2nd and Rose
worth joy around 'ice adjusted wealth eating (en) 'way un
settled area (s) in difference 'othing 'teered price one eyeball
matter crushed by Jerzy K. the volunteer spooning soup as
coalescence (ed) rather (divided) "cream of mushroom, another cup will
you please?" on Rose on 2nd 'stimate "we don't want
to cross it" sleeve tugging can rattle supper (lament)
unsettled pricked concrete elbow burn healed (non) reckon (d)
"we dual on the moron we single on the
idiot, we deuce while blank it, quarter us suffer
us, please" 'alidate the security doors come down at
5pm wound(s) won't heal imitate infect (tion) intimate hearing
worth joy around 'ice adjusted to established area eat wealth (en) 'way (s) in substance eyeball price one difference 'othing 'teered jammed Jerzy K. the volunteer who gives the soup "cream it (divided) mushroom, one another will of coalescence (ed) rather cup, please?" Rose in "we of 'stimate don't wants 2nd to it" transversal line glove tows can rattling supper (lament) concrete burning pricked unsettled elbow healed (non) counts (d) "we double in moron we triple in idiot, we deuce when the blanks space, in dividing them suffers them, please" 'alidate the doors security come low wound(s) won't 5pm heal imitate infect (tion) hearing intimate