
Arcadia St. (lady of the angels)

identification slowly badge named (ing) wiped hand over "take despair" take emotion/love versus emotion/hate skipped turned eye (ing) sentence to word to letter to "screw you asshole and the other members of your" mother me overcome (d) as fire

to LAPD cruiser cutting into traffic out warning yellow/blue flash capture (ing) stand up this shotgun this hand gun this (whether) breathing "Miles Davis" chopping it up taping down until there/where 'till hunger reached (ing) back pocket to witness

the emblem identification slowly nominated (ing) the hand cleaned despair "of" take the taking emotion/love against emotion/hate jumped sentence turned eye (ing) to the word to letter to "screw asshole and the other members of your" it serves me mother surpass (d) as fire to the cut cruiser LAPD in traffic for is to warn flash yellow/blue (ing) is above this shotgun this injector hand this (if) "Miles breathing Davis" chopping what records above low until the hunger there/where 'till reached (ing) stops backwards the pocket witness

the emblem identification slowly nominated (ing) "of" cleaned hand desperation jumped sentence makes examination of emotion/love making examination meeting turned eye emotion/hate (ing) to the word letter to asshole "screw the other members of your" it serves that mother surpass (d) because the fire cruiser LAPD cut in traffic warn that yellow/blue flash (ing) is above this shotgun this hand injector this (if) "Miles, they breathe Davis" chopping records above low point until hunger there/where 'till to reach (ing) stops backwards the witness pocket


Arcadia St. (lady of the angels)

walking away lame toward to piss on our lady of the angels [exotic] glass stone yellow frank (ed) horror despair cathedral "off temple" yelling you CUNT faced mother & father purely in terms formal jacket "remarks after please" heel

grind toe rub consider ejaculate "but stop" ing sensed in four inches taped hard salt pitted rock not elliptical to parody (ed) fucked left fragment since turned again over "what time it?" act on subordinate after broken joint (ed)

absent lame walking to piss in our lady of temple "frank yellow glass rock [ exotic ]" off cathedral desperation horror of angels (ed) crying out CUNT it after faced in "remarks the purely formal mother & the father covering terms please" jump the RUB finger foot grind considers ejaculate stop "of" but the (ing) fragment in four counts recorded hard salt the elliptical rock pitted not for parody (ed) breaks up it "left formal since it?" excess another turned time time what act in the subordinate after the broken junction (ed)


Union Station (Cesar Chavez Ave.)

dust eats dirt organs decompose 'd introject 'd state ments do qua lity locate 'd

in penetration in stand out two much "these shells are very old" under hills over wheels yards derive 'd also discursive in

elemental in herent as to for matting 'd design to looking tested expect 'd

H rocks back'n forth gradual blowing wind not swallowed hair curls fingers soaked split motion pulled in absolute sub exist ordinate (ly)

the dust eats agencies dirt decompose ments state introject 'd makes lity of qua finds 'd in penetration stand for is two shields vary "these are very old" under the exceeding 'd wheels mounts the yards derive 'd discursive inside elemental inherent respect stop project matting 'd to look at tested wait 'd ahead gradual not curled fingers soaked waves hair wind rocks back'n H cracked movement absorbed pulled the absolute submarine inside exists commanded (ly)


Union Station (Cesar Chavez Ave.)

"remain then" four windows face clock over pointed H corner to corner since then 8 am stained knee pants drops yellow cast

thinking intestines food pissing shitting sitting thought stomach ache tense muscle spasm lower back belt dig since then left hip nerve to

toe(knee) paint brown station pocket knife related 'd where then immediate remaining matter 'd ordinary talk "in this obligation to it"

imposed imposing "say do you know?" it's one to five to five to six to two to five to one again convention speech eats


Union Station (Alameda St.)

"the collar is too tight," twice then speaking to two around a cart two involving composted item (ically)united on expecting "these images are so small, can we turn..." fingering bandaged digit one stamping out another to angle tilt

"god, fuck this attempt, you, you" H pulls out the 'salon' section and reading "this religion is criminal where sexual finance(ing) brings technology around the blue charcoal the medical 'fucking' sounds" shorter at least reduced by degree(s) in frequency (ies) pasted

"if no one is involved on this street," H lifts his head to look facing reading light(ing) that expectation nor imaged not nights in tents one hat hang three hooks each for an ear (ing) and the flatter nose

TOO TIGHT! struggling hand pushed against "indicating a dialectic the" lower back cognition 'nitive rule 'ploration less faith as a struggle to breathe away stressed the lines dug consist around organization recurring "you, you, stop this fucking attempt at" definition


Union Station (Alameda St.)

the face of the station is "remember our trip to San Diego last year?" two hats attention as br'kt 'ken collecting lovers little charity lot's between fingers cut away eaten be to present "hear you say, beer?" 'stant slivered another face (s)

regard' [hankies to noses] after before she said "I'm awake officer" inside the this ('shit isn't night') tents up lines strung 'surround sound in your backyard' a wheel is loose H grins "uh............" [to eye ball referents] forgetting (ed) (er)

shit isn't night "it works out" primary onto given constituted onto world 'there' in ranged & (ing) 'monic he let it (un) certain with any system of de-value 'anguage serving H is awake and smiling and happy "ummmmmmmmmmmm............" it's


Union Station (Alameda St.)

days after sunset driving set death "take this dramatic shift, from compelled, temporal poetic, dimensions" though't thick and fried on a griddle H grins "ah..." early March drizzle falls reaching up to unlock the gate "hey, boost'me up 'k?"

it's an elimination of sorted it's something positioned H hears BRICK book or "tell them it's ok to sit in the chairs, ok?" two indicate it without sound telling H to pull up his zipper 'romantic irony in trunks'

days later that for sun that driving "take adjusted death this dramatic displacement, poetical compelled, secular, dimensions" though't densely fried in one griddle H smiles "ah... " advanced falls drizzle March reach until unlock "hey door, boost'me above, 'k?" it's

one elimination it's classified something located H hears BRICK register is "tell well they it's to sit down chairs, ok?" two indicate it without H saying healthy pull top irony zipper 'romantic in trunks'


Union Station (Alameda St.)

Union put it aside coherence as station trains four 5 6 overshadow bit bit by wanting (sitting down) "love is a collection" (ed) H and a knife sitting hands razor thin slices (aesthete) along each finger from inside the knuckle

up: H hears Hancock "cantaloupe island" drops a'blood on the sidewalk [to dismissing] the officer a tall woman "can I help?" extend where sequenced(ing) ends of ending as commitment buried {lined up a path} "see it?" H remem(sentiment) bers rays

China town away from (quagmire ’d)


to the sky dived stands against sky stands layered it with other" finger grammar'd for fucker movement bus movement turns landing meeting to mixtures walls stands J one geometry not "point with its another one fucker" mother finger cars drive where it's asshole, mine" speak't mixtures form in one another isn't its, asshole" action spring of speak't through the street right Ord Yale defied with J's jumps in persecutions R excess another time J left right of Ord work stops spent on in new high clothes changes of St. J by drive fucker by drive buses turning its on 747 blends another geometry not one form absence not fucker" cars drive by busses drive 747 turning on its one form blends into another not geometry not absence spring action across street J's into (ing) chases R the J's springing into action (ing) chases R across the street left on Ord right on Yale back challenged work through ten habits spent over on new High St. J changes clothes again


China town away from (quagmire ’d)


spent over on new High St. J changes clothes again on spent over again high J changes new St. clothes left on Ord right on Yale back challenged work through ten habits habits on Ord left back Yale right work ten challenged through J's springing into action (ing) chases R across the street "mine isn't yours where mine isn't yours, asshole" to speak't spring action across street J's into (ing) chases R the "isn't mine yours isn't where yours asshole, mine" speak't to one form blends into another not geometry not absence grammar'd J says yelling "point with your other finger mother fucker" cars drive by buses drive 747 turning on its landing approach sky's layered street butts against J stands walls blends another geometry not one form absence not yelling "your mother point with finger other" grammar'd by drive fucker by drive busses turning its on 747 walls landing street butts J against sky layered stands


spent on in new high clothes changes of St. J another time in new clothes St. high changes you spend excess another time J left right of Ord work stops backwards blunt Yale with ten habits left back work ten right Ord Yale defied with J's jumps in persecutions R action (ing) through "mine isn't street it's where the mine isn't its, asshole" action spring of speak't through the street J's in (ing) pursues R the mine "isn't its isn't where it's asshole, mine" speak't mixtures form in one another absence grammar'd J geometry does not say to cry out "point with its another one fucker" mother finger cars drive for movement 747 buses turns butts dived sky's street approach landing meeting to mixtures walls stands J one geometry not an absence form not cry out the point mother "your with other" finger grammar'd for fucker movement bus movement turns its 747 walls that fill earth butts J street meeting to the sky dived stands against sky stands layered it


Little Tokyo (run out run in)

trance panic none malignant trapped in sense inner bad dogs "inner worse rats" raking setting down to other life (ing) forms (ing) splitting as enables is that's to saints raising a hand out of the sand "the word spelled

witch" on it! Rigid (ness) es 'gerated nor cohesive self attempting "R. Bradbury the present" setting to fault all to creatures: C sings "I can smell water I can smell" nicitate (ing) around another awkward 'parate disappearing water acting

s'natural changed stilling (ed) pickup your clothes wash the clothes wearing sisters (older than the 3rd oldest) "settling slowly upon the water(s)" altering "ya know?" bring those cuffs up/down sucking all dry C sings "millions and millions and millions"

the panic stresses malignant arrested "the worse" rats interns internal bad dogs direction gather to establish other life (ing) gives form (ing) crack as it allows is saints raise a hand sand "the spelled word witch" in it! (ness) es

rigid 'gerated nor self cohesive that tries "R. Bradbury" the current adjustment criticize everything creatures: C sings to me "can smell the water that I can smell" nicitate (ing) around another one act disappearing water of 'parate awkward collector (ed)

calming changed s'natural its laundering clothes that consumes sisters (older one than three others) "what if established, slowly in top of water(s)" she modifies "ya knows" cuffs brings those all up/down sucking dry C sings "millions and millions and millions"


Little Tokyo (run out run in)

watching from some trees (eugenia) knees to shoes index middle index middle indexmiddle [vampires/whores/dogs] middle index index middle in stigmatic (ized) "lids on the sewer might blow, lids on the sewer might blow tonight" two leaves singing sing

'absolving all' blinking from far down 6th not near not current scratching zealed ability word word word word word word(s) word word achieving (ed) not near enough in 'thenic 'alse 'unned C turns the cart over wheels down wheels revile(ing)

giving attention knees of some trees (eugenia) indexmiddle that average average index index low shoes [whores vampires/ /dogs] the half medium index index (ized) in "covers stigmatic in sewer could cast, covers sewer could cast today night" two leaves sing

sing 'absolving all' blinking distant penalty close scratching out current zealed word word words word word word word word ability that obtains (ed) not close to sufficient in 'alse 'thenic 'unned returns that C the car wheel for softly revile(ing)


Little Tokyo (run out run in)

"what rules?" dis -o- ciate it can be alter (ed) it/what? "in this one material" a building a question(s) siren "like the moon over the LA river" diesel one after one after: N's hand is numb out acting 'chogenic order

(ed) in gray paint striping over two eyes under spray (ed) hearing from behind not hearing sensing not 'nesia 'nomic (ed) inter-aroused (al) "what rules" turning around a billboard contaminate (ed) "within my secrecy I wait for you" obediently isolated

"that rulers" dis - ciate - o it can be modifies (ed) it/what? "in this a material" a building one siren of question(s) "as the moon on diesel one river of LA" after one after that: hand N's is order 'chogenic acting (ed)

in striping cinereous painting two eyes under hearing spray (ed) behind hearing sense not 'nomic the not 'nesia inter-arousal (ed) "the rulers" turn around one billboard contaminate "within secrecy" (ed) "that I wait" isolated obediently to for it you (ed)