the

corner” puddles space drips escape fire aluminum ladders

dripping head (light) flash once brick line

engine (gone) idle (phantom) “down the”


tear 2,4

street (alley) roll out “to it” pizza chicken

locked in “t-shirt design black, says it.”

around back-in “white on black cross’d out” box

card board scratch arm under (bug) legs

in-between write (written) marker two links.


tear 1,1

standing toes stretch up down shoe top open

wrist (left) scratch reach’d between “this one

is pink” welts arm length (inner) bracelet special

(ly) attached “and this won’t hurt” strap

round emblem (x o) floor linoleum “past


tear 1,2

the nurse’s station, past” wall clock (over) box

boxes (stacked) extend’ tubing “right up to

the bag” stutter “um” rolling (it) back cart

food (another) forward “this isn’t sides, not”

pushed forward wall (wheel) rubber (caught)


tear 1,3

tear 1,3

argue (monologue) “the trail is” open room two (beds)

white shirt (s) “going uphill”” shutter (s)

open out window (where) knee out angle’d “to

the sunlight, come on” round/turn less oxygen

(more) toe lean (ing) “who?” TV


tear 1,4

tear 1,4

another room (lift’d up ) dropped “food?” trays plastic

fork & knife “it’s soup” frame’d (see)

(nothing) “not reductive” leg over pull knee pull

plastic bracelet wrist “another aspect” missed light

(up) absent (dull) bulb accent “out”