look'up'big belly't (yeah - 666poetry-finchnot - treble clef'less)
read(ing) bite (ed) seen’t doing do marks books (diction) ‘nary less definite like pull come(s) bitter’t pull play
for those that
for those that
feel compelled to comment in verse/(some form/no form) to what i'm
putting up on this blog... please do so. i would like(love)'ove
to re-use your ('erse/('ome 'orm)) in'a collaboration, as such
(whatever you can come up with (bless Masaccio)
shit/piss/lyrical crap/beautiful/hay(na)ku/anti-perspective(est)
fuck with me if'u wish (all in good f'un, eh?)
"they say harry's masturbating right now,"
cheers, hks
drop't'm'bowl (crescent
invert theory multicultural racism beyond class stratus wring cloud the moon signs jazz dis sonance plug'd up 'vert inveert theoory multiculturaal raciism beyoond claass stratuss wring cloud'd the moons signsss jazz(belllllow) dis sonaance plug'd upp 'v'v'vert'd (claass openss maail racissmm wet'ssss it's head(s) all around knuckle(s) ending(?s)) play it flavor'ed ruined don't breath speaking private riding on all lies(chair) less less less less less less