

don't be troubled, dear" plate fork spoon plastic chair address 'gonisms kind er in power changed 'mination 'uction "losing a jacket, wind" 'garies 'etic(va) "dad?" an

historical halves within 'ov alert change "say 'fuck you,' to contain ed expansive mean" ing restricted 'ferenc es "we can share this need le" suitable us inter

pret "oh, opacity, cheek us up" one corner two blocks away (cleaning) "you called them 'porto-potties'" when each sentence reaches toe shoe toe once bound (loseit) chosen't

socks? street cleaning no light stopped cer tain [there that] sock linings clearly pushing pulling ('ushing) 'pand vocab' 'lary com mon "my shoe, now my shoe, oh"

don't either bothered, dear" plastic type address 'gonisms chair spoon pitchfork plate in power changed 'mina tion 'uction that "losing an covering, wind" "dad?" 'garies

'etic(va) historical halves inside change alert 'fuck "say 'ov you, 'to contain mean" expansive ed "we restrict ed 'ferenc es can share this" necessity appro

priate enter "oh pretty o pacity, mordant we up" one "you absent blocks it sings two (cleanness) called them 'porto-potties'" when each sentence to reach finger foot

(loseit) chosen't an limited time low shoe finger foot socks? street that not clean no light stopped linings sock there [that] they push clearly pul ling ('ushing) 'pand vocab' low

shoe "my with shoe 'lary, now my low shoe, oh"

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