
6th and Spring - Fall

Derrida stood up after breakfast and fainted � keep escape assist calf loss: sloppy ways in feeding anyone above five the crusty end is buttered up 'you' help yourself toit to it. Wayne Shorter blew it out the tiller the rudder functions like this. Can only hear the tags moving around the body of each myth focused into a dozen stories nails arcane fitted nose something water water water soap � oration broadened out flat "say, do you want to write something together?" you know noisy southern Mexico study clothes purple without the viewing before burial the yellow washed walls the darkdark room below the alter 6x6 footfoot wooden planks. H says, "next we we will bring the the bricks in in, the fences are are done the foundation is is poured." Poured into a tea cup earl gray after 10 minutes (too long) emptied into the sink a full cup of rancid teatea (too long)