, Hamlet farting smiling and all/or
Diagram of Landing IV
H lacerates hand with a razor blade and bleeds that the richness in the observed minute then another time another time to one cognate to one "birth put it put it generally" looking at H around it singing in the street in the street one another
Telemachus one wild other fuck(er) shown mother who dances assisting(ed) night to negotiate droppings pigeon or obscenities crying out of the hawk
no 'DASH' in the back part
"of Spanglish Cuba Cuban you asshole" screaming oh, you say(s) unhappiness of the word conditional is marked by the lack lack of alertness minute to draft updates in mine embolism-ism-ism
pulmonary of death be-it of the mother reached and emitted to a diverse street to informing(ed) to sing walking of men "slaying its tender slaying its porters, when waiting, loot of wait when waiting?" isn't waked up H not now none to know this isn't
the second time that happened(ing) it's under the aluminum awning it piled up boxes a soft hand of bandage(ed) to be worried on as to describe connected in the light of day of history(ical) to involve two eyes a count of a card none-exist(ent)
none of return concrete of the entropy of dark(end) (if you look at above)
Diagram of Landing IV
H lacerates his hand with a razor blade and bleeds it's fortune in the minute noticed then again again to one cognate to another "birth put it commonly put it to" looking H around the corner onto 3rd street
"thrown into the street" another Telemachus another shown crazy mother fuck(er) dancing the night assisting(ed) to deal a droppings pigeon or falcon screaming obscenities on the 'DASH' in Spanglish "go back to Cuba you asshole Cuban" oh, you say
say unhappiness is conditioned marked by lack of alertness lack of minute to minute updates on my mother's death by pulmonary embolism-ism reached and sent to 4th street to informing(ed) several men walking singing, "slaying your suit
slaying your boots, while waiting, waiting for loot while waiting" H isn't awake not now no knowing this isn't the second time it's happened(ing) under the aluminum awning he has stacked boxes a tender bandage(ed) hand
worrying about how to describe engaged in history(ical) daylight to involve two eyes one inch from a cardboard no-exist(ent) concrete dark(end) entropy (if it you look up) returning no
Diagram of Landing III
engaged(ing) activity repeat it(ing) "I don't care how juicy they are - already nough" a H whispers "will you take this/these ants?" with the house it/they live(s) in
tents put up red deep black rope pulling since complexity electric bulbs hung(ing) hanging to somnia-manic sleep gently however consumed hammered-ing Ceravno and Astra dancing around tapping a hat explosive brim run run run run run
"take my hand, take my arm I'll take you to the sea"
"my hand take are take my arm to the sea to take"
H rocks back once forward the soup sign reads Circe around a circle painted red [faint-ing spread sausage in order by length] width staked attached nuts bolts pole run run run run run
did she say epistemological eatery engaging-ed activities re-re-repeated it not well done enough an Aretha hand slides over the counter "I say Franklin was my man" kite & key that's what we'll be-iac
Diagram of Landing II
to choose above the waiting of the garbage another time H: the puncture of hydrant of fire opens comes to is one eyeball 'reading, absorbed land intuitively one pushed(ing)' that it leaves to fall the random jumps secure on the ground H eyeball of accident plurality 'safe damage' that is eyes H eyeball of function of gut = an only guttural eyeball attack/incursion of 6879432 when back stages H had reached for eyes of paper stage composition to cover girls not only one another algorithm "baby, oh, baby" not to be that the perception of push-ups that toeing lightly around the great time of I sing of the Grand Street after raised in another way scripted empty eyeball H in consequently
Diagram of Landing II
picking up trash again H waits: fire hydrant hole opens out comes an eyeball 'reading, absorbed an intuitively pushed(ing)' ground dropping a plurality accident not random eyeball spits H jumps 'secure from harm' it's a gut function guttural = 6879432 eyeball eyes H single eye attack/incursion? when steps back H has reached for paper eyeball stages makeup to cover girls not just another algo-rhythm "baby, oh" except push-ups perception toeing lightly around the corner Grand Street tense past other-wise raised scripted eyeball H empty in a therefore
Diagram of Landing I
once juncture stepping lavatory cutting soap "hanging the bar over the faucet, high"
scrap nails air beauty spray
gutters swept brushed hair
other than the
vacant lot T is
freezing and screaming
Japanese insults at pedestrians "oh, just missed medication, blah, blah, blah, blah"
a time soap of the cut of lavatory to step on of juncture "that it hangs the bar on faucet, rise"
the scrap iron nails to the spray of the beauty
of air the gutters had swept the hair brushed to the exception
of the crowds vacant T is congeal(ing) herself and to cry out insults at
Japanese pedestrians "oh, medication lacked just, blah, blah, blah, blah"
Cahuenga IV
of wide ideas pupils the
historicize it – take some 'language' put in a bowl add water and salt and egg whites: buses are rolling again what does E think/say the environment within the rolling thick exhaled glance stare(ed) stops talk
distressed personal absence restricted in someone's ability "people of France" E removes his clothes and becomes Canadian not caring not relieved not knowing(n) seat neighbor moves away "pushing don't push So hard" wide pupils wide ideas talk
ideas pupils of the wide
historicize take some "language" position in a source bowl adds the targets of the water and the salt and the egg: buses is rolling again what does and think/say the atmosphere within densely exhaled charged it
of the shutdowns of stare(ed) of the look of the balance the personal absence caused sorrow restricted in the people of the capacity of someone's of France and acquittal its clothes and gets to be Canadian
taking care of them neighboring movements released of the seat of knowing(n) next(to) pushing does not push(so) hardly of don't to move it ample of the
Cahuenga III
individual leading in to an ethic of love "of love in me and me" E bites her middle finger left hand curled around arthritis little finger says to middle finger "respect me, others of otherness-ing" don't
provide frame when works insist Kant on ethical people problems don't mean youthem "oh love ethic" singing under plastic/ nylon sheets turn it over subjective singular plural-ity difference movement(o) "oh god help me" this aching aes-the-tic
solar attacks solace attacking "G wants hot cocoa" continuous recording forward to a destination a passing by of stores on Temple movement advance implementing 'modern' spread over elevation causing vertigo E says "projecting myself-self to you to-you you"
"my love ethic" dancing dance around me as around portable toilets naked E lusts-a a-power a-pole a fragment(o) thought(s) turning ignoring "love ethic is mine" asserting the bus forward without methane or diesel nor "the ethic of love"
individual leading inside to the a-ethical of the love "of the love in me and me" and E bites her left hand of the wary average finger around the arthritis that little finger says "to don't" of the otherness-Ing-Ing
of the average finger "respects me, another one" supplies the frame when the works insist Kant on it youthemyou ethical of the "ethics of the way it don't them problems the peoples of the love, oh" that they sing under the return
of plastic nylon of levies the excess that movement(o) subjective singular of the "god of the difference of plural-ity oh me aided" this aching aes-the-tic continuous writing of attacked of the hot cocoa of solace solar of attacks "G wants" onward to a destination a ticket close to the store
in executing advanced of the movement of Temple 'modern' the exceeding rise of the propagation that cause(s) the vertigo and says "to project myself-myself-self to it a-you you" of the "dances dancing my ethics of the love" around me as around
the undressed a-polar region of the a-power of lusts-a-ssuming of the portable toilets and one thought(s) of fragment(o) that it turns the ignorance of the one "of ethics love is mine" that affirms the onward busing without methane or diesel nor "the ethics of the love"
Cahuenga II
LADOT is running and is cheaper no visual cues not to E it's a figurative running the wind from a fly attempting to land hisher hand some seats reclined some to highlow to sit is
E says "the unconscious is re-structured, a chicken wire under a lathe & plaster(pale light red yellow)ed" repeat associations versus representations-pre buses blued striped boxes bound away the fires fire smoked into wind isn't
fuck fragments "let it flow like a river past Glendale" not St. Louis although (big syllable words) no smell to go and "why does he believe it's a lavatory?" that won't stop the bus it's a visible process isn't it
is conventional transportation whichthat disrupted down Cahuenga updown Temple to Benton & steps off and sits down on a bench (a bench assumption) not even a flux as you pull out a previous thinking and tie it to
LADOT is functioning and is cheaper no visual suggestions not it and that the wind of a fly is a figurative corridor that tries to fill with earth the hand of hisher some seats had reclined some to highlow if to seat they are
and says "unconscious re-structured, a wire of the hen under a lathe & red clearly of plaster(pale yellow)ed" the associations of repeat(ing) against peeled boxes blued of the buses of representative-pre limit moved away the bound(ed) that
the fire smoked in the wind is not the fragments of the fuck "had left it to flow as a river after Glendale" St. Louis even so (great words of the syllable) none I do not smell to go and "why it believes it is one lavatory"
this will not stop the bus that is a visible process is not it is whichthat conventional of the transport disrupted below Temple of updown of Cahuenga the Benton & the stages are and sit down for low in a bank (an assumption of the bank)
not leveling a flow while you remove to think precedent and mooring cable the a
Cahuenga I
E asks "what did I read?" one shoe one bare foot concept are not inadequate contradictions do not lead to a more ad-e-quate-ness left foot toes black it's all all all gray while sliding to
what what what? Temperature it's not finished now not failure is it coherent? is it finite? "oh god please hold my head in your hands" E lifts his left foot up then his right foot up
this bus no handicap services "mother fucking bus driver are idiots" and unceasing lined up ant hills ants with little books 'Oedipus book, libido book' the noise above: whir whir whir whir whir whir whir whir whirwhirwhirwhirwhirwhirwhirwhirwhir
baked finally the bread temperature turning/ed
"pencils in my hand red clouds hovering blue sky bands Jesus is a helicopter fluttering Over"
E's head up staring into the whirring a real itty itty itty built up with yakking yakking whirring around windows whirring to reflection whirring windows around E
Van Nuys/Victory - 2
-the bus winds winding up Lankershim past Universal past Barham over the hills and into West Hollywood E weeps and walks singing "gotta get back, back gotta get to Cahuenga" crazy bug flying at -lights formation jet clouds pink and blue October dropping things dropping other things E sits and naps: the pain the lower right/left neck to shoulder pencils dancing dancing to Cole Porter drop it drop -bang klang crash splat splat bang ding dong crash splat E hears it the dropping the bus stopping the wheels popping eyes see smell it patterns dialectical conflict methane fumes as crash like splat as bang -crash klang bang splat band ding crash crash bang dong E still hears "it" dropping bus stop while wheels turning eyes popping smells see "it" still not changing not change "ya, can't wiggle into synthesis" portrayed as2.1
the bus rolls the rolling up above of Lankershim after Universal after the Barham on mounts and in Hollywood occidental person and weeps and walks wild flight of the error to sing "started to start stops backwards, started it stops backwards starting the Cahuenga" in clouds of the spurt of the formation of the rose lights and the things leaving to fall blue of October that leave to fall others things and sit down and naps: pain the throat lowest of right/left to push the pencils that dance dancing to the drop of porter of Glue the drop splat and of the electric noise of dong of ding of the boom of splat of splat of the electric noise of klang of the boom it hears it to leave to fall the bus that for the wheels the land the eyes for seeing I smell that dong shaped emanations dialectical of methane of the conflict as the electric noise as splat as the boom and of the boom of the electric noise of the electric noise of ding of the band of splat of the boom of klang of the electric noise it still hears "--" the jamb of bus leaving to fall when the wheels that they turn the eyes that "ya wiggle while it still turns it" not to change not it "change portrayed cannot wiggle in the synthesis" as it as
Van Nuys/Victory - 1
the park has trash cans trash and cans sometimes both out of the pocket forward in jeans coins of both the the park park cans of trash sometimes cans of clothing cloth clothes of
E thinks: there is a reason to reason where be here B thinks "oh, guardian, uh, you?" which one which of the two the two mother father the behind car hiding rear tire one right
three left in the/the in market lot parking of power versus power external/internal re-pressed? "what the hell do you think you are doing?" an LAPD cruiser blue uniform screams E steps back onto onto and
pay attention to the concrete surrounding the street the curb the flashing yellow lights mother and father and son and murdered one over the encourage-ment the cans cans park park cans of sometimes cloth clothing of clothes
Los Angeles & 3rd - 3
let's shift our attention from questions to process an internal dialogue to outward world viewed un-effects of boiling rumination bad/good it's an answer from a future respecting the where the when-it the why-it the
how the skin reacts to direct sunlight hours eight of also dead touching forth-blood spurting again again arms crossed over E is concerned looking nails finger no nails no heal ing refusing help to need which
let's outer world changes of position our attention of questions to process an internal dialogue to the seen e-affects to boil it's of broods bad/good an answer to respect of the future where when-he why
-he how the skin reacts to direct hours eight of the light of the sun of the stirring ahead-blood also died that forth gushes again again the arms and excessive crossed-ing it talks about that that the
finger of the nails watches no nails no cure the ing who rejects aid to need which
Los Angeles & 3rd - 2
son of Minos the simile a cow of spots three dead vat large hat in/of snakes eating herbs living along a chain link fence today "I'll trade you two cigarettes for a needle and thread" what intention reference you countered less of allowing
nets over character as power as science as pants in hand asking Hector returns to Troy fuck this that or E looks old today "I'm tired" locations: school factory prison trains run out to Pasadena
and Thetis warns B "you know those shoes?" yes those red joined street routing Trojans running across to the Mission running back with a toothbrush "wanna trade?" wanna legitimize practice mention that we are dancing tonight
de-centralized internal-ized restraint "pray me a new doggy, pray me" don't let me die honey not tonight wake me doggy pray me tonight as E sleeps no in knife-ing back slice death to bleed death to sliced